Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Athletic benefit makes big hit; entertainment Friday evening was well patronized Included music and drama.
2 Erickson wins oratorical; contest was not up to usual standard. Condit given second honors, Wild third Attendance and performance down; Carl Erickson took first place, Brian Condit second, and Earl Wild third.
3 Large number will attend convention; state volunteer union will hold annual gathering at Cornell College, February 23, 24, and 25 Will feature speakers who have served as missionaries.
4 Prof. and Mrs. G. W. Walters Professor and Mrs. G. W. Walters entertained Science Club faculty members.
5 Professor Gillin lectures before lyceum of politics and economics John Gillin speaks on problems of small towns.
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6 Ada Chambers Teaching Latin and composition at the Greenfield High School.
7 Alle Robinson She is principal at the high school in Sioux Center.
8 Avice M. Sloan Teaching Latin in the Oakland High School; Laura Parks is teaching German and algebra there, also.
9 Cecil Cotter Teaching fourth grade in Des Moines.
10 Clara Grimm Teaching seventh and eighth grades in Zearing.
11 Clara Pfeiffer Teaching German in Pomeroy.
12 Edrie Cohoon She is the supervisor of music in all grades in La Junta, Colorado.
13 Evelyn Sturgeon Teaching English and German in Wheatland, Wyoming.
14 Fred Vorhies He is superintendent of schools in New Hartford.
15 Gertrude Klein Teaching at the John Fiske building.
16 Gladys Foote Finishing her work at school and planning to receive her B. A. in June.
17 Gretchen Greene Teaching kindergarten at Grinnell public schools.
18 Hazel Diehl Teaching fifth grade in Tipton.
19 Irene Baker Teaching kindergarten in Missouri Valley, Iowa.
20 Jennie Meek Teaching fifth, sixth, and eighth grades at Beacon schools.
21 Jessie H. Aitchison She is completing the primary course at I. S. T. C.
22 Katherine E. Gifford She is the principal at the high school in Union; teaching mathematics and science.
23 Laura E. Woodward Teaching third and fourth grade in Lewis.
24 Laura Remer Teaching primary grades in her hometown of Urbana.
25 Lelia Thrasher Teaching English and history at the Tabor High School.
26 Lyla Wallace Teaching first grade in Primghar.
27 M. Ruth Houts She is assistant principal and teaches algebra, history, rhetoric, and civics at the high school in Macedonia.
28 Mabel Thorson She is in charge of the primary department in Joice.
29 Mabel Tilton Teaching fourth grade at the McKinley School in Mason City.
30 Mamie Sanders Teaching first primary in Montezuma.
31 Marguerite Wadsworth Teaching third primary in Le Mars.
32 Martha McIntosh Teaching mathematics in Logan.
33 Miss Carrie C. Carter Teaching the seventh grade in Parker, South Dakota.
34 Nell B. Allison She is Director of Domestic Science and Arts at the Y. M. C. A. in Akron, Ohio.
35 Nell Woods She is the principal at Knierim, along with teaching Latin and English.
36 Robert F. Etienne Attending I. S. T. C.
37 Ruth Berger She is supervisor of music at Clarksville schools; R. O. Bagley is the superintendent there; Addie Havens is the principal; and Freda Helwig is a primary teacher there.
38 Ruth Brenner She is spending the year at home in Charles City.
39 Susie Gabriel Teaching science in Oelwein.
40 The following 1911 people Roster of graduates who are teaching in Algona.
41 Vera De Seelhorst Teaching cooking and sewing at the high school in Sleepy Eye, Minnesota.
42 Verda Owen Teaching first primary in Wyoming, Iowa.
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# Article Article Summary
43 Announcement Len Toomey and Howard Huston announce candidacy for College Eye staff.
44 Eleanor Ohm Teaching sixth grade in Manning.
45 Helen M. Wells Accepted a position as Domestic Science teacher in Spencer.
46 Helena T. Bakewell She is principal at the high school in Jewell and is teaching Latin and English there; Mary Cooper teaches primary there; E.G. Clark is the superintendent; Harriet Omundson is teaching in the English department at the Lutheran College there.
47 Louise Linderblood Spending a year at home in Boone.
48 Many changes made; football rules will differ radically the coming season Football field will be changed, field judge will be eliminated, and other rules will change many aspects of football at I. S. T. C.
49 Miss Clara Meacham Teaching third grade in Davenport.
50 Miss Ethyl Price She is teaching sub-primary, first grade and second grade in George, Iowa.
51 Ruby Stoelting She is principal of the Garfield building in Montezuma with two former I. S. T. C. graduates under her.
