Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 College pranks Notes hazing problems at other colleges; recounts several instances of hazing at ISNS.
2 Tommy Jones Tommy Jones, the Normal Eyte business manager, is encouraging the fast payment of subscriptions.
3 Veatch, the photographer Alumnus William Veatch supplied the society hall photos for the newspaper.
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4 The parcel post is being agitated with a good deal of persistence Believes that Congress should approve a parcel post system.
5 Triangular debate The Aristos, Orios, and Philos are preparing for their triangular debate.
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6 Neo-Chresto Hall Neo-Chresto Hall; photo.
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7 Music Notes
Fullerton--Charles Alexander (Class of 1890; Music Faculty)
Describes the various music magazines available.
8 Training; some viewpoints in the teaching of Arithmetic
Bender--Wilbur H. (Classes of 1886 and 1890; Education Faculty)
An extensive article on ways to teach arithmetic.
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# Article Article Summary
9 Clio-Orio Hall Clio-Orio Hall; photo.
10 Zeta-Ossoli Hall The Zeta-Ossoli Hall was listed as the Clio-Orio hall in last week's photo.
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11 Epworth too speedy; takes Normal into camp in a fast game Epworth Seminary defeated I. S. N. S., 34-15.
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# Article Article Summary
12 Anna Cunningham Has been engaged in grade work in West Des Moines for seven years.
13 Beatrice Weller Is in New York continuing her studies.
14 Blanche Riggs Is working in Mason City.
15 Catherine Kyle Began working in the primary department of the Glenwood schools.
16 Clara B. Whitmore Is a physician in Cedar Rapids.
17 E. E. Rall Is studying at Teacher's College, Columbia, New York.
18 Frank R. Willis Is professor of criminal law at University of Southern California.
19 Good reports of the work of Helen Clute Is instructor in English in Winona, Minnesota.
20 Grace McKean Visited Normal on her way to Wyoming, Iowa.
21 Hannah Houghton Is high school teacher in Sanborn; Sara Whitfield has assistant's work there.
22 Information has been received The wife of Clarence J. Burrell has died.
23 Jessie Cunning Teaches in Clarinda.
24 Kate McDonald Is high school principal in Greene.
25 Lura Bidlack and Abbie Laughlin Are teaching in Cedar Rapids.
26 Mamie and Alice Vaala Are teaching in Livermore.
27 Maud Nelson Is assistant principal in New Hartford.
28 News of the death of Hanna Jensen Died in October.
29 Susie Hemenway Is working in the East Waterloo High School.
30 The many friends of S. A. Potts His health has improved to allow him to return to work in Keokuk County.
31 The marriage of Miss Blanche Lane and Mr. Henry Boldt Occurred on December 21, 1904.
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32 George W. Fissel Died on October 24, 1904, after a long illness.
33 The Republican of Belivdere, IL. Alyce Kelley and Harold Edger were married.
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# Article Article Summary
34 College Exchanges
Campbell--Amy Hart (Student--1904)
Excerpts from other college newspapers.
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# Article Article Summary
35 Bible Study; Sunday, February 5, 1905--edited by Ira S. Condit
Condit--Ira S. (Mathematics Faculty)
Lesson XVIII. The United Kingdom--Saul B. C. 1095-1055
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# Article Article Summary
36 Alpha The Alphas held a "Faculty Program".
37 Ossoli New officers were elected at the recent meeting.
38 Zeta Presented Mexican program.
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39 Agnes Field Has returned to school.
40 Alice King Was at home Tuesday due to her mother's illness.
41 Aristo Describes the events of the recent Aristo meeting.
42 Edna Aldrich Visited Toledo on Sunday.
43 Gladys Kaye Was out of school last week due to illness.
44 Grace Owens Enjoyed a visit from her brother on Sunday.
45 Irwin Martin Has been confined to his home by an illness.
46 Joye Frye Has been sick with pleurisy.
47 Lucy Haines Has been sick for two weeks.
48 Lura Snyder Was ill Friday.
49 Maude Sweitzer Spent the weekend in Hudson.
50 Miss Pierce Was out of school Wednesday due to an illness.
51 Nellie Bragonier Is again in school after an illness.
52 Nettye Hayes Is in school after suffering from tonsillitis.
53 Philo New officers were elected.
54 Prof. Eaman Was called home due to the death of his brother.
55 Roy Hoats Visited Normal on Friday.
56 Verna Hallowell Spent several days in Waterloo.
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# Article Article Summary
57 Among the new books lately placed on the shelves "The Historian's History of the World" and "The Burton Holmes Lectures" are now in the library.
58 An accident occurred Street railway cars collided at the corner of 23rd and Normal streets; no one was hurt.
59 Carl Abel Has been called to the Dan Wiler home due to his wife's illness.
60 Ellen Kirkpatrick Was the guest of Ruth Davison.
61 Etta Thomas Is sick with small pox.
62 Margaret Brown Was called home to Ireton due to her mother's illness.
63 Mary Williamson Her mother came from Cedar Rapids to spend time with her.
64 Maude Southerland Is in school again after a week's absence.
65 Miss Ellis Stopped to see Jessie Stewart.
66 Miss Woodward Visited Normal.
67 Mr. Bloodgood Visited Normal looking for primary teachers.
68 Pres. Seerley Has been gone for the week inspecting colleges.
69 Prof. and Mrs. Newton Entertained the Baptist choir.
70 Ruth Davison Her sister Elizabeth is sick with typhoid fever.
71 Some of the Epworth boys Remained over Friday to visit the various departments.
72 The Special Primary girls Elected Katherine Stichter, Eunice Calkins, and Esther Fitzsimmons as officers.
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73 February 4th at the Opera House "Ghosts" by Henrick Ibsen will be performed.
74 Greek was the nature of the program given by the Alphas Provides a description of the recent program.
75 Jessie Box Was the guest of Carrie Haines.
76 Lou Watson Accepted a position as third grade position in the East Waterloo schools.
77 Miss Carrie Conway Is a visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Hammock
78 Miss Paddock Was a visitor of the Normal Y. M. C. A.