Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Certificate recital given Wednesday; Mr. W. E. Hays and Miss Genevieve Johnson appear before student body Performance program for Professor Welles' pupils.
2 Commencement play will not be repeated Play is in final rehearsals; will not be repeated during the summer session as has been the practice of previous years.
3 Miss Alma Cutler Alma Cutler will succeed Adolph Kramer in the Department of Orchestral Music.
4 New teachers appointed Brief profiles of new faculty and those whom they will replace.
5 Summer term program ready; much attention is paid to course for rural teachers; noted lecturers will be present Summer session programs mailed out; Training School will be in session for six weeks; schedule of lecturers and entertainment.
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# Article Article Summary
6 Financial statement of the Oratorical Association Brief statement of financial condition.
7 Iowa State Teachers College Commencement week program.
8 Memorial service at the college Service includes music, readings, and speeches; about forty members of the GAR attended.
9 Senior elections List of those who have found teaching positions.
10 Song recital given Monday List of Professor Welles' pupils and their work.
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# Article Article Summary
11 Cupid is busy Announcement of several weddings; other news notes.
12 Elsa Mix Arrived home from Colorado to spend the summer in Cedar Falls.
13 Ethel Bruner Called to her home in Cedar Rapids because of a friend's illness.
14 Ethel Dryden Returned home for summer vacation.
15 F. R. Glasener Visited campus before leaving for Canada.
16 Gertrude Montgomery Visited College Hill.
17 Ila Long Attended the Waverly High School Commencement Banquet where she gave a reading.
18 Iva Mix Arrived home from Boone and plans to teach in Fort Dodge next year.
19 Jasper Wilbur Visited campus.
20 Lucile Runkle Visited Mary Samson.
21 Prof. Milton E. Loomis Visited campus.
22 R. L. Crouse Visited campus.
23 The faculty Plans to entertain the seniors.
24 The New Song Book and Music Reader C. A. Fullerton released a new book.
25 Walter Abrahams Re-elected to teach in Newton; visited campus.
26 Zada Dickerman Visited by Alene Taylor of Mason City.
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# Article Article Summary
27 Goodbye College Eye staff bids farewell to readers; urges students to support the important things in college life.
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# Article Article Summary
28 Upper Iowa wins game Upper Iowa defeats ISTC in baseball, 7-1; box score of the game.
29 We want to warn all stragglers Urges those attending play to arrive on time.
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# Article Article Summary
30 Captains for baseball and track chosen Robert Fearing will be captain of track team; Leslie Cotton will be captain of baseball team.
31 Faculty notes News notes on faculty activities.