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# Article Article Summary
52 Athletic notes Indoor athletic competition continues, intersociety basketball tournament won by the Aristos, and baseball practice begins.
53 College Eye election Will elect editor, business manager, and local editor in March 5 election.
54 Minnesinger concert postponed Term has featured much entertainment; will perform April 5.
55 Miss Arlene Wise Arlene Wise and Alice Shutts visited campus.
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# Article Article Summary
56 Anna Baldwin Is leaving school to take a position in the primary grades at Calmar.
57 C. J. Boyington Is the principal of Webster school in Spokane, Washington.
58 City Superintendent, C. F. Brown Visited campus Friday and acted as a judge at the Cedar Falls-Marion debate on Friday night.
59 Co. Supt. W. P Jensen of Pocahontas County Has announced he will not run for another term in office.
60 Don Campbell dies at Ames; former I. S. T. C. student is a victim of typhoid fever Macy Campbell's brother Don died February 17, 1911.
61 Ella C. Hartshorn Is the superintendent of the Aldrich Deaconess Home Training School in Grand Rapids, Minnesota.
62 Estelle Evans Is studying in Chicago at the school of Physical Education and Expression.
63 Florence Brumbaugh Has been offered a position in the primary grades at Limeville.
64 Frank Wooley Is the principal at Iowa Falls.
65 H. G. Martin Is teaching junior year at a high school in Minneapolis while he is attending law school. He visited campus last week.
66 Helen Evelyn Porter Is teaching in the Minneapolis schools
67 J. H. Phelps Is a successful businessman in Crosby, North Dakota.
68 Miss Childs Entertained friends in the college tea room.
69 Miss Dunham Entertained at a dinner.
70 Miss Riggs Entertained friends in the Tea Room after a recital.
71 Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Spent a few days visiting Mr. and Mrs. Mount.
72 Mr. and Mrs. Walters Entertained the science teachers at a dinner in honor of Prof. Kay of Iowa City.
73 Mr. C. A. Fullerton Delivered an address at his old home church in Rockford.
74 Mr. R. F. Seymour Refereed in Iowa City.
75 Mr. W. H. Bender Delivered a speech to the Y. M. C. A.
76 Nellie F. Anderson-Thomas Is teaching in Tahoe, Idaho.
77 President and Mrs. Seerley Attended a banquet of the Normal Club, along with Mr. and Mrs. Bender, Emma Lambert and Mr. Dick.
78 Supt. H. E. Blackmar Is doing well in Iowa City; since he started work there, attendance has doubled.
79 Thomas R. Amlie Is a successful farmer near Peterson.
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# Article Article Summary
80 Department of orchestral instruments; B. W. Merrill, director Professor Merrill comments that simplified spelling of the word choir "quire" is an injustice.
81 H. P. Mowrer Entered college on Monday.
82 Hilda Hand Spent the weekend visiting friends in Ames.
83 Jessie Wenger Went to Hampton to spend the weekend with her friend Mabel Herrick.
84 Lee Shillinglaw Took the leading role in a dramatic entertainment given at Independence last week.
85 Lillie Landsness Along with Monica Farrell and Ruth Whistler, joined school this week.
86 Lulu Methfessel Spent the weekend in Reinbeck at her home.
87 Miss Dunham Entertained friends at a luncheon in the Tea Room on Friday.
88 Miss Fesenbeck Hosted a dinner at her house on Saturday.
89 Miss Gladys Foote Entertained her Physical Training class at her home in Waterloo on Tuesday.
90 Miss Helen Hearst-Hammer Has been elected president of the Tuesday Club of Cedar Falls.
91 Miss Letta Whitten Is spending this year at home in Charles City, but she visited campus on Monday.
92 Miss Stevens Spent the weekend at her home.
93 Misses Helen Sedgwick, Angeline and Bertha Ball Attended a domestic science dinner.
94 Mr. Beinke And Floy Graham each have a music class in Independence which they visit weekly.
95 Mr. P. E. McClenahan The State Inspector of High Schools led the devotional exercises in chapel on Thursday.
96 Richard Bagby Visited friends on the Hill on Sunday.
97 Sara Murray Is teaching in Dexter and has recently accepted a position at her home school of Shenandoah and will move there soon.
98 Saturday night, February 3 The Delphians held a meeting on the corner of College and 24th St.
99 Supt. Clarence Parker Visited friends and relatives in Cedar Falls on Sunday.
100 Walter Bender Spent Sunday at his home on College Hill.
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# Article Article Summary
101 Coming events Campus schedule through May.
102 Miss June Young Took weekend course in harmony at Drake University.
103 Miss Naomi Stone Called home.
104 The first of February Art League met at Professor Thornton's home for a picnic dinner.