Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 "Tad" Jones Responds to Yale student's prayer for victory by saying that one should not appeal to God about football.
2 Prof. Tompkins Those wishing to participate in the final debate should start preparing now.
3 The Annual staff Encourages students to submit their photos early to the Old Gold; photo.
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4 The Senior Class Recounts class meeting; decided to take submissions for a class poem.
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5 Official Relates events of the State Teachers' Association conference.
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6 The editor announces Encourages students to attend the Rogers-Grilley Entertainment.
7 The new idea Wants students to stop talking and pay attention to the professors during chapel.
8 We owe apologies Corrects the errors made in last week's issue of the Normal Eyte.
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9 The new law and its results Compares teacher licensure before and after the new legislation.
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10 The teaching of mathematics
Lampman--Roy M. (Class of 1908)
Discusses the teaching of algebra.
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# Article Article Summary
11 Algebra in the secondary schools
Condit--Ira S. (Mathematics Faculty)
Algebraic principles build on each other; should start with basic concepts.
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12 Library and museum Photo of what the library will look like upon completion.
13 Professional; pupil, teaching, and teaching in the middle grades; XIV--the fifth year
Bender--Wilbur H. (Classes of 1886 and 1890; Education Faculty)
The foundations of teaching are love, courage, and justice.
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# Article Article Summary
14 Anna M. Montgomery Received a B. Ph. from the University of Chicago.
15 Blanche Ayers Will teach at Pella.
16 Miss Ethel Shafer Will be teaching in Colorado.
17 The marriage of Miss Grace Israel Grace Israel and Samuel Dryer were married.
18 The reunion and banquet Over two hundred fifty alumni attended the banquet in Des Moines.
19 The State Teachers Association List of alumni who attended.
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20 Bible Study Dept.; fourteenth lesson; Moses--continued
Dick--George Stuart (Class of 1897; Professional and Training Faculty)
Continued lesson on Moses' life.
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# Article Article Summary
21 Athletics Basketball team lost to Waterloo West, 53-37.
22 Grinnell 51 Normal 25 Basketball team played better game than the score indicates; looking forward to the game next year.
23 The Temple Male Quartette Enjoyed the concert.
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24 Charles Williamson Visited his sister Nellie last week.
25 Eva Parker Had the measles last week.
26 George Harris Spent the holiday break in Cedar Falls; has returned to the University of Minnesota.
27 George Hauberg Spent part of his vacation in Cedar Falls.
28 John Cherney Visited friends on the Hill during the holidays.
29 Lois Bryson Visiting her sister, Mrs. A. Aldrich.
30 Miss Aitchison Stayed at home for a few days with her ill mother.
31 Miss Ethel Baldwin Has returned to school after recovering from the measles.
32 Miss McGovern Cancelled a few classes last week due to illness.
33 Miss Oliver Visited George Wallace in Mobile, Alabama, over the holiday.
34 Miss Rice Visited Oklahoma during the holidays.
35 Misses Harriet and Caroline Orvis Both had the mumps last week.
36 Prof. Arey Cancelled class on Monday due to sickness.
37 Prof. Cummins Attended the National Commercial Association conference in Pennsylvania during the holiday break.
38 R. J. Butterfield Has recovered from being kicked by a cow over the holidays; has returned to school.
39 Willis Summers Teaching in Malvern; visited friends in Cedar Falls over the holiday.
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40 Lois Bronson Missed a few days of school due to the measles.
41 Mr. Snodgrass Visiting friends in Cedar Falls.
42 New Years' day Eighteen people had a coasting party on the hill.
43 The following members Faculty members who attended the State Teachers Association convention in Des Moines.
44 The Mission classes Mrs. Noble spoke about her missionary work in China, Japan, India, Korea, and Egypt.
45 The mother's council One hundred people attended the mother's council meeting on Wednesday afternoon.