Issue Contents

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1 Editorial A bill is introduced in the General Assembly that would prohibit the sale of liquor within five miles of a state college or university.
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2 Official Notes
Seerley--Homer Horatio (President of ISNS and ISTC)
Iowa education news; Professor Page asks for additional leave to allow his ankle to heal; legislators discuss simplified spelling; Margaret Baker now in Oklahoma; Ira Condit publishes regularly.
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3 Football popular new rules upheld; intercollegiate association so declares; statistics show that few are seriously injured during the fall A meeting of the Intercollegiate Athletics Association developed new rules for football.
4 Strickland Gillilan entertains large audience; his droll humor with an occasional touch of pathos holds audience Strickland Gillilan spoke to a large audience in the college auditorium.
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5 Fire in the boarding house; Hollis home on College Hill has a narrow escape from a serious conflagration A fire occurred at the Hollis home, but was successfully put out; lamp had fallen to the floor and started a fire.
6 Iowan's annual picnic All former Iowans living in southern California are invited to attend the Iowa Association picnic.
7 Want teachers The United States Civil Service Commission announces an examination for placement of teachers in the Philippines.
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8 "Ideals" Ideal characteristics some women on campus are looking for in a mate.
9 To former students of I. S. T. C. Encourages students to purchase the 1911 Old Gold.
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10 "And 'twas a good laugh" The winter play of "The Man Who Came Down" was a success.
11 John Gabriel wins men's intersociety oratorical; he speaks on "The Future of Cuba" John Gabriel won the men's intersociety oratorical contest; Glenn Davis was second.
12 Medals are given for debaters Six I. S. T. C. men were awarded medals for their debate against Ames.
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13 Athletic notes The basketball game against Upper Iowa was canceled.
14 Want to knows Campus gossip.
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15 Bible Study Department of the Y. M. and Y. W. Christian Associations; lessons prepared by C. P. Colegrove
Colegrove--Chauncey Peter (Education Faculty)
Lesson XIX: Joshua, the Great Commander (part one).
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16 A long letter from E. C. Roberts Invited Mr. and Mrs. Seerley to camp with him in Washington.
17 Ariel Parish Will be principal of Webster City next year.
18 Ever since her graduation Bessie Cox has been teaching in primary schools in Fort Dodge.
19 Florence B. Clark Resident of New Mexico.
20 Ida Louise Specht Graduating from the Stanford University.
21 In the Northwest Journal of Education There are a number of articles about ISTC alumni.
22 Marie Miller Will be teaching in North Dakota.
23 Reports in the Springfield Training School paper Carl Merner is having a good season of football.
24 We are interested to learn Lew McDonald was a member of the University of Chicago debating team that won against the Northwestern team.
25 We read in the Daily Iowan Syd Maiden played on championship team.
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26 An enthusiastic student A poem from the Kansas City Times.
27 Exchange notes News on other colleges in the nation.
28 Principal E. C. Hill Managing editor for the Seattle Department.
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29 Friday morning Took her class to inspect the Short Course Exhibit Car from Ames.
30 Miss Josephine Graham Visited the college with her parents.
31 Miss Meta Linn Called home on account of father's illness.
32 On Friday evening Mary Townsend gave a dinner in the Domestic Science rooms.
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33 Last Monday evening Dinner was held at the home of President Seerley; all the faculty attended.
34 Mr. Bruce Armstrong Spent Sunday on College Hill.
35 On Saturday afternoon Ruth Dowdell met a number of children for story hour.
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36 Notice! Students of the science departments will be in charge of the Science Club programs.
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37 Rev. Day Gave a talk on the Christian and the world.
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38 Mr. John McDonald Visited Cedar Falls for the mid-winter play.
39 On Saturday evening Group of students entertained some members of the faculty and alumni.
40 Tuesday morning at chapel hour Ames debate medals were presented to the members of the debate team.