Issue Contents

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1 The promise of this hour, A. D. 1908
Seerley--Homer Horatio (President of ISNS and ISTC)
Text of address by President Seerley at close of fall term.
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2 Dr. Eastman honored; former Normal professor heads notable commission--appointed by classical association last spring Professor Eastman will lead commission on classical studies.
3 Message of good cheer; Hon. Chas. B. Landis delivers words of optimism and patriotic inspiration Congressman Charles B. Landis speaks in place of Henry Watterson.
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5 Professional; elements of liberal education as found in travel Part eleven of column.
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6 Dr. S. H. Clark Will give reading.
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9 Manual training Teachers hold organizational meeting on campus; highlights of the meeting.
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10 Last winter at the meeting of the State Teachers Association Group will have new gavel made by Professors Samson and Bailey.
11 The honorary members Presented Alphas with new chair.
12 The Kappa Theta Kappa Met for dinner.
13 Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. Hold joint meeting and prayer meeting.
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14 "Red" Hamilton Competed in Olympics and other athletic meets in Europe; now studying at University of Kentucky.
15 "Sioux" Jones Visiting Cedar Falls.
16 A copy of the Jacksonville, Ill., Daily Journal Julia Piersol is physical director of college there; evangelist Billy Sunday was referee at women's basketball game there.
17 Homer H. Seerley Has published two articles.
18 Robert Fullerton Will succeed E. O. Bangs as director of choir at Presbyterian Church.
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19 Society; Zetalethean, Philo-Alpha, Cliorio Zetas enjoyed party at Professor Hersey's house; Philos and Alphas give Thanksgiving program; Cliorios enjoy Halloween.
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20 From our exchanges News notes from other colleges.
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21 Coming events