Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Ames has chosen her debaters May be strong opponents for ISNS, which has won the last three contests.
2 Joe Wright Former Normal football player gaining national recognition; captain and center for Springfield Training School.
3 S. U. I.'s nervousness May encounter a strong opponent in Iowa State.
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4 Harry H. Savage called Harry H. Savage died in Arizona.
5 The Blithedale Romance
Cram--Fred Danford (Education Faculty)
Book review, The Blithedale Romance by Hawthorne
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6 Professional; waste in Iowa school rooms VII
Bender--Wilbur H. (Classes of 1886 and 1890; Education Faculty)
Talks of waste in the arithmetic classes
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# Article Article Summary
7 The Cherokee Democrat of recent date Writes complimentary article on Marvin Gilbert, who is a candidate for county auditor.
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8 After five successful years in Lorimor Josephine Vincent is teaching in Murray.
9 Among the Scranton teachers who were former Normal students Katherine Bagley, Grace Rane, and Clara Johnson are teaching there.
10 Among the Scranton teachers who were former Normal students
11 Bible Studies
Todd--Thomas W. (English Faculty)
Lesson VII, the conversion and early Christian life of Saul.
12 Clayton Henderson Salesman for Swift & Company.
13 Ethel Lutes Teaching in West Waterloo.
14 Kate Barnett Resting at home.
15 Laura Owen Studying at University of Nebraska.
16 Lottie Green Teaching near Webster City.
17 Luther Howell Principal at Rowan.
18 Mary Riley Nominated for county superintendent.
19 Robt. L. Smith Principal at Pleasanton.
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20 Bertha L. Engel Doing well in Elmhurst, Illinois.
21 C. E. Cavett Teaching in Gowrie; his wife Jessie M. Clarke Cavett is assistant principal there.
22 Dr. and Mrs. S. L. Ingham Moved to Texas.
23 Mabel Buck Teaching at Greenfield.
24 Normal is well represented in the Hedrick, Iowa schools Seven of the eight teachers there are from ISNS.
25 Owen Hammersly Principal at South English.
26 Pearl McCaffree Teaching in West Branch.
27 Ralph Rigby Head of music at Berea College; sister Luella involved in missionary work.
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28 Arthur D. Coffman Principal in Batavia.
29 D. R. Perkins Served as teacher in the Philippine Islands; now has law degree and is practicing law.
30 Earle Smith Now a telegrapher.
31 Ethel M. Brooks Teaching in Montrose, Colorado.
32 From the Cedar Falls Record of early July we copy the following item concerning the death of one of the class of '97 William Sparks died.
33 Grace E. Lambert Teaching at Tipton.
34 Helen Seerley Studying in Iowa City.
35 Orlo Bangs Teaching in Grundy Center.
36 The Tarkio Avalanche Praise for Bird Bundy's work.
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37 At Oxford, Iowa, August, 29, 1906 John E. Cameron married Hattie M. Clearman.
38 Good reports Teaching at State Center.
39 Irma Keene Teaching at Hampton.
40 Millie M. Rogers Teaching at Union College in Nebraska.
41 Myrtie B. Raymond Teaching at Sanborn.
42 Rev. J. P. Huget Elected president of professional association.
43 Society Alphas present Dutch program; Zetas meet along Cedar River; Aristos enjoyed Cuban program; Chrestos enjoyed music and debate; Shakes held initiation ceremony.
44 Winafred Jennings Teaching in Slater.
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45 Charles H. Bailey Published article.
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# Article Article Summary
46 Miss Josephine Graham and Miss Margaret Kelley Entertained friends at VOV dinner.
47 On Monday, Oct. 15th Large audience for student recital.
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48 Alma Wilson Has been sick.
49 Constance Smith Entertained friend.
50 Edna Vill Was sick.
51 Erma Robertson Mother visited.
52 Fred Stimson Visited campus.
53 Gladys Jewell Brother visited.
54 Harry Eels Visited Cedar Falls.
55 Harry Lambert Went to Charles City.
56 Harry Morgan Visited friends.
57 Ida Freier Visited Independence.
58 Jennie Hall Will teach in Council Bluffs.
59 Mayme Faint Visited sisters Agnes and Lillian.
60 Miss Hutchinson Visited Iowa City.
61 Mrs. Baldwin Visited daughters Dora and Ethel.
62 Mrs. Todd and Mrs. Gray Visited Waterloo.
63 Rev. Condit Visited brother Ira.
64 Rev. Percival Huget
65 Rev. Percival Hugget Visited campus.
66 The Cottage Reading Circle Discussed forestry at Professor Arey's home.
67 The following members of the Normal faculty attended the teacher's conference Many faculty attended the meeting in Cedar Rapids.
68 Vida Keene Substituted in Cedar Falls.
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69 Bernice Skinner Mother sick.
70 Bessie Lehman Visited La Porte City.
71 Clara Test Father died.
72 Effa Mahanke Sister visited.
73 Elsie Welker Went to Marshalltown.
74 Faye St. Clair Visited Mt. Auburn.
75 Henri Paul Went to work in Sioux City.
76 John Hilliard Visited campus.
77 Matilda Preston Visited her brother.
78 Minnie Robinson Brother died.
79 Miss Fay Slocum and Miss Alice McKercher Visited Professor and Mrs. Todd.
80 Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Clark Went with Mabel Eighmey to Hudson.
81 Mrs. Colegrove Visited chapel.
82 Nell Wise Visited chapel.
83 Ross Anderson Visited sisters Myrtle and Pearl.