Issue Contents

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1 After the football game Poem using football terms about a young couple being hit by Cupid.
2 Leland Powers; large audience pleased with the entertainment; was a good combination Entertained crowd with readings from Dickens.
3 Miss Correll Floe Correll visited Kansas.
4 Untitled Poem about Christmas vacation.
5 Varsity football men honored; loyal support made possible the presentation of fine sweaters; second team also recognized Presentation of the football emblems.
6 Young Women's Christian Association notes Bertha Patt addressed the meeting.
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7 Football fatalities and injuries Rules changes have reduced the number of deaths, but there are still many serious injuries around the country.
8 Musical talent displayed Epworth League presents program in Janesville.
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9 College calendar
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10 After the presentation of the football sweaters The students at Iowa State Teachers College help to support the school and athletic teams.
11 Be sure to say If you meet your General Assembly representative over break, say hi and tell him of the great Iowa State Teachers College.
12 Sidney Lanier's advice to young women; study orchestral instruments Women should join the orchestra.
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13 During the recent session Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jarnagin housed former I. S. T. C. students during the South Dakota State Teachers Association.
14 Ella McLain Married Ray Crouse on November 28.
15 English Club meeting Quick review of speakers and their topics.
16 Former I. S. T. C. A. T. Barrett played the Duke and Pinch in "A Comedy of Errors."
17 L. L. Folsom He and his wife are parents of a son born on November 5.
18 Miss Florence Ward Plans to address the State Teachers Association in Oklahoma during vacation.
19 On Thanksgiving day Roy Porter married Mayme Bennett.
20 On the evening of Dec. 6 Elmer E. Bartlett married Mrs. Lillian Freeland Ashley.
21 Pres. Seerley Attended a State Board of Education meeting.
22 Prof. Samson Gave a lecture in Northwood last week.
23 Supt. H. E. Blackmar Elected city superintendent of schools in Ottumwa.
24 Word has been received Donald Ferguson has been promoted to director of manual training in the St. Paul schools.
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25 A very enjoyable "At Home" "At Home" was given in the Rest Room for the Y. W. C. A. women.
26 Anna Doffing Confined to her home due to an illness.
27 Bess Beswick Called to Greeley, Iowa, due to the death of an aunt.
28 Miss Blake Plans to spend vacation in Chicago.
29 Miss Dunham Plans to visit Texas during vacation.
30 Miss Hussey Plans to spend Christmas vacation in Philadelphia.
31 Miss Lulu Wirt Lulu Wirt is spending time preparing for her work as critic teacher for seventh and eighth grades.
32 Mrs. Fearing Mrs. Fearing, of Fort Dodge, visited her sons.
33 Prof. Walters Addressed the teachers meetings in Mt. Ayr.
34 Rev. Herbert A. Wilson Rector of Christ Church in Huron, Ohio.
35 Secretary Every Secretary Every visited chapel.
36 The M. Di. Seniors Banquet held in gymnasium.
37 Work on the Training School Construction continuing on the Training School Building.
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38 Last Thursday evening Y. M. C. A. held a program in the Gymnasium.
39 Lee Shillinglaw Elected to organize State University of Iowa clubs in every county in the state.
40 Miss Sara M. Riggs Plans to spend the holidays in Boston.
41 Mrs. Robert Fullerton Mrs. Fullerton was the guest of honor at a dinner given by Mrs. C. S. Cory.
42 Pres. H. H. Seerley Named to the American Board for Montessori system, along with Professor Norton of Harvard University, Superintendent Maxwell of New York City, S. F. McClure, publisher, and Professor Holmer of Harvard.
43 Rev. Holmes of Algona The Reverend Holmes led devotional exercises and spoke at chapel.
44 There will be a meeting of the representatives Representatives from the minor colleges of Iowa will meet in Cedar Falls; they include Parsons, Penn, Des Moines, Ellsworth, Upper Iowa, St. Joseph, Highland Park, and Leander Clark.
45 We are in receipt The school paper in Houston, Texas, writes of Harriet Kramer.
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46 Professor Dick Professor Dick attended meeting in Des Moines.
47 The Cliorio Christmas tree Presented program and then enjoyed party.