Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Busy week; Normal Gymnasium to be scene of many activities--conference gymnastics meet--basketball meeting Iowa physical education society Faculty will play seniors in basketball; first meeting of Iowa branch of American Physical Education Association.
2 Work of Athletic Board Attempting to draw up rules for athletic eligibility.
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3 Father Vaughan coming; Lecture Committee presents noted speaker Friday Feb. 12 Awaiting appearance of well-known dramatic reader.
4 Organization formed; association of contributors to Iowa education and history organized- headquarters here Group elects officers; hopes to collection and preserve "everything that in any way relates to history and education."
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# Article Article Summary
5 Professional; elements of liberal education as found in travel
Bender--Wilbur H. (Classes of 1886 and 1890; Education Faculty)
Part seventeen in column.
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# Article Article Summary
6 Athletics; interesting basketball; seconds run away from Independence High School--varsity trims Y. M. C. A. five Reserve team beats high school team while varsity team beat Waterloo's Y. M. C. A. team.
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# Article Article Summary
7 Announcement of schedule; program of women's basketball games made out Women's intersociety basketball tournament schedule.
8 Athletic contest Shot put was event of weekly track and field contest.
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9 J. O. Huntley Now in real estate business.
10 The following
Veline--Albin E. (Classes of 1906 and 1907)
A. E. Veline writes of his experiences in the Philippine Islands.
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# Article Article Summary
11 Allan Peterson Married Caroline Lawrence.
12 Caroline Schoch Has studied in Germany; now substitute teaching at University of Chicago high school.
13 In the American Field Perry McClanahan wrote article on quail hunting.
14 Mary McDonald and Ruth Ballou Attended Neotrophian program.
15 Mrs. Eva Leland Upton Visiting Cedar Falls due to father's illness.
16 On December 29th Florence Brenneman married Dr. Julius Tilden.
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# Article Article Summary
17 In Billings, Montana Rhea Lorayne Wilcox married Almond Clark Spencer.
18 Pres. H. H. Seerley Addressed Story County teachers; met Normal alumni at Iowa City.
19 Prof. Karl F. Geiser Visited Cedar Falls briefly on way to Oberlin, Ohio.
20 Prof. Robert Fullerton Will present "In a Persian Garden".
21 Seventeen former Normal students Are now county superintendents in Iowa.
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# Article Article Summary
22 In the gym Saturday Vinton defeated in basketball, 72-3.
23 John Cherny Visited Cedar Falls.
24 John Merner Doing well as farmer in Washington State.
25 Miss Lillian Nelson Entertaining friend.
26 Miss Mabel Southerland Left school due to illness.
27 Miss Ora Haan Visited Grundy Center.
28 Mr. Brian Condit Entertained friends with dinner.
29 Pres. and Mrs. H. H. Seerley Visited President Seerley's mother.
30 Prof. C. A. Fullerton Brother Neil had surgical operation.
31 Prof. R. F. Seymour Has arranged spring baseball schedule.
32 Warden J. C. Sanders Spoke on prison conditions at Fort Madison.
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33 Dr. W. W. Gist Went to Osage to officiate at funeral.
34 Miss Carrie Rawson Father died.
35 Miss Jennie Hutchinson Visited Minneapolis.
36 Miss Lois Fahs Health improving.
37 Mr. Fullerton's quartette Presented concert in Charles City.
38 Society; Philo, Shake Philos hold declamatory contest; Shakes present program with cooking theme.
39 Warren Proctor Visited friends.