Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Basketball schedule For the remainder of the 1912-1913 season.
2 Basketball; fine showing made against Iowa's team; final score twenty-four to twenty Iowa State Teachers College lost a close game to Iowa; the first game of the season.
3 College Inn opened; long needed establishment recently thrown open to the public; well patronized, good service Severin and Gray open College Inn, restaurant on College Hill, on January 5, 1913.
4 Debating; considerable interest is being aroused in forensic work; both intersociety and intercollegiate contests coming Thirty men are working on debate; arranging annual triangular debate.
5 Oratorical; girls societies in combat; interesting and instructive program Mae Brinkmen won the competition among the women's literary societies.
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# Article Article Summary
6 Candidates' announcements Candidates for College Eye staff positions announce themselves.
7 Student suffers painful accident; Tom Crilly in College Hospital with the bones of his left leg badly fractured Falls on icy sidewalk on College Hill and breaks ankle.
8 Young Men's Christian Association notes Will hold series of special meetings.
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# Article Article Summary
9 Athletics; many men taking class basketball; men's intersociety contest to be held Men enjoying basketball class.
10 Basketball Coach Pasini and Captain Huston, photo.
11 Have you received one of Miss Oliver's Christmas announcements Appreciates Professor Oliver's Christmas greeting.
12 Longfellow says About the new year, and a poem from the "Kirksville Normal Index".
13 One way in which the students can show their business ability Go to take your picture early and be prepared.
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# Article Article Summary
14 Coach Pasini Refereed a basketball game between Rockford and Osage.
15 Eva L. Gregg Spent vacation in Chicago.
16 Helen Lyke Spending the winter in California.
17 Howard Huston Spent his vacation on College Hill and in Crawfordsville, Iowa.
18 Important measures before Iowa's legislature How will the state legislature answer the important questions brought before it?
19 Last Thursday Mrs. Walker entertained the new students in the Kindergarten department.
20 Laura and Ruth Shoemaker Spent the holidays at the home of their parents.
21 Louise Seymour Louise Seymour visited brother.
22 Miss Dunham Visited family in Texas.
23 Miss Frances Shambaugh Doing graduate professional work.
24 Miss Jessie Barnes Spent the holidays with Floyd Barnes and family and John Barnes at their parents' home in Cedar Falls.
25 Miss Sheets Visited family in Columbus, Ohio, during vacation.
26 Mrs. Atherton B. Clark Visited President and Mrs. Seerley.
27 Myron Begeman Visited his father during vacation.
28 Prof. Joseph Wright and wife Joseph Wright and Ruth Wright spent the holidays at their father's home.
29 Rev. Thomas Berger Visited his parents over the holidays.
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# Article Article Summary
30 A pretty home wedding Ethel Dryden married Walter Abram.
31 On Tuesday Gladys Clark married Elmer Nelson.
32 One of the recent weddings Elsa Mix married Harlan Crisman.
33 Prