Issue Contents

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1 Editorial Sweaters available for seniors; debate team prepares for match against Ames; Senior Class votes to have another issue of the Old Gold.
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2 Official
Seerley--Homer Horatio (President of ISNS and ISTC)
Steel frame of Library roof nearly done; window glass and ventilation equipment on hand; teacher certification exam will be given; faculty golf group holding series of tournaments.
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3 Sabin's educational exchange
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4 President moves into new house; residence is complete in every way; home fitted with all modern conveniences. Description of the new house and its arrangement; James E. Robinson designed, planned, and supervised construction of the building.
5 Seniors' first meeting; permanent officers elected; strong class spirit is manifest; annual to be published; class sweaters are adopted. Roster of officers.
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6 The Lake Geneva Conference; Y. M. C. A. report. Participants talk about the conference held in June 1909.
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7 Studies in Organization and Teaching
Bender--Wilbur H. (Classes of 1886 and 1890; Education Faculty)
Ideas for future teachers.
8 Y. W. C. A. report. Participants talk about the Lake Geneva Conference held in August 1909.
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9 Grave Hovelson Is back at school following an illness.
10 Kenneth Silliman Will enroll at University of Michigan.
11 Lew MacDonald Is visiting his brother; will enroll at University of Michigan.
12 Merner Noble Was visiting here with friends before he left for Ann Arbor, Michigan, where he is now enrolled at school.
13 Miss Cornelia West Is back at school.
14 Miss Davidson and Miss Kraft Have been absent due to illness.
15 Miss Iva N. Hewitt Visited friends in Reinbeck last week.
16 Miss Joyce Downs Is teaching in Gladbrook.
17 Miss Lulu Gnagy Has left school because of poor health.
18 Miss Mabel Felkner Left last week.
19 Miss Naneen Davis Was ill last week.
20 Miss Nela Hill Enjoyed a visit from her father.
21 Miss Verna Sherman Is at home resting her eyes, which had been giving her trouble.
22 Miss Verplanck Bennett Has taken a job in Shaller.
23 Mr. Ford Crouse Arrived with sister Bertha to visit their brother Ray.
24 Mrs. Campbell Was caring for her sister, who has appendicitis.
25 Mrs. Charles Hansen Was visiting on the hill.
26 Mrs. Earl Sadler Visited Gertrude Tyrrell.
27 Professor Condit Went on a trip on the river.
28 Some of the friends Ray Crouse was given a surprise birthday party.
29 T. T. Cranny Spent Sunday in Clarksville.
30 Word has been received Alma Cutler is enjoying her trip to Germany.
31 Word has been received Iciline Jack died after a long illness.
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32 "The Burglar" Is the new farce the Zeta society is working on.
33 A party Parents and children enjoyed a trip up the river.
34 Dr. F. H. Cutler Dr. Cutler, Professor Colegrove, and O. H. Leonard are attending Methodist conferences in Mason City.
35 H. R. Elvidge Has been visiting the Wolcott home.
36 Miss Ethel Walrath Visited her parents in Clarksville.
37 Miss Eva Mattoon Is moving to a claim in the Dakotas.
38 Miss Pearl Crisman Spent Sunday with her parents in Cedar Falls.
39 Mrs. C. Brenner Is visiting her daughter Ruth.
40 Mrs. Knight Spent Sunday with her daughter, Mattie.
41 Mrs. Page Is visiting her son, Abbott C. Page.
42 Professor and Mrs. G. S. Dick Entertained guests at a gathering to Sarah Peters, who is now a missionary.
43 Professor and Mrs. L. W. Parish Visited their son John, who is a faculty member at the State University.
44 Professor D. S. Wright Was in Minneapolis and St. Paul last weekend.
45 Professor Forest C. Ensign Spoke at chapel last Friday.
46 The Misses Katherine Heddens, Molly Feil, Pleatus Burgess, and Helen Lawrence Spent Sunday in Waterloo with friends.
47 We congratulate Miss Edith Buck Her book, "Guide to the Teacher's Mastery of Texts", is doing very well.
48 William Owen Gave a speech at chapel last Thursday.
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49 Among those who returned Alumni return for football game.
50 Asa Mathews Will enroll at University of Chicago.
51 At the regular chapel session Professor C. Hosmer addressed the students.
52 E. A. Brinton Has returned to Oxford, Iowa, with his wife.
53 Eunice Overman Has returned from a visit to Pittsburgh.
54 H. B. Carroll Is teaching in Defiance.
55 Last Saturday afternoon Results and teams from golf tournament last Saturday.
56 Miss Childs Spent Sunday in Rockford.
57 Miss Jennie Speer Has commenced studying at the University of Chicago, as has Lenore Shanewise.
58 Miss Josephine Graham Has returned to school.
59 Mr. Brooks Thompson Left school and does not plan to return.
60 Myrta Shannon Is teaching in Ft. Dodge.
61 Nora Treganza Is working in Lake Mills, along with other former students.
62 On his way to Harvard Arthur Terrall spent Friday with Roy Shearn.
63 P. G. Fullerton Is visiting his brothers.
64 Sadie Owen Has taken a position in Durant.
65 The Misses Marguerite Zook and Gladys Martin Were Alpha visitors.
66 Those who remember The husband of Mary A. Crew, S. C. Boedcher, has died.
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67 Athletics; Teachers win football game; Charles City College is defeated; score, 28-0; twenty-two men give a try-out. Quarterback George Vinall keeps team moving fast.
68 Blanche Charlton Will be working in the Cherokee schools.
69 C. W. Roadman Is superintendent in Rockwell City.
70 Esther Ekstam Will teach in Hull.
71 Genette Thomte Will be teaching in Augusta, Montana.
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72 Alpha-Philo. Held joint program at McAlvin cottage.
73 Chresto Presented spinster program.
74 Shake-Aristo. Enjoyed picnic and bonfire at stone quarry.
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75 Chas. Mantle Is teaching in George.
76 Donna Bell Bozarth Is assistant principal in Lineville.
77 Edith E. Bird Is teaching in Ogden with her sister, Lily.
78 Elsie Ottosen Is working in Fort Dodge.
79 Emma Arent Is enrolled at the State University. Her position was filled by W. B. Geiter.
80 L. U. Towle Is superintendent at Atwater, Minnesota; her sister Pearl is teaching in Morris, Minnesota.
81 Margaret Wallingford Is teaching in Weleetka, Oklahoma.
82 Mrs. Ora K. Sabin Is teaching in Armour, South Dakota.
83 Myrta Shannon Is teaching in Fort Dodge along with Faye St. Claire.
84 Noah D. Knupp Is at the University of Iowa.
85 Otis M. Weigle Is teaching at the Memorial University along with F. D. Cram.
86 R. S. Grossman Is teaching in Burt.
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87 Beth Newton Works in the Decorah schools with her sister Nell.
88 Casey and Simanton ISTC football.
89 Miss Sarah Peters Is visiting the area after being a missionary in China.
90 Stella Bush Is no longer in school.
91 T. J. Colegrove Has moved back to Iowa with his wife Alma Reichert.