Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Anniversary days were inspiring; dinner on Saturday evening was a great event; historical meeting interesting Review of the lengthy program celebrating the 25th anniversary of the YMCA and YWCA.
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4 Gave Dickens party Training School faculty celebrated 100th anniversary of birth of Charles Dickens with party for tenth and eleventh grade students.
5 Miss Kauffman, Miss Houk and Mr. Welles Each will have a solo in the cantata.
6 Miss Mary Townsend Will speak to the Farmer's Institute in Cherokee.
7 Mr. and Mrs. Hersey Held a dinner party in honor of Mr. Haskell.
8 Mr. Chas. Bailey Delivered a speech in Hubbard.
9 Mr. Samson Delivered a speech to a county convention of teachers in Mason City.
10 Mr. Welles Entertained Professor Knox from Cornell College.
11 The Cottage Reading Circle Held a program at the home of Professor and Mrs. D. S. Wright.
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12 Athletic notes Indoor athletic activities continue, intersociety basketball championship approaching, and a tentative baseball schedule announced.
13 Minnesingers in annual concert; college glee club will appear on Friday evening, February 23 Preparing for fourteenth annual concert; will also feature soloists.
14 We are indebted Thanks to Professor Condit for providing anniversary articles; all who missed the events celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. have passed up great opportunities.
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15 Address by Professor Kay Speaks on Alaska to Science Club.
16 The Woman's Intersociety Committee Working on uniform rules for rush.
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17 A card from Casper Schenk Practicing law in Des Moines.
18 Miss Agnes Young Went home with Calla Stone for a weekend visit.
19 Miss Cora Dilley Visited friends on College Hill on Sunday.
20 Miss Elizabeth J. Harkness Teaching in California.
21 Miss Grace Dunkelberg Was a judge for the preliminary contest of the East High School.
22 Miss Grace Dunkelberg Spent Saturday in Vinton with Genevieve Edwards.
23 Miss Kate Lester Kate Lester is in Minnesota.
24 Miss Kathryn Heddens Teaching in Minnesota.
25 Miss Margaret Oliver Visited by a friend who attended here four years ago.
26 Miss Viola Marshall Was the guest of Elizabeth Wheeler during the recent Y. M. and Y. W. festivities. Viola Marshall is the state secretary of the Y. W. C. A.
27 Misses Effie and Florence Cook Grandfather died.
28 Misses Mae and Anna Brinkman Along with their niece, Clara Ives, attended a family wedding in Rolfe.
29 Mr. Getchell Organized two gymnasium classes in the Presbyterian Sunday School.
30 Mr. Glenn Davis Was a judge for the high school preliminary declamatory contest in Clarksville.
31 Mr. Grawe Visited his daughters Dorothy and Helen last week.
32 Mr. James Martin Is attending University of Iowa but visited chapel on Friday.
33 Mr. Roger Leavitt Gave a short address at chapel on Wednesday.
34 Mrs. Arthur Furguson Visited school Friday with Ruth McQuilkin.
35 Mrs. Cora B. Dodd Somers Died October 5, 1911.
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36 The Schiller Verein Is the name of the new organization of German students.
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37 Coming events Schedule through May.
38 Miss Laura Ensign Attended YWCA anniversary celebration.
39 President and Mrs. H. H. Seerley Attended banquet for Normalites at University of Iowa.
40 Prof. and Mrs. Walters Entertained faculty.