Issue Contents

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1 A commendable action Senior badges will now be made available for purchase locally.
2 A notebook handed Does not condone cheating.
3 The boys' toilet room To discourage students from taking prolonged bathroom breaks, the windows will be left open and the heat will be turned off.
4 The committee having More poem submissions are welcomed for the senior class to vote on.
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5 Algebra in the secondary schools
Condit--Ira S. (Mathematics Faculty)
Students should take advanced algebra classes only if they are planning to attend technical schools or college.
6 The Ames-Iowa football dispute The University of Iowa and Iowa State University might not play each other in football; I. S. N. S. is not taking sides because they have had negative experiences with both teams.
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7 Official Charles Farnsworth gave the chapel address; Ida Agnes Baker visited; anniversary announcement for former Professor Hull; candidates for graduation listed; students need to order their alumni badges; Lecture and Entertainment Course review.
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8 Basketball; Normal wins from Waterloo Y. M. C. A. Won, 44-29.
9 Indoor athletic contest Students will compete in the 15 yd. dash, 15 yd. hurdle, shot put, rope climb, high jump, hop, step and jump, and potato race in subsequent weeks; winners for 15 yd. dash announced.
10 Intersociety basketball Philos won against Aristos, 31-26.
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11 Among those in attendance Partial list of those who attended State Teachers Association conference in Des Moines.
12 Indoor athletic contest Top ten broad jump scores; the running high jump will be tested this week.
13 John Hilliard Resigned as the principal of Lincoln school; will succeed W. H. Wray as superintendent of Lansing schools.
14 Miss Arey Was off work last week due to illness.
15 Thos. W. Burklatter Is the gymnasium director at the state university in Columbia, Missouri; visited Cedar Falls.
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16 Lyman D. Bedford Named director of Black Hawk National Bank.
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17 Bible Study Dept.
Dick--George Stuart (Class of 1897; Professional and Training Faculty)
Sixteenth lesson discusses the farewell addresses of Moses.
18 Harry Lambert Will be substitute superintendent in Hubbard until the current superintendent recovers from appendicitis.
19 Russell Glasener Has appendicitis; is recovering in Chicago.
20 Two new regular societies The Delphian and Eulalian societies were organized; there are now twelve literary societies, nine of which are for women.
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21 Dr. Eastman Visited chapel on Friday.
22 Ethel Bentley Had appendicitis over the holidays; health is improving.
23 Florence Freeman Has recovered enough from illness to return to school.
24 Florence Sellers Had the measles on Sunday.
25 Friday evening Professor Dick entertained the Y. M. C. A. cabinet.
26 Friday evening the Alphas Held a backwards party at Ruth Wright's home.
27 Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Bronson Visited their son, E. L. Bronson, last Sunday.
28 Mrs. Colegrove and Donald and Marion Will spend the winter with Mrs. Colegrove's mother.
29 Nellie Hatch Has the grippe.
30 Prof. Knoepfler Trying to get William Jennings Bryan to speak for a Lecture Course.
31 The many friends of Mrs. Sparks Her death was caused by pneumonia.
32 Theresa Brown Sick with the grippe.
33 Tom Berger Returned home last week because his grandmother died.
34 Wilson Mann Sick with the grippe.
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35 About one hundred fifteen students Professors Aitchison, Colegrove, and Cory have been giving conferences to help students prepare for their county examinations.
36 At the Orio Declamatory contest F. T. Bloom won the contest.
37 Elsie Bennett Had the grippe last week.
38 Fannie Hayden Has returned to school after three week absence.
39 Friday evening Prof. Newton Entertained the advanced physiology and plant histology classes in his home.
40 Lenore Shanewise Was ill with the grippe.
41 Mr. J. Dyer Added minnows to the fish pond in the greenhouse.
42 Mrs. Lindaman Caring for her sister, Francis Burns, who has the quinsy.
43 Nan Baldwin Has the mumps and measles.
44 Nellie Williamson Was ill last week with the grippe and tonsillitis.
45 The green house Encourages students to visit the greenhouse.
46 The library is well supplied Has a good selection of history reference books.
47 W. D. Miller Was called home because of his father's death.
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48 Professional; pupil, teacher, and teaching in the middle grades; XVI-the sixth year
Bender--Wilbur H. (Classes of 1886 and 1890; Education Faculty)
Teacher must allow students more freedom, but also provide some direction.
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49 A public school library system Describes ideal library in a public school.
50 Women's department of physical training Swedish folk dancing is popular.
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51 Rod will again swing Restricted corporal punishment will be allowed in New York; decisions based on opinions from all over the country.