Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 New plans and new work; rapid growth of school makes necessary a readjustment of the courses offered Introduction of new courses in manual training, domestic science, and kindergarten make adjustment of existing curricula and degrees necessary; extensive description of the modifications.
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2 Ames has submitted Ames has submitted the question that will be used for the Ames-Normal debate; will debate question of closed shops.
3 Sun spots, Jack Frost, and the fire fiend Humorous speculation on the relationship of sunspots to several local fires.
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4 "Easy come easy go" This proverb describes why certain students fail to get involved outside of the classroom.
5 Debating League constitution revised A new section has been added to the Debating League's constitution concerning the use of the library; league will notify librarian about upcoming debate topics.
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6 Training; topics, methods, devices in arithmetic teaching
Bender--Wilbur H. (Classes of 1886 and 1890; Education Faculty)
Article describes ways to teach arithmetic to fourth grade students.
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# Article Article Summary
7 Carolyn Rall Is a high school teacher in Washington, Iowa.
8 Dr. Thom. McManus Was host at a banquet in Waterloo honoring his brother Captain George H. McManus.
9 Edna M. Windolf Is a high school assistant in Center Point.
10 Grace Lambert Is not enrolled in classes this winter.
11 H. G. Loonan Will be working in the lumber business in Madison, Nebraska.
12 Ida Marshall Is in the second primary department of the Parkersburg schools.
14 Iva Lamb Is in charge of fifth grade in Grundy Center.
15 J. L. McLaughlin Is working as a missionary in the Philippine Islands for the Methodist Episcopal Church of Cedar Falls.
16 Joe Adams Is working in Spokane, Washington.
17 Kittie Howard Is at home in Auburn, Iowa.
18 L. A. Wescott Was married to Agnes Bell.
19 Leigh Robinson Is working in Chicago for Sears, Roebuck, and Company.
20 M. R. Timmerman Is principal of the Wall Lake Schools.
21 Margaret Young Is in sixth grade work at Tipton.
22 Morton E. Weldy Graduated from Harvard law school and works in a law firm in Des Moines.
23 Mr. and Mrs. David Gilmore Mabel Gilmore married Nathan Theo Bradley.
24 Olive S. Dickerson Is a teacher in Belmond.
25 This is the fifth year Lydia Tostlebe is working in New Hartford.
26 W. W. Coates Is principal of the schools in La Verne, California.
# Article Article Summary
13 Ida Strawn Spoke to the teachers of the Kindergarten Department.
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27 Casper Schenk Received military honors for special excellence in military drill and tactics during his courses at the University of Iowa; will continue his studies at Harvard University with a scholarship.
28 The shadow of a great sorrow Dexter Dane died.
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29 Notes on Music
Fullerton--Charles Alexander (Class of 1890; Music Faculty)
Professor Fullerton outlines the need for cooperation between public school music teachers and professional musicians.
30 Repertoire classes organize Members of Professor Pierce's repertoire classes have developed a club.
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# Article Article Summary
31 College Exchanges
Campbell--Amy Hart (Student--1904)
Excerpts from other college newspapers.
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# Article Article Summary
32 Bertha Humbert Is moving to California with parents.
33 Blanche Howe Has given up teaching due to illness.
34 Clara Seller Is teaching in Boulder, Colorado.
35 Ginevra Cessna Will graduate from Los Angeles Normal.
36 Helen Fenner Has taken a job in Des Moines.
37 Jessie Bough Resigned position to take work in Neola.
38 Lawrence Eddy Is new Y. M. C. A. secretary.
39 Miss Mabel Smith Is taking a job at Glenwood.
40 Mrs. Blanche Burch Hunt Is now a housekeeper.
41 Sadie Harner Is teaching in Cedar Rapids.
42 Salome Van Winkle Continues to study in Chicago.
43 The Morningside Year Book Mentions former student Warren Panton.
44 Will Gates Is principal at Coggon schools.
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45 The Boarding Club Woman's Song A poem from the State Normal Bulletin of Emporia, Kansas.
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46 Eda Johnson Visited Ida Marschall.
47 Edna Ervin Is sick with pleurisy.
48 Ida Strawn Visited chapel.
49 Lillian Hansen Has returned and recovered from scarlet fever.
50 Margaret O'Connor Went home to Winthrop.
51 Maud Lamb Is having eye problems.
52 Miss Anna Wiler Is sick, possibly with appendicitis.
53 Norma Green Visited her home in Reinbeck
54 Pearl Hanawalt Enjoyed visit from her mother.
55 Philo The Philos gave their Mock Chapel program.
56 Rozella Humphrey Visited home in Van Horne.
57 Ruth Davison Visited home in Waterloo.
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# Article Article Summary
58 Bessie Ruth Davison Will finish year, but will not return in fall.
59 Carrie Knipe Is sick with a sore throat.
60 Cora Norman Visited family.
61 Ethel Agnes Edwards Worked at library.
62 Ethel Nauman Returned home after spraining ankle.
63 In honor of Dick Fullerton A celebration was held.
64 Inez MacKenzie Spent weekend in Hazelton.
65 Jennie Glancy Returned after a bout with tonsillitis.
66 Jess Mantle Is helping in library.
67 Lillian Bowers Is ill.
68 Miss Falkler's reading class Presented a recital.
69 Miss Rich Has left school due to illness.
70 Mr. McIntyre Visited Elma Overmire.
71 Mrs. Brown Visited daughter, Jannette.
72 Mrs. Jacobs Visited daughter, Elizabeth.
73 Nellie Rhodes Spent Saturday with her mother.
74 Pearl McCaffree Injured herself in gym.
75 Prof. Eaman Visited home in Detroit.
76 Several of the Y. M. C. A. boys Attended a state convention.
77 Wednesday afternoon A recital was given at the chapel.
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78 In accordance with their usual custom, the Neos gave a delightful reception. Alice Perkins, Jessie Farlow, and Elsie Rhode served lunch at the recent reception.
79 In accordance with their usual customs Neo society inducts new members.
80 Last Saturday evening Clios host banquet for Orios.
81 Last Saturday evening the Clios gave a banquet The Clios gave a banquet to their brother Orios.
82 The tenth number of the Lecture Course Concert featured Drake Concert Company.