Issue Contents

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1 Editorial Editorial suggests ways in which students can improve their study habits.
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2 Official Notes
Seerley--Homer Horatio (President of ISNS and ISTC)
Discusses problems and developments in education in various states; urges interest in intensive agriculture; information on a few faculty members.
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3 Athletic Notes; Leander Clark and Teachers battle to a tie. Leander Clark is outplayed but Teachers weaken at critical times I. S. T. C. ended in a tie with Leander Clark; account of the game.
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4 The following from the Record will interest our readers Marriage announcement of Alice Elizabeth Carpenter and August E. Freier.
5 Today, at the bride's home E. W. Haight and Maude Thompson were married.
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6 Prof. Perrine married; quietly weds Miss Blanche Albright Saturday noon at her home in Burlington, Iowa James Perrine, principal of Cedar Falls High School, and Blanche Albright were wed.
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7 Science Club report Elizabeth Hughes spoke on her tour of Russia to the Science Club.
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8 Bible Study Department of the Y. M. and Y. W. Christian Associations; lessons prepared by C. P. Colegrove
Colegrove--Chauncey Peter (Education Faculty)
Lesson VIII. Jacob, the Supplanter.
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9 Y. W. C. A. notes Enjoyed China mission program at Emma Lambert's home.
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10 Frank Lynch and sister Clara Visited the Shillinglaw home.
11 June Young Left for her home in Clarion to attend the wedding of a friend.
12 Last Wednesday evening June Allison, Maude Miner, La Vere Smith, Leone Wiswell, and Margaret Morgan were guests at a party thrown by Roy Jarnagin.
13 Miss Gladys Foote Spent time visiting friends in Independence.
14 Miss Inez Devens Visited friends on College Hill.
15 Miss Jessie Shillinglaw Attended the wedding of Olive Elliot in Fairbanks.
16 Miss Lucile Runkle Held a weekend party for some of the Iowa State Teachers College students at her home in Lisbon, Iowa.
17 Miss Luetta Knights of Green Mountain Left for Malad City, Idaho, to teach Latin.
18 Misses Lura Wentworth and Gertrude Riefe Spent time at their home in Mason City.
19 On Friday evening Jessie Aitchison and Lela Green entertained the Senior Kindergarten students.
20 The Waterloo girls report Particularly appreciate that there were two cars waiting for them on Thirteenth Street instead of the usual one car.
21 Word comes to us Olive Elliott was married to Lewis Miller.
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22 Ethel Baldwin Left for Berlin where she spent time with her parents.
23 Eva Jennings Left for her home in Tipton, Iowa.
24 G. W. Samson Left for Mason City to attend the Teachers Association.
25 Grace Strain Spent time on College Hill visiting friends.
26 Karl Knoepfler Principal of the Storm Lake High School; spent time with his parents on College Hill.
27 Miss Mabel Mastain Graduate and former assistant librarian was married to Logan Patterson; ceremony was performed by Professor Wright.
28 Miss Marguerite Cadwallader Returned to school after a two day absence due to illness.
29 Misses Emma Plath and Emma Burke Left for Earlville to attend the wedding of a friend.
30 Mr. McKitrick Left for Mason City where he conducted a Round Table on Civics.
31 Mrs. Fullerton of Fort Dodge Spent time with her daughter on College Hill.
32 On Friday morning Devotional exercises were conducted by Mr. Von Aldrich.
33 On Monday morning after chapel English Department got together to discuss the organization of an English Club.
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34 Lillie Bateman Left for Mason City to attend the teachers convention.
35 Mabel Fonda Spent time at her home in Independence.
36 Miss Lola Hughes Left for Washington, Iowa.
37 Nettie Espeseth Left for a visit at her home in Northwood, Iowa.
38 R. F. Seymour Left for Mason City to attend the teachers convention.
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39 On Thursday Iowa State Teachers College Republican Club met and elected officials.
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40 At a meeting of the Senior Class Officers were elected to run the class.