Issue Contents

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1 Spellbinders meet; farmer Philo takes the lead with 6 points, Aristo captures 3 while Orio, for the first time, comes in with 1 Displays the outcome of the fifth annual men's oratorical contest in which Frank L. Byrnes took first place honors; photo.
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2 Basketball The basketball season is opening with better prospects than ever before; schedule not yet set; photo.
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3 Concert tonight Robert Fullerton, assisted by the Cecilians, will give a concert; photo.
4 Fall tennis Need more tennis courts; gives results of tennis championships at Normal.
5 Iowa to show Missouri Normal is having a debate with Kirksville normal from Missouri.
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6 Physical training Sums up the new grading policies for the indoor season of physical training; Professor Seymour explains the new system.
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7 Professional; waste in Iowa school rooms XII
Bender--Wilbur H. (Classes of 1886 and 1890; Education Faculty)
The sixth article dealing with arithmetic, improved vs. cumbersome tools.
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8 Society Neos and Chrestos present oratory programs.
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9 A bright baby boy Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Scallon have a new boy.
10 Bessie Bardsley Teaching in Council Bluffs.
11 Edward G. Quigley Teaching at State Normal School in Minnesota.
12 Elmer Charlson Principal in Thornton.
13 Geo. E. Osmundson Principal in Burt.
14 H. A. Glackemyer In charge in Villisca.
15 Helen E. Porter Teaching in Tipton.
16 I. J. Weigle Principal in West Branch.
17 Lucy Crary Teacher in Nora Springs.
18 Lucy Royce Teaching near Sioux City.
19 Mabelle Payton Teaching in Shenandoah.
20 One of the summer weddings not before chronicled Stella Merner married D. D. Johnson.
21 Shelby High School is extremely fortunate in having as its head Louis Pelzer will complete his degree at the University of Iowa; R. A. Parish is his assistant.
22 The program of Teacher's and Patrons' meeting Several Normalites are on the program.
23 Thos. B. Morris Superintendent in Woodbury County.
24 Willard H. Lyon County attorney in Marion County.
25 Willis J. Bell Studying at University of Wisconsin.
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26 A most enjoyable reunion of alumni took place Saturday Enjoyed prenuptial party for Lola Britton, who married Frank Haradon.
27 A social gathering of some of our alumni members was enjoyed Friday evening Enjoyed three course dinner.
28 Clarence M. Parker Studying law at University of Iowa.
29 Mae Cresswell Principal at Oelwein.
30 Mary M. Hughes Reports that many Iowans are studying at University of Colorado.
31 The "Beta B" club met Saturday evening Met to celebrate wedding of Lola Britton to Frank Haradon.
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32 C. J. Knock Teaching music in Minnesota.
33 Clifford Beall Mr. and Mrs. Beall, the former Mary Barrows, are in Idaho.
34 Minnie (Talcott) Scott Scott family has moved to Kansas.
35 Prof. M. F. Arey Mrs. W. W. Weston, the former Emma Evans, sent a collection of botanical specimens from the Philippine Islands to Professor Arey; former students, including George N. Briggs, are doing well there.
36 R. M. Wyant Serving as pastor in Durand.
37 The marriage of two former Normalites Helen Fenner married John Wilson.
38 Walter P. Jensen Superintendent in Pocahontas County.
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39 Bible Studies
Todd--Thomas W. (English Faculty)
Lesson XI, beginning of missions, Paul's first journey.
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40 Bertha Hemsworth Went to Iowa City.
41 Blanche Kirchner Visited Fort Dodge.
42 Blanche Renne Visited Cedar Falls.
43 Clarine Hafsos Went to Dakota.
44 Clarine Hafsos, Alice Swenson, and Hazel Manderson Visited Independence.
45 Eva Oliver Entertained cousin.
46 Fay St. Clair Visited Mt. Auburn.
47 Florence Grant Visited with Olive Foster.
48 George Hauberg Visited Mt. Auburn.
49 Hazel Moats and Cora Klein Went to Eagle Grove.
50 Helen Seerley Came home for Thanksgiving.
51 Jay Farnham Back in school.
52 LaVancha Comstock Went to Mt. Auburn.
53 Mabel Parish Came home from Waverly.
54 Miss Call Visited Webster City.
55 Ruth Wright Visited sister May.
56 Stella Hopper Hopes to return to school in spring.
57 Stella Plumb Visited Tama County.
58 Sumner Chase and Arthur Larson Visited Willis Summers.
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59 Florence Conant and Anna Williams Visited Waterloo.
60 Jenna Strahan Visited Cedar Rapids.
61 Lenore Sheffield Visited Belmond.
62 Louise Houck Visited Webster City.
63 Minnie McKee Visited Des Moines.
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64 Untitled Ad for Professor Fullerton's Choice Songs and Glee Club Songs; photo.