Issue Contents

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1 Kansas takes first; Wisconsin, Missouri, Illinois and Iowa follow; Jaw Hawker with "American Desert Dwellers" takes interstate contest Recap of the contest, with summaries of orations.
2 Official
Seerley--Homer Horatio (President of ISNS and ISTC)
Ellen Biscoe is on leave due to illness; Ethel Arey will probably be acting librarian; Jessie Parish will study at University of Iowa.
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3 Cantata is planned; Cecilian glee club will sing cantata, "King Rene's Daughter," soon Performance preview; summary of story and roster of cast members.
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5 Jayhawkers and Teachers to meet in debate; big dual debate between Kansas Normal and Teachers College will occur on Friday evening Will debate establishment of parcel post.
6 May Music Festival, May 25 and 26 Fredrick Stock and Mrs. Rider-Kelsey; photo.
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7 Studies in Organization and Teaching
Bender--Wilbur H. (Classes of 1886 and 1890; Education Faculty)
Ideas for future teachers.
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8 Association notes Elizabeth Hughes and Stephen Cohagan led prayer meetings.
9 Messrs. Walter Abram and W. W. Lee Went to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to finalize work before publishing the annual.
10 Miss Gladys Carson Visited her parents.
11 Miss Lucy Biscoe Is visiting her sister.
12 Miss Marguerite Bennett Gave a recital in the auditorium.
13 Miss Molly Feil Has the mumps.
14 Mr. J. F. Moore Has enrolled in classes.
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15 Last Thursday Henrietta Thornton entertained the Special Art students.
16 Lorena Hedlund Visited her parents in Marshalltown.
17 Miss Bertha Nicol Is visiting Martha Batty.
18 Miss Matie Blake Visited the campus.
19 Miss Verne Williard Visited family and friends in Marshalltown.
20 Miss Willicksen Was called home because of a family illness.
21 Mr. A. T. Barrett Applied for a position in Mimona, Iowa.
22 Mrs. B. C. Harris Spent Sunday with her daughter.
23 Paul Cowan Visited Burt, Iowa.
24 Supt. L. H. Minkel and Messrs. Munger and Kingsley Were here looking for teachers.
25 Supt. O. W. Herr Was here looking to hire new teachers.
26 The heart-felt sympathy Laura Falkler mourns the death of her brother.
27 The Misses Cloyd Visited classes here.
28 Through an oversight Superintendent C. H. Cobb was here looking to hire new teachers.
29 Through the kindness of Dr. George Hearst Students saw a demonstration of x-rays.
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30 Delphian-Eulalian Hold joint meeting and receive new gavel from Margaret Oliver.
31 Miss Erma Bickford Died after a lengthy illness.
32 Miss Indra Enjoyed a visit with her brother.
33 Mr. C. E. Devens and son Recently moved here from Oklahoma.
34 Mrs. J. B. Woodward Visited her daughter.
35 On the evening of June second Training School alumni will have a banquet.
36 Professor Begeman Gave a speech in Iowa City.
37 The Misses Thornton, Patt, and Dandliker Attended a meeting of the Drawing and Manual Training Association.
38 The regular meeting of the Mothers' Council Was last Friday afternoon.
39 Three more seniors More students have secured jobs.
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40 Local athletes win; track team defeats fast Des Moines College Team in close meet 69 to 58 Teachers clinch win with half-mile relay victory.
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41 Win one; lose other; Teachers College baseball team defeats Leander-Clark but loses to St. Joe Teachers defeat Leander-Clark, 13-6, but fall to St. Joe, 6-0.
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42 Below we print A. E. Veline and his wife Lillian (Faint) are living in the Philippine Islands; they write about their living and working conditions.
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43 The friends of Evelyn Troutner She has returned home from the hospital after an operation.