Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Editorial College Press Association creates better relations between Iowa schools; a Cecilian performance would be welcome; Cornell should be added to Teachers/Ames debate; May Music Festival this week.
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2 Official
Seerley--Homer Horatio (President of ISNS and ISTC)
Des Moines schools teacher standards; Casper Schenk arranging alumni banquet program; praise for C. S. Cory's work in organizing the Music Festival; next ISTA meeting will feature speakers from outside Iowa.
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3 Annuals on sale soon; college yearbook will be placed on sale Friday; big volume is published Description of Old Gold for 1910.
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4 Class play--splendid! The class play, "Hamlet" gives wonderful promise at daily rehearsals A look at the preparations for the presentation of "Hamlet".
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5 Ames debaters chosen; lack of preliminary debaters causes appointment of Ames team; Triangular Debate is favored Six selected for debate against Ames in fall 1910.
6 Teachers take two points Teachers take fifth in Iowa State Collegiate track meet.
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7 State board meets here; nine members of state Board of Education are holding meetings in Cedar Falls First time for new Board of Education to meet in Cedar Falls; will be entertained and attend Spring Music Festival.
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10 Seniors are entertained; faculty gives pleasing reception to graduating class; special program is rendered Seniors and faculty greet one another; enjoy music.
11 Special edition planned; new Eyte staff will begin active work with publication of Commencement number Will try to put together a twenty-four page issue to be published June 11, 1910.
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12 Studies in Organization and Teaching; XXVI, uniformity in instruction
Bender--Wilbur H. (Classes of 1886 and 1890; Education Faculty)
Ideas for future teachers.
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13 Professor A. W. Taylor Will return to University of Chicago to complete the graduate course.
14 Professor and Mrs. A. C. Page Will attend the commencement of Yale in New Haven, Connecticut.
15 Professor and Mrs. W. H. Bender Will be touring through Europe.
16 Rev. Nathan Gist Returned from the state Congregational meeting.
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17 A special program will occur On Memorial Day.
18 Carl Frye Enjoyed a visit from his brother.
19 In the dual meet Iowa Falls beat Cedar Falls.
20 Last Monday evening Students and faculty of the Preparatory department had a picnic.
21 Last Saturday Florence Olbrich entertained in honor of Mabel McNally.
22 Last Wednesday evening Mrs. V. H. Ley entertained some co-eds.
23 Maud Plumer Enjoyed a visit with her sister.
24 Miss Gertrude Jay Visited Sabina Stanton.
25 Miss Josephine Graham and Miss Mabel Paulger Visited friends at Cornell College.
26 Mrs. L. G. Hersey Returned home from visiting her son, Professor Hersey.
27 Professor Cable Astronomy class has been able to see Jupiter with the new telescope.
28 Professor J. O. Perrine Was in Iowa City with the Cedar Falls track team.
29 The friends of Floy Graham Are happy to hear she will be returning from Germany.
30 The Junior Kindergarten class Entertained the seniors.
31 The Newman Catholic Association Enjoyed a picnic at Cedar Heights.
32 The Sunday evening prayer meeting Was led by Hazel Ramsey.
33 Walter Bender Has been elected as a science teacher in Atlantic, Iowa.
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34 Miss Call was the recipient Annie Hosmer talks about her job in the hospital in Seattle, Washington.
35 Philo-Alpha Groups enjoyed picnic at the golf course.
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36 Avilda J. Buck Will be teaching in Greenfield.
37 Bessie A. Griffin Is teaching in Missouri Valley, Iowa.
38 Honor has come Anna C. Goodale is president of the Iowa State Nurses.
39 Iva A. Packard Is working in Sibley.
40 Lulu McLaughlin May be teaching in California next year.
41 Mrs. Eleanor K. Meacham Is living in San Jose where her daughter is attending the State Normal.
42 Mrs. Ella Ford Miller Is teaching at Drake University and will attend the international congress in Brussels.
43 Nellie E. Nelson Will be teaching in Boone next year.
44 Rev. Charles H. Kamphoefner Is a pastor in Webster City.