Issue Contents

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1 Editorial Normal Eyte staff says good-bye; class play to be given Monday evening.
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2 Annuals are sold; 1910 Old Gold proves to be fine edition; subscribers are well pleased 1910 Old Gold looks good; dedicated to Professor Parish.
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3 Special program given; Professor M. F. Arey gives address on Memorial Day to students and old soldiers Program presented in auditorium; Professor Gist in charge; old soldiers attend; Professor Arey spoke on his experiences in the Civil War.
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4 College editors meet; College Press Association of Iowa holds semi-annual banquet at Des Moines Highlights of the program; third time the group has met.
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5 Music and the May Festival; connection between good music and the festival is discussed by member of musical faculty
Merrill--Barzille Winfred (Music Faculty)
Professor Merrill writes about the history of music in Iowa and the strength and influence of the ISTC Spring Music Festival.
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6 Board meeting occurs; important resolution passed; debating helped; actions not made public Pass resolution of respect for Professor Parish; support debate program.
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7 Many graduation events; Commencement week is filled with many events; alumni program is interesting Preview of the traditional activities; program for the alumni luncheon.
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8 Studies in Organization and Teaching; XXVII, departmental instruction in the grades
Bender--Wilbur H. (Classes of 1886 and 1890; Education Faculty)
Ideas for future teachers.
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9 Neotrophian Prospective members put through some mild hazing.
10 Zetalethean Enjoyed circus program and senior orations.
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11 Flora McCarn Enjoyed a visit with her mother.
12 Miss Anna Gertrude Childs Went to Nebraska to sing at the May Music Festival.
13 Miss Bernice Overman Visited Inez Wilson.
14 Miss Gertrude Lucas Visited Hazel Dede.
15 Miss Ward entertained During the May Music Festival.
16 Mr. R. M. McKitrick Visited Professor A. W. Taylor.
17 Mrs. A. H. Wallace Will spend the week with her niece.
18 Professor and Mrs. W. H. Bender Entertained in honor of Professor and Mrs. Forest Ensign.
19 The Misses Gertrude Jennings and Ethel McCrosky Visited Eva Jennings.
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20 Fay Walpole Enjoyed a visit with her sister Elsie.
21 Fred Mitchell Enjoyed a visit from his sister.
22 Last Thursday morning Bruno Steindal played at chapel.
23 Lura Madson Enjoyed a visit with her mother.
24 Messrs, H. J. and J. E. Fullerton Attended the Music Festival.
25 Messrs. Hill and Zink Visited the Hill.
26 Miss Bertha Elgin Visited Bessie Mitchell.
27 Miss Carrie Patton Is the acting cataloguer in the library.
28 Miss Emma Foster Visited Isabel Proctor.
29 Miss Mary Salisbury Visited Grace Schoonover.
30 Miss Nan Baldwin Visited friends on the Hill.
31 Misses Margery and Marguerite Marsh Visited friends on the Hill.
32 Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Purdy Visited their daughter.
33 Mr. Henri Paul Went to Lincoln, Nebraska, for business.
34 Mr. John G. Caltron Visited with friends on the Hill.
35 Mr. Waltham Morrison Visited his sister.
36 Mrs. C. V. Hull Visited Ruth Brenner.
37 Mrs. E. L. Farrington Is here visiting her daughter.
38 On Saturday of last week Sara Riggs entertained friends in honor of Irma Keene.
39 Prof. E. W. Stanton Was here to meet with the Board of Education.
40 Roy Hoats Has gone to Montana to join the Geological Survey Party.
41 Sydner Maiden Had the mumps.
42 The Mesdames Wagner and Charles Visited friends on the Hill.
43 The Misses Harrison and Sutter Entertained friends during the May Music Festival.
44 The Y. W. and Y. M. C. A. prayer meeting Was led by Professor D. S. Wright.
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45 Among the old students Students expected to return for Commencement.
46 Edward Meggers Has been elected principal at Magnolia.
47 Karl J. Knoepfler Attended a meeting of the College Press Association.
48 Last Friday Dr. Charles Meyerholz gave a speech to the graduates at Adair.
49 Last Monday evening Minnesingers held their annual banquet.
50 Last Saturday Professor Cummins went to a meeting of the Commercial Teachers Association.
51 Last Saturday evening Professor and Mrs. Seymour entertained friends.
52 Miss Elizabeth Hughes Is traveling abroad.
53 Miss Ethel Dryden Has been elected to teach at Clear Lake.
54 Miss Hanna Landsberg Visited her sister.
55 Miss Lucy Crary Is visiting from Nora Springs.
56 Mrs. Darling Was a guest of Mrs. Walker.
57 Mrs. N. A. Capron Mrs. Capron and friends visited Addie Havens.
58 On Tuesday of last week The senior baseball players competed against some faculty members.
59 Paul Cutler Was elected principal in Traer.
60 Rose Smith Has returned to school after an illness.
61 The second game Intersociety baseball update.
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62 Charlotte Hunt Will be working in Seattle, Washington.
63 Delpha Davis Will be teaching in Cedar Falls.
65 E. T. Shepherd Will be working in Mt. Ayr, Iowa.
66 F. C. Ensign He and his wife visited Professor and Mrs. Bender.
67 Iowa Chase Will attend the University of Iowa.
68 Nina Baumgardner Will be teaching in Cedar Falls.
69 Raymond Leland Is principal at Fort Madison.
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64 E. B. Gowin Has been granted a scholarship to attend Columbia University.
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70 News of the colleges News notes on other colleges.