Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 For some time President Seerley is in the East studying library plans in order to bring home ideas for a new library building; Board still considering site, probably south or southwest of Old Gilchrist Hall.
2 How about the boys? Poses the question of why there are so few men in the oratory competition.
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# Article Article Summary
3 Normal graduate honored John Dunkerton was nominated to be superintendent of schools at the Republican convention of Black Hawk County; photo.
4 Simplified spelling People from around the country voice their opinions.
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# Article Article Summary
5 Professional; waste in Iowa school rooms VI
Bender--Wilbur H. (Classes of 1886 and 1890; Education Faculty)
Constructive imagination not being properly employed in education.
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# Article Article Summary
6 Bible Studies
Todd--Thomas W. (English Faculty)
Lesson VI, the ministry of Philip.
7 Manual training notes
Bailey--Charles H. (Industrial Arts Faculty)
Manual training is essential to the development of a child.
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# Article Article Summary
8 Belle McCulloch Teaching in Algona.
9 Clare E. Owen Teaching at Shell Rock.
10 Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Samson Visited Cedar Falls; returned to Emporia, Kansas.
11 Ruth Gist Principal in Nashua.
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12 After a year's teaching in Wartburg College, Waverly A. J. Meyer studying medicine.
13 Belle C. Aker Teaching in Estherville.
14 Mamie Klinefelter Will go to Philippine Islands where her brother is a missionary; sister Margaret is in India.
15 Maud L. Popp Completed studies of music and art in Chicago.
16 Maude C. Rohlfsen Mother died; sister Idella is ill.
17 Minna Merriam Enjoying work in Randolph.
18 Nellie McLennan Teaching in Minneapolis.
19 Rose Freeman Teaching in Cherokee.
20 Roy M. Crouse Now practicing dentistry; sister Blanche studying to be a nurse.
21 Sedro-Woolley, Washington Three Normalites are teaching there.
22 Velma Roadman Visited Utah.
23 Vena M. Bishop Teaching in Mason City.
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24 Aulora McIntyre Teaching in Randolph.
25 Gladys Kaye Studying at Northwestern University.
26 Lily M. Rueppel Teaching in Lincoln, Illinois.
27 Society Shakes and Aristos hold banquet; Ossolis focus on race; Clios consider American Indians.
28 Starr Wilson Visited the West with A. J. Meyer.
29 We copy from a Fonda paper Bert B. McGinnis married Mamie Agnes Russell.
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30 Our Y. M. C. A. work Would like to increase membership and attendance at meetings.
31 Y. W. C. A. notes Enjoyed breakfast meeting and devotions.
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32 Agnes Emerson Teaching in Lewis.
33 Arthur Logan Working for railroad in California.
34 Clara M. Blair Teaching in Pomeroy.
35 Dora M. Jones Teaching in Eagle Grove.
36 Edith Kuebler Teaching in Calamus.
37 Emma F. Young Teaching in Gladbrook.
38 Helen L. Snowden Teaching in Decorah.
39 Joe Wright Captain of football team in Springfield, Massachusetts.
40 John Lundby Studying medicine in Iowa City.
41 Laura Specht Continues teaching in Cherokee.
42 May Hiams Teaching in Mason City.
43 Normal men are winning players Sioux Jones and Ralph McElhiney are doing well in football at Ames.
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44 Ida Minish Mother has been ill.
45 Joe Hilton of Iowa City Visited Milt Jacobs.
46 Mr. Allen of Mount Vernon Visited LaVancha Comstock.
47 Ted Fitzgerald Will spend winter in California.
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48 A picnic in the woods A number of faculty enjoyed a Saturday picnic.
49 Announcements have been received Mary Raymond married Dr. John S. Rule.
50 Effa Mahanke Visited Waterloo.
51 Ethel Brooks Will teach in California.
52 Grace Parker Grandfather died.
53 Miss Harland Visited Professor Riggs.
54 Miss McGovern Was sick last week.
55 Mr. Ralph Van Horn Visited his sister, Mrs. E. J. Cable.
57 The Normal Hill Civic Improvement League Meet to decide whether or not the Cedar Falls fourth ward should build a hall.
58 The office girls and Miss Fargo Enjoyed moonlight picnic.
# Article Article Summary
56 The Cottage Reading Circle Faculty discuss a variety of current topics.
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# Article Article Summary
59 Alice Swenson Brother visited.
60 Alma Wilson Was sick.
61 Faye St. Clair Brothers visited.
62 Fern Farnham Visited relatives.
63 George Hauburg Went to Mt. Auburn.
64 Helen Hoon Visited Waterloo.
65 Louise Houck Visited Waterloo.
66 Mabel Eighmey Visited Hudson.
67 Margaret Kelly Doing substitute work in Nashua.
68 Miss Buck Was sick.
69 Miss Fargo Attended library professional meeting;
70 Miss Goodwin Back at work after vacation.
71 Miss Martin Enjoying birthday.
72 Miss Rice Entertained friend.
73 Mr. and Mrs. St. Clair Visited daughter Fay.
74 Neva Wilson Went to Independence.
75 Professors and Mrs. A. C. Page Enjoyed day in woods.
76 The Y. W. C. A. Gave picnic for new women.
77 Tonight Opening number of Lecture and Entertainment Course.
78 Warren Proctor Sang at chapel.