Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
2 A sensible change in the Iowa law A new law is being proposed that will provide teacher certification by the state so a teacher can teach in any county in Iowa.
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# Article Article Summary
3 Alice Barger Will teach in Milford another year.
4 Bertha Elinthorpe Taught in Neola and expects to return to Normal for summer term work.
5 Ella Akers' Has been re-elected to teach at Kinross.
6 Excellent reports Alma Jones is teaching at Stuart.
7 Florence Umbarger Is teaching at East Waterloo schools.
8 Lucy Lytle Is teaching this spring near Kinross.
9 Mildred Morgan Is doing well at Randolph schools and will remain another year.
10 Repertoire Club recital; Romeo and Juliet and David Garrick presented; the Club, assisted by Orchestra, present plays in a masterly way The recent dramatic productions of the Repertoire Club were a great success.
11 Stella O'Reilly Has been re-elected at Logan schools.
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12 Anna and Margaret Lundby Are teaching at Corley.
13 Fannie Hopkins Is teaching at Walker schools.
14 Genevieve Flynn Is teaching near Allison.
15 Gertrude Bell Was married to Edward Burns last fall.
16 Leah Madsen Is teaching at Avoca.
17 Lucy Elwell Is teaching near La Porte.
18 Nettie McBurney Is teaching at Jefferson.
19 Normal Eyte-Annual, Order Card A card to be returned for the purchase of an annual.
20 Rae Baker Moved to Grand Junction, Colorado, and her health has improved greatly.
21 State University track meet here Saturday A track meet will be held against Iowa on Saturday.
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22 Ada Montgomery Is recovering from a bout of pneumonia.
23 After an illness The Reverend Daniel Sheffer died.
24 After three years' service Melvin Fayram will be working in Clarence, Iowa.
25 Albert W. Graham Has been re-elected principal of Crawfordsville schools.
26 An error appeared Lucretia Eighmey is not teaching in Cresco; she is actually teaching in Duluth.
27 Anna Philpot Is teaching in Chicago and has returned to Cedar Falls for vacation.
28 Blanche Perry Is now married to Clinton Brown and has two children.
29 Christine Thoene Is working in Dubuque.
30 Forest C. Ensign Has written an article for the Iowa Alumnus entitled, "The University and the High School."
31 Gertrude Graham Is teaching in West Des Moines.
32 Grace E. Potwin Is living in Independence and was a visitor here last week.
33 H. E. Blackmar Has been re-elected as superintendent of schools in Iowa Falls.
34 Helga Jacobson Is an instructor at Waldorf College.
35 J. L. Packer Will be head of Danville schools.
36 J. O. Johnson Came to Cedar Falls for the funeral of N. H. Harris.
37 James Daughton Will be starting his third year at Pierson.
38 Margaret Hardie Is teaching at Slater.
39 Minnie M. Abell Is teaching at Ida Grove.
40 Paul F. Voelker Was an instructor at the Ida County institute.
41 Sedona Fesenbeck Will be principal at Humboldt again next year.
42 Zoe Britton Has been re-elected at Nashua.
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# Article Article Summary
43 Allan Peterson Has been re-elected as principal of Randolph schools.
44 At the annual election Several alumni are elected to positions at Iowa schools.
45 Prin. C. E. Cavett's good services Cavett has been re-elected to his position.
46 The April number of Midland Schools Compliments for graduates of I. S. N. S.
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# Article Article Summary
47 College Exchanges
Campbell--Amy Hart (Student--1904)
Excerpts from other college newspapers.
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# Article Article Summary
48 Training; study of school environment, nature study, or elementary agriculture (part IV)
Bender--Wilbur H. (Classes of 1886 and 1890; Education Faculty)
Describes the purposes and aims in this education movement.
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# Article Article Summary
49 Chresto Presented Easter program.
50 Neo Provides a recap of the recent program.
51 Ossoli Presented Irish program.
52 Zeta Programs that were presented at the recent Zeta meeting.
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53 Aristo Provides a recap of the recent Aristo meeting.
54 Charley and Ella Murphy Visited the Normal last Friday.
55 Elizabeth Lamberty and Maude Southerland Visited friends in Waterloo last weekend.
56 Grace Strayer Stayed with her parents on Friday.
57 Jennette Leister Visited home on Sunday.
58 Leonard Towle Went home last week.
59 Miss Moore Has been helping in the office due to the absence of Miss Zillin.
60 Misses Turner and Tooley Visited Normal friends Sunday.
61 Mrs. Able and her daughter Are the guests of Anna Wiler.
62 Mrs. Robert Fullerton Spent the weekend with her sister.
63 Robert Fullerton Went to Chicago on business last weekend.
64 Winifred Muhs Enjoyed a visit from Jennie McCoy.
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# Article Article Summary
65 A great many of the students Several annuals are being ordered cloth bound for a very reasonable price.
66 Among those who have secured positions Three students have received jobs.
67 Ariel Parish Visited his brother in Iowa City.
68 Eda Johnson Visited her friend Ida Marschall in Ackley.
69 James Ehret Attended field meet last Saturday.
70 Mabel Parish Came from Waverly.
71 Miss Ada Rock Visited her friend Pearl Hayden.
72 Miss Baker Has returned from her trip to California.
73 Miss Carl Was at the library Saturday collecting information for a thesis.
74 Miss Childs Received a nice visit from her sister.
75 Misses Ethel Lovitt and Elsie Chantry Returned after a visit home.
76 Mr. and Mrs. Morrison Have both enrolled in school.
77 Mr. Haas Was absent from school Monday due to a cold.
78 Mr. Newton Went on a botanical trip Friday afternoon.
79 Mr. Sheakley Visited here on Monday.
80 Mrs. Fullerton Visited her sons, Charles and Robert.
81 Nelle Hardin Has been elected a teacher in a Montana school.
82 One pleasing bit Annual will feature word picture of campus created by Jennette Carpenter.
83 The most complete set of pictures Will be used in the annual.
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84 Dr. McGurk Led the invitation service; follow-up to earlier revival meetings.
85 Friday Miss Hughes Entertained Phi Delta Kappa members with a dinner.
86 Lillian Bowers Will move with her parents to Spokane, Washington.
87 The popular thing to do Dozens of students are getting their pictures taken for the Normal Eyte Annual.
88 Thursday a party About twenty students attended a Wagner opera in Cedar Rapids.
89 Word has been received State secretary of the Y. W. C. A will visit.