Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Normal wins annual debate; Normal debating team wins victory over Ames team--have won seven out of ten contests from Ames
Todd--Thomas W. (English Faculty)
Team composed of Charles Mantle, John Cherny, and Deforest Ferris wins.
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2 Successfully coaches first team Praise for Professor Todd, who coached the debate team to victory over Ames.
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3 Our faculty not (?) guilty ISNS faculty tend to dismiss class on time, but that is not true at some other schools.
4 Penn, 12; Normal, 6; Pell's plucky eleven lose to Penn's portly twelve Normal loses to Penn, 12-6; account of the game.
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# Article Article Summary
5 The Lenora Jackson Concert Co. Performance preview.
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6 Training; the subject and the pupil, nature as a prominent window of the soul
Bender--Wilbur H. (Classes of 1886 and 1890; Education Faculty)
Discusses using more nature study in the classroom.
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# Article Article Summary
7 Bible Studies
Condit--Ira S. (Mathematics Faculty)
Bible lessons for the week, covering the second period of the Galilean ministry.
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8 Society Text of toast by Lottie Hunter given at the Chresto banquet.
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# Article Article Summary
9 Anna L Sitler Teaching in Oelwein.
10 Announcement of the wedding Chester Wright married Olive Schottman.
11 Essie May Davies Principal in Washington, Iowa.
12 Hal B. Washburn Associate editor of Mt. Vernon newspaper.
13 Pearl M. Shaffer Teaching military science and tactics in Kansas.
14 Y. W. C. A. notes Activities report; about 360 attend Sunday night meetings; about the same number attend Bible study classes.
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15 Ariel Parish Teaching in Shelby.
16 Bess Chase Teaching at West Side.
17 Clara Van Pelt Teaching in Des Moines.
18 Clarence M. Parker Principal in Grundy Center.
19 E. H. Griffin Now a life insurance salesman.
20 E. N. Gibson Superintendent in Centerville.
21 Emma Secor Teaching in Cheyenne, Wyoming.
22 Evelyn Miller Teaching in Kansas City.
23 Forrest Wheeler Teaching in Fort Dodge.
24 G. C. Hoyt Working on Colorado ranch.
25 Grace Bates Teaching in Albion.
26 J. O. Johnson Received master's degree from University of Iowa; now studying theology.
27 Martha Stilson Teaching in East Waterloo.
28 Rena (Curkeet) Samson Visited Cedar Falls; returned to Emporia, Kansas.
29 Rose A. Morris At home with parents.
30 S. A. Potts Head of Thornburg schools.
31 Willis J. Bell Principal at Hartley.
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32 A wedding of unusual interest Enola Pearl Pierce married Karl B. Stein.
33 Ira L. Craig Studying at Cornell University.
34 Jean Johnson Teaching in Fort Dodge.
35 Maud Popp Studying art in Chicago.
37 Owen Hamersly Teaching in South English.
38 Raymond French Studying at University of Iowa.
39 Rollo Newcomb Principal in Latimer.
40 The program of the Southwestern Several alumni and faculty participated in the program.
41 Tressa Tighe Teaching in East Waterloo.
# Article Article Summary
36 Nellie Johnson Teaching in Belle Plaine.
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42 Emma Parsons Teaching at Cedar Valley Seminary.
43 James E. Patterson Principal at West Point, Iowa.
44 James H. Seymour Principal at Defiance; Carl Missildine will go to Irwin.
45 Leila Anderson Teaching at Shenandoah.
46 M. Maude Davis Teaching at McGregor.
47 Sunday evening, June 25th Mary Virginia Coffman married John Loffer.
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48 Edna Marschall of Ackley Visited friends.
49 Katie Barnett Visiting sister.
50 Laura Bagley Mother ill.
51 Laura Lester Has been sick.
52 Mabel Eighmey Visited home.
53 Mabel Fonda and Lois Thompson Visited Nelle Avery and Neva Wilson.
54 Miss Cecile Drenning of Galena Visited her sister Clara Drenning.
55 Miss Goodwin went home to Clinton To visit mother.
56 Miss Katherine Blanchart Visited friends.
57 Mr. and Mrs. Lambert Visited family.
58 Mr. Condit went to Coggon Spoke to professional association.
59 Mr. Horner of Geneva Visited Clyde Ruggles.
60 Mrs. Colegrove, Marian and Donald Visited Grinnell.
61 Mrs. Gray Visited parents.
62 Mrs. Long Visited daughter.
63 On Tuesday of last week Mrs. Walters entertained friends.
64 One evening of last week Henrietta Plock entertained friends.
65 Saturday evening Friends gave Emma Patton a birthday party.
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# Article Article Summary
66 Dr. Gist Brother died.
67 Dr. Todd, R. B. Gibford and Orlo Bangs Many students and alumni went to Ames for the debate.
68 In last week's issue appeared the program of the Cottage Reading Circle Program was not held due to the death of Professor Gist's brother.
69 Miss Gunn Organized club for Baptist women.
70 Pres. Seerley Went to Des Moines to attend meetings.
71 St. Katherine's Guild Met and planned candy sale.
72 Thursday morning Mrs. Seerley, Mrs. Page, and Mrs. Knoepfler attended meeting in Cedar Rapids.
73 Word was received here last week Major Bryant, former trustee, died.