Issue Contents

Scanned Newspaper Page
# Article Article Summary
1 Then and Now; State Teachers College alumni banquet; Iowa City, Iowa; February 9, 1910
Seerley--Homer Horatio (President of ISNS and ISTC)
Text of President Seerley's address; President Seerley recalls his days as a student at the University of Iowa and the development of normal schools.
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# Article Article Summary
2 Editorial Classes should be dismissed more promptly when the fifty-five minute period ends; attend Triangular Debate on Thursday; Normal Eyte elections this week.
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3 Official
Seerley--Homer Horatio (President of ISNS and ISTC)
State and national educational news.
4 Seniors entertain; give Valentine party in Gymnasium on Saturday evening; interesting program given Enjoyed games and music.
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# Article Article Summary
5 Prof. Walters lectures; addresses Science Club on "Our Iowa Birds" and gives report of museum collections Summary of Professor Walters' lecture; brief history of Museum collection of mounted animals; inventory of mounted specimens.
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# Article Article Summary
6 School orator chosen; oratorical contest won by Miss Dryden; second place in oratorical contest goes to Miss Sharts; third to Earl Wild Recap of the competition; judges' scorecards; Ethel Dryden wins; photo.
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7 Studies in Organization and Teaching
Bender--Wilbur H. (Classes of 1886 and 1890; Education Faculty)
Ideas for future teachers.
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# Article Article Summary
8 Last week Brother of Laura Falkler is in poor health.
9 Miss Genevieve Griffiths Substituted in Lincoln.
10 Miss Nell Ratcliffe Has been confined to her room.
12 The Mathematics Club Will hold the last meeting of the term.
# Article Article Summary
11 Now is the time Seniors need to contribute to the Old Gold.
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13 B. J. and J. J. Lambert and sister, Grace Returned home after the death of their father.
14 Blanche Crouse and Mr. B. Tilton Were visitors.
15 Frank Silver Is ill with pneumonia.
16 Hon. W. R. Boyd Attended to business on College Hill.
17 Miss Gertrude Glancy Has returned from Mississippi after the death of her uncle.
18 Miss Joan Lindt Enjoyed a visit from family.
19 Miss Mary Dumphy Visited her parents in Livermore.
20 Mrs. C. E. Purdy Visited her daughter, Arda.
21 Prof. and Mrs. S. F. Hersey Entertained friends.
22 Prof. Bender Visited county schools.
23 Prof. Lynch Gave a speech at the Y. M. C. A. meeting.
24 Prof. McClenahan Led chapel exercises.
25 The Chresto Society Gave Bertha Martin a decorative glass bowl.
26 The faculty and students were greatly grieved Furniss Lambert died.
27 The friends of Miss Biscoe She is feeling better.
28 The Katherine Roberts Ladies Quartet and concert company Will be performing here on February 28.
29 The Misses Leone Wiswell and Hazel Hoyt Spent Sunday with friends in Mt. Vernon.
31 The Y. W. C. A. meeting Sara Rice spoke at the meeting.
32 To help Miss Purdy Dixie Willson hosted a birthday dinner party.
# Article Article Summary
30 The Orchestra Gave a concert in Waverly.
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# Article Article Summary
33 Bessie Stebe Spent time with friends in Waterloo.
34 Dr. Gist Preached at the Congregational Church in Webster City.
35 Florence Curtis Was a guest of Grace Merrick.
36 Last Saturday evening President and Mrs. Seerley entertained faculty.
37 Loma Griffin's mother Is recovering from typhoid fever.
38 Mable Kildee Left school to attend the wedding of her brother.
39 Miss Alice S. Tyler Spoke about libraries in the Kindergarten rooms.
40 Miss Esther Seerley Is visiting relatives in Ottumwa.
41 Miss Ethel Whitten Visited Hazel Webster.
42 Miss Flora Roberts Was a guest of Marguerite Cadwallader.
43 Miss Hazel Kellogg Visited friends on the Hill.
44 Miss Nelle McMahon Visited the Training School last Friday.
45 Ruth Brenner Spent Sunday at home in Charles City.
46 Sydner Maiden Spent Sunday at Cornell.
47 Tea Cup Club meets Group of faculty women will celebrate birthdays.
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48 Another double header played; Alphas and Delphians come out winners; two more games to be played Delphians defeat Neos in basketball, 18-7; Alphas defeat Zetas, 33-10.
49 Close victory to Teachers; Cornell is defeated in hard contest by narrow score of 34 to 33 Basketball game marked by many fouls.
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# Article Article Summary
50 Former students banquet; Normal Club at State University hold annual banquet; one hundred members present Recap of the banquet and gathering; description of the program.