Issue Contents

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1 The annual The senior annual will be sold.
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2 Ames-Normal debate New resolutions were adopted by both the Iowa State Normal Debating League and the I. S. C. Debating League.
3 Why not go to Nashville Nashville missionary convention is to be held, discusses the pros of sending a representative delegation from Normal.
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4 Dedicate new school building City of Jefferson, in Greene County, just dedicated a new high school building.
5 Ossoli public session Gave variety program at public session.
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6 Magdalena Thuman Begeman Professor Begeman's wife died.
7 Normal's lecture course; lecture by A. A. Willitts to be the best of good course Performance preview.
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8 Bible Studies
Condit--Ira S. (Mathematics Faculty)
Lesson XV; second period of the Galilean ministry.
9 Card of thanks Louis Begeman thanks friends who helped him through his wife's death.
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10 Training; the subject and the pupil XVIII
Bender--Wilbur H. (Classes of 1886 and 1890; Education Faculty)
This week discusses the manner of use for the stereoscopic picture.
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11 Society The Ossoli society has a bright future; Zetas talk religion with John and Paul.
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12 Among the recent visitors Spoke in chapel.
13 Clara A. Boss Has typhoid fever.
14 Elnora and Elwood Vance Will live with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vance.
15 Grace E. Curtis Teaching in Colorado.
16 H. H. Savage He and his wife visited campus.
17 Harriett Joyce Teaching in Marathon.
18 Ida Leighton Doing well in Sioux Rapids.
19 James Ehret Teaching in Spirit Lake.
20 Jean Leonard Teaching in Walnut.
21 Nellie E. Haskell Teaching in Battle Creek, Iowa.
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22 A quiet little wedding Etta Honnker married Mr. Waters.
23 A. L. Halstead Principal at Kingsley.
24 Alice M. Edwards Studying at University of Iowa.
25 Chas. Meyerholz Studying in Germany.
26 E. T. Shephard Head of Onawa schools.
27 Etta J. Rider Teaching in Ottumwa.
28 For the past eighteen months Carl Magee is practicing law in Indian Territory.
29 Ida L. Specht Teaching in Jefferson.
30 J. L Johnson Principal in Orange City.
31 Jennie Richardson Teaching in Duluth.
32 Katherine Schwertley Teaching in Nebraska.
33 Kittie M. Grimes Teaching at Wapello.
34 Nellie J. Minor Working for Minneapolis newspaper.
35 One of the grade Edythe Wickersham is teaching in California.
36 Sidna J. Dowell Teaching in West Des Moines.
37 T. M. Prall Head of Linden schools.
38 The Daily Iowan John Parish is working on a biography of Governor Robert Lucas.
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39 After a long absence from her home Susie Young has returned from missionary work in India.
40 Alice Frye Visited Stella Hopper.
41 Alta Rodamar Visited Waterloo.
42 Cora E. Munro Teaching in Los Angeles as is Augusta Westfall.
43 Earl Roadman Teaching in Voorhies.
44 Edna Irvin Recovering from illness.
45 Genetta B. Bushyager Teaching in New Mexico.
46 Lucy Huston Entertained friend.
47 Mabel Parish Visited home.
48 Mary Soltow Visited Waterloo with friends.
49 Miss Armstrong Has had pneumonia.
50 Miss Call Visited Webster City.
51 Miss Riggs Went to Iowa City.
52 Mr. Knoepfler Was sick.
53 Ray E. Cleveland Debated for the University of Iowa.
54 Ruth Martin Broke finger while sledding.
55 T. B. Stewart Went to Parkersburg.
56 The Minnesingers Will present annual concert.
57 Ventura Platt Entertained friend.
58 Zuba (Tibbetts) Harvey Teaching in Missouri.
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59 Because of Mrs. Begeman's death Professor and Mrs. Walters recalled their invitations.
60 Belle McCullough Entertained sister.
61 Bertha Gould Visiting friends.
62 Dr. Gist went to Marion Officiated at former parishioners' funerals.
63 Dr. H. C. Todd Visiting brother Thomas.
64 Edith and Florence Gates Mother died.
65 Edna Cass Became ill at home.
66 Fred Cram Will do typing.
67 Grace Hollingsworth Advised to leave school due to eye trouble.
68 Jessie Redmon and Marie Zernecke Gave chafing dish party.
69 Last week Miss Call Entertained Tuesday Club; Jennette Carpenter spoke on Boston.
70 Marie Maloni Has been sick.
71 Miss Jessie Melville Visiting Clara Drenning.
72 Miss Rankin Sister ill.
73 Misses Suplee, Buck, and Falkler Visited former student in Waterloo.
74 Mr. and Mrs. Bracewell In town for Professor Begeman's wife's funeral.
75 Mr. Hadley YMCA state student secretary visited campus.
76 One evening last week The Du Bois sisters entertained friends.
78 R. J. McIssacs Visited sister Jessie.
# Article Article Summary
77 President Seerley Gave address in Jefferson.
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79 Friday evening Women who played basketball enjoyed a party.
80 The following was clipped from the Osage News Praise for the musical performance of Warren Proctor.
81 Wednesday noon Mrs. Begeman died after an operation in Iowa City.