Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Patronize basketball Encourages students to attend men's basketball games.
2 That triangular debate The Aristos have decided not to provide any contestants for the winter triangular debate; will have no triangular debate for second consecutive year.
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3 "What would I do if I were a freshman again"; college professor gives rules for living--six things well worth striving for An article from a professor from the University of Southern California on what he would do if he were a freshman in college again.
4 Mid-winter play The winter play will be "The Man Who Came Down"; roster of cast members.
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5 Official Notes
Seerley--Homer Horatio (President of ISNS and ISTC)
News of important educators and education-related events; pending legislation in the General Assembly.
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6 A. Radclyff Dugmore at the college; will lecture tomorrow night A. Radclyff Dugmore will lecture on "Snapping Africa's wild game on Roosevelt's hunting trail."
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7 The modern movement in elementary and secondary mathematics; present day conditions
Condit--Ira S. (Mathematics Faculty)
An essay on mathematics written by Ira S. Condit of I. S. T. C.
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8 At San Francisco, California Eva Jennie Weatherbe and Robert Windor were married.
9 F. O. Smith Going to start a twenty-four stop lecture tour.
10 H. W. Chehock Doing great work to improve the schools in Clear Lake, Iowa.
11 Julia Porter Taking up work in high schools teaching Latin.
12 Louetta Sprague Accepted a position in Minneapolis.
13 Margery Graham Ready to take positions in high schools looking for teachers of English and Latin.
14 W. S. Yeager Physical education director at the schools in Mount Hermon, Massachusetts; lost possessions when dormitory caught fire.
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15 The sympathy of all who know Mr. E. L. Bronson Former principal of the Hawarden schools; had his feet badly frozen in Montana and will have toes amputated; in need of assistance.
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16 Bible Study Department of the Y. M. and Y. W. Christian Associations; lessons prepared by C. P. Colegrove
Colegrove--Chauncey Peter (Education Faculty)
Lesson XVII; closing scenes in a grand life (part two).
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17 Cliorio oratorical contest An oratorical contest was held by the Cliorio Alumni Association; Glenn Davis won first prize; roster of speakers and their topics.
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18 Cedar Falls High wins debate from Independence
19 I. S. T. C. freshmen team are defeated by C. F. High School; final count is 27 to 20 I. S. T. C. freshman basketball team lost to Cedar Falls High School.
20 The opening of the Gymnasium Students enjoy having the building open on Saturday afternoons; will have inter-class basketball games.
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21 The Department of Physical Education Will continue basketball games for women's literary society teams.
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22 The matter of flooding our athletic field Trying to find equipment to flood field for skating.
23 The regular series of indoor athletic contests Records for recent indoor track contests.
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24 Basketball team goes to Charles City; loses by a score of 33 to 20 I S. T. C. lost to Charles City, 33-20; brief account of game.
25 Hon. C. P. Carey speaks at Chapel Wisconsin education speaks on situation in his state.
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26 Miss Bresnin of Springfield, Ohio Visited her friend Miss Hussey.
27 Miss Daisy McLeod Confined to her room by an attack of the grippe.
28 Miss Miriam Wells of Ames Visited Miss Wells.
29 Mr. F. Russell Glasener Spent time in State Center, Iowa.
30 Mr. Frank Lynch of Independence Visited the Shillinglaw home.
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31 A very fine large porcupine Porcupine was on display in Professor Arey's laboratory.
33 Miss Grace Petite Confined to her room by an attack of the grippe.
34 Most of the people at Chapman Hall Outbreak of sickness and injury has befallen Chapman Hall.
35 Mr. Merrill Unable to meet with students, confined to his home because of illness.
36 Mrs. D. S. Wright Confined to her room by an attack of the grippe.
37 Prof. C. P. Colegrove Addressed a farmers' meeting in Pocahontas, Iowa.
38 Saturday afternoon Cedar Falls chapter of D. A. R. met at the home of Marion Walker.
# Article Article Summary
32 Last Saturday evening Sophia Thoene slipped on the ice and sprained her wrist.