Issue Contents

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1 Editorial Students should prepare for oratorical contest; faculty must speak up in chapel.
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2 Official
Seerley--Homer Horatio (President of ISNS and ISTC)
Commencement addresses will be published as conclusion of work of Board of Trustees; many alumni are teaching at colleges and universities.
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3 Sabin's educational exchange.
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4 Professor Begeman's research work; head of physics department performs important experiments at Chicago University. Attempting to measure the charge of an electron; completing work on doctorate at University of Chicago.
5 Text book prices.
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6 Studies in Organization and Teaching
Bender--Wilbur H. (Classes of 1886 and 1890; Education Faculty)
Ideas for future teachers.
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7 Apelian leaves Cedar Falls; a well-known and popular student leaves school. Bedros Apelian will study theology in Oberlin, Ohio
8 Lecture course; announcement is made of this year's attractions. Schedule for 1909-1910 season will feature six presentations.
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9 What is the matter with the college?
Colegrove--Chauncey Peter (Education Faculty)
Professor Colegrove talks about problems in higher education.
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10 Arthur L. Smith Will be enrolling at the University of Nebraska this term.
11 Because of the illness Jessie Ford's mother is ill.
12 Bennett Putman Visited friends here this weekend.
13 Ernest Cave Is attending Drake University but was recently visiting the Hill.
14 Indie Cadwallader Visited here on Friday.
15 Ira Magee Plans to enroll at Northwestern University.
16 Miss Carpenter Could not tend to her classes due to a cold.
17 Miss Edna Ogline Is attending Grinnell this year.
18 Miss Ethel Stanley Visited with Ethel Waite.
19 Miss Grace Dunkelberg Spent Thursday on the Hill with friends.
20 Miss Helen Balliett and Miss Lenore Shanewise Visited the Alpha Hall.
21 Miss Jennie C. Hutchinson Visited Sara Rice.
22 Miss Katherine Wyth Visited before heading to Chicago where she will study voice.
23 Miss Lillian Goodwin Visited Clara Drenning in Galena, Illinois.
24 Miss Louise Williams Visited her parents in Charles City.
25 Miss Nelle Radcliffe Spent Sunday with Anne Shanewise.
26 Mr. Chehock Enrolled in school.
27 On last Tuesday Students assembled to elect two peers to the Athletic Board.
28 Pearle Walters Is taking up classes in Iowa City, as is Paul Colegrove.
29 Professor and Mrs. Seymour Entertained some faculty and students.
30 Roger Fitz and Harry Kaskey Visited on the hill before returning to school work at Grinnell.
31 The seniors of the primary department Had their annual party.
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32 Athletics; wanted--a college yell. Contest for best cheer to be held; $5 prize.
33 Boost Poetic expression of support for the teams.
34 Friday evening Anna Childs entertained the faculty who have visited Yellowstone Park.
35 Miss Alison Aitchison Resumed her work after an illness.
36 Miss Grace Hovelson Went home due to illness.
37 Miss Hazel McIntosh Spent Sunday at home in Manchester.
38 Miss Mirth Clarke Was home last week due to illness.
39 Miss Riggs Spent Thursday evening with Lenore Shanewise.
40 Miss Ruth Brenner Visited her parents in Charles City.
41 Mrs. Walker Entertained the Y. M. C. A. cabinet last week.
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42 Claude Jarnagin Is editor of the Des Moines Capital.
43 Miss Laura Bowman Is now teaching at Lombard College.
44 The Cedar Falls Record Fannie Dickey will take a year of leave and will go East.
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45 Bertha Pratt Is teaching in Morristown, New Jersey.
46 Carl C. Magee Is practicing law in Oklahoma with his brother.
47 Edyth Gustafson Is teaching in Belmond, along with other alumni.
48 Elda Kemp Is teaching.
49 Grace Cole Married Austin Johnson.
50 Hello Boys John Fitzgerald sends greeting and orders Normal Eyte subscription.
51 Julia A. Piersol Is working at the University of South Dakota.
52 Stella M. Bush Is teaching in Eldora.
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53 Clara Tolstrup Will be attending the State University.
54 Harriet Orvis Is assistant principal at Winthrop; her sister Caroline is a student at Yankton College.
55 Ira F. Shaffner Is working for the U. S. Surveyor General's office.
56 J. Ed. Johnson Is living in Sioux City with his wife, Thyrza Horswell.
57 J. Howard Rich Is teaching in Glenham, South Dakota.
58 Julia Porter Is teaching in Aurelia.
59 L. H. Andrews Is the publisher of a weekly newspaper.
60 Nora M. Radcliffe Is principal in Medina, North Dakota.
61 On Saturday, July 30 Alumni met in Long Beach, California.
62 The Cedar Falls Record Following alumni will be enrolled at a college or university this fall.
63 We have at hand a very neat and artistic announcement Karl and Enola Pierce Stein open studio in Chicago.
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64 Alpha Present postcard program.