Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 News from the Canal Zone; work on canal is progressing rapidly George Kramer writes to Professor Dick of his YMCA work in the Canal Zone.
2 President's conference; Y. M. C. A. President's conference, March 29-31 State Teachers College Program schedule.
3 Teaching English literature in schools; some essentials of literature as a fine art
Lynch--Samuel Adams (English Faculty)
Professor Lynch begins lengthy essay on teaching literature.
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# Article Article Summary
4 Official notes; the N. E. A. winter meeting at St. Louis, Mo., Feb. 26-29, 1912 National Council of Education meeting in St. Louis exceeded expectations; teaching assignments and leaves of absence posted; summer assignments; Professor Patt will study art in Europe; Florence Ward will study the Montessori method in Italy.
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# Article Article Summary
5 Pres. H. H. Seerley Delivered two addresses in Boulder, Colorado over spring vacation.
6 Untitled News notes from other colleges.
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# Article Article Summary
7 All extend sincere sympathy Mrs. E. J. Cable's mother died.
8 G. S. Dick Acted as a judge at a contest at Charles City college.
9 I. S. Condit Acted as a judge in a contest in New Hampton.
10 Miss Anna Gertrude Childs Toured several places at the close of last term.
11 Miss Riggs Visited Mrs. Merrill in Rochester.
12 Mr. and Mrs. R. McKitrick and daughter Lois All visited Mrs. McKitrick's parents.
13 Mr. C. P. Colegrove Vacationed in Minneapolis; gave an address in Duluth.
14 Mr. Welles He sang in Toledo and several other places, including as a soloist with the Cornell Glee Club.
15 Mrs. J. B. Knoepfler She gave a dinner party in honor of her daughter's engagement.
16 Pres. and Mrs. Seerley The Class of 1912 and the faculty were entertained at a gathering by President and Mrs. Seerley.
17 Prof. D. S. Wright Reported in chapel about the annual convention of religious workers that he attended.
18 Prof. L. Begeman Visited Cedar Rapids during his vacation.
19 Prof. R. F. Seymour Delivered an address in Charles City.
20 Shower parties in honor of Miss Knoepfler Mrs. Seerley and Mrs. Dick hosted a party in Mrs. Seerley's home and Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Bender, Mrs. Hersey, and Mrs. Condit also hosted a party at the home of Mrs. Wright.
21 The Waterloo Normal Club Held an elaborate banquet.
22 W. H. Bender Acted as a judge in Oelwein.
23 We are sorry to note Marion McFarland Walker must wear her arm in a sling as a result of her fall.
24 We regret to note Mrs. B. W. Merrill is in the hospital in Rochester, Minnesota.
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# Article Article Summary
25 Miss Corbit Visited college Friday along with Cora Stoodt.
26 Our neighbors News from conference schools.
27 Pres. H. H. Seerley Attended an educational meeting in Chicago last week.
28 Ruth Gullberg Visited friends in Iowa City on Saturday.
29 Verna Graham Has returned to school after recovering from typhoid fever.
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# Article Article Summary
30 Jean Turner Gave up her school work for a few days last week due to a case of the mumps.
31 Miss Buchanan Spent the weekend with her cousin, Miss Symington, in Ackley.
32 Misses Wheeler, Mary Dick Along with Hazel Aldrich, Hazel Butterfield, Ella Van Dellen and Esther Shoemaker, attended the Y. W. C. A. convention in Albert Lea, Minnesota, last week.
33 Mrs. Marion McFarland Walker Fractured her wrist after slipping last Wednesday.
34 Prof. D. S. Wright Gave a talk at chapel on Thursday about the convention he attended in St. Louis.
35 Prof. E. K. Chapman Will teach physics during the summer session at I.S.T.C.
36 The old and new cabinets of the Y. M and Y. W. C. A. Gave a supper at the Gymnasium last Wednesday.
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# Article Article Summary
37 Anna Marcue Will head roundtable discussion in Grinnell.
38 Bernice Sweeney Will visit Cedar Falls.
39 Leta Wilcox Teaching near Cedar Falls.
40 Mary L. Jensen Teaching in Washington.
41 Vera De Seelhorst Teaching in Minnesota.
42 Walter Guthridge Medical doctor in Washington.