Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Delta Sigma Rho Debate fraternity founded at University of Chicago.
2 Help wanted--male Poem emphasizing the need for men of character.
3 Our library Encourages students to use the library while they still have the chance before the school year ends.
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4 Athletics Normal met Ames in a baseball game; Ames 5, Normal 0; box score.
5 Five men Five men selected to participate in the interstate oratorical contest.
6 Track and field meet Prospects are high for this year's track season.
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7 Iowa-Missouri Normal debate Double debate will be held in Kirksville, Missouri, and Cedar Falls.
8 Reference for study of Dante Father Stritch furnishes bibliographic citations relating to Dante.
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9 Kindergarten notes Kindergarten Department students gave program for Parlor Reading Circle.
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10 Professional
Bender--Wilbur H. (Classes of 1886 and 1890; Education Faculty)
The Southeastern meeting at Ottumwa.
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# Article Article Summary
11 Bible Studies
Condit--Ira S. (Mathematics Faculty)
Lesson XXVIII; the passion week.
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12 Society
Manderson--Hazel V. (Class of 1907)
The Alpha society gave a program on mud..
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# Article Article Summary
13 Carrie Knipe Teaching in Lake View.
14 Geo. A. Glenny Candidate for superintendent in Black Hawk County.
15 J. N. Streff Visited Cedar Falls.
16 J. O. Huntley In charge of Casey schools.
17 T. B. Morris Candidate for superintendent in Woodbury County.
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18 A. C. Joy Principal in Whitmore; his wife, Beulah Koon, is teaching there.
19 Ada Williams In charge of Chinese mission in Pasadena, California.
20 Edith D. Muhs Working as private nurse in Chicago.
21 Eleanor (Kraiger) Meacham Living in California.
22 Ella (Danskin) Shaw Now in South Dakota.
23 Emma (White) Shellenberger Now in St. Paul.
24 Emma L. Freyermuth Teaching at Atalissa.
25 Flora E. Evans Teaching in Sioux City.
26 Katharine Cunningham Working as nurse.
27 Laura E. Finch Teaching in Armstrong.
28 Lora L. Johnson Teaching in Sanborn.
29 Mamie Ryan Teaching in Albert Lea.
30 Nellie Dority Principal in Jefferson.
31 P. E. McClenahan Visited Cedar Falls.
32 Ruth E. Egloff Studying in Ames.
33 The Mills County Tribune Ethel Lovitt married Forrest Raines Chantry.
34 The Oaksdale Tidings C. C. Hammerly is editor.
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35 Clarence Wassam Visited Cedar Falls.
36 F. L. Kolb Has a new daughter.
37 John M. Dunkerton Superintendent of Jolly schools.
38 Josephine Barker Teaching in Washington state.
39 Luella V. Simmons Married G. M. West.
40 The name of E. T. Sheppard Several Normalites will participate in a professional meeting.
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# Article Article Summary
41 Edna Lang Teaching near Fredsville.
42 Edna Lang Teaching near Fredsville.
43 Elizabeth Kaye Will replace Allison Aitchison, who will be studying at the University of Chicago.
44 Friends of Elsie Rhode Mother died.
45 Josephine Forrest Will teach in State Center.
46 Lucy Pacey Principal in Rock Falls.
47 Mary Cusack Cousin visited.
48 Miss Wulfe Sister visiting.
49 Nathan Gist Visited home.
50 Paul Colegrove Attended YMCA meeting.
51 Prof. Begeman, Hersey Science faculty went to science teachers convention.
52 Seventy five members of the faculty Went to Waterloo for dinner.
53 The Iowa City band Visited campus.
54 The residence of C. P. Bley Burglars invade the home; steal about $30 worth of goods.
55 Wayland Gray Returned to Iowa City.
56 Word has been received Margaret McCormick died of appendicitis.
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57 Alice Redmon Friend visited.
58 Bertha Stork Visited Webster City.
59 Cora Krause Sister Clarice visited.
60 During Mr. Newton's absence Mrs. Newton taught his classes.
61 Ella File Father died.
62 Eunice Thompson Went home to Nevada, Iowa.
63 Eva Scott Visited home.
64 Laura Murphy Visited Janesville.
65 Lela McClintock Visited home.
66 Mary Faint Candidate for superintendent of Butler County.
67 Miss Scheidt Has been sick.
68 Mr. Ruggles Working on college annual.
69 Nelle Finch Visited Waterloo.
70 Olive Holmquest Mother ill.
71 Ruth Spicer Working in school office.
72 Verna Hallowell Visited campus.
73 Verner Behrens Visited campus.
74 Wednesday afternoon Students presented a recital of music and readings; program of performers and their work.
75 Word has been received Jessie Lewis is recovering from rheumatism.
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# Article Article Summary
76 At the opening sale Local merchant donated a portion of his sales to the YWCA.
77 Flora and Grace Furrow Visited Tripoli.
78 For weeks and perhaps months A young man does not get a date.
79 Irene Thompson Visited friends.
80 Jenevieve Brennan Visited Anna Porter.
81 Jessie Stewart Has had eye trouble.
82 Lela Roberts Visited campus.
83 Lois Mueller Visited Tripoli.
84 Mame Davidson Has been sick.
85 Mr. Kramer Visited sons and daughters.
86 Nelle McEnirie Visited Waterloo.
87 One day last week Taxidermy prank.
88 Over Saturday and Sunday Clara Tostlebe visited home.
89 Sunday Rownd's park Many students were there.
90 Teddie Bronson Cousin visiting.
91 Wille Grigson Will teach in Augusta, Illinois.
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92 Saturday night Vera Du Bois entertains kindergarten class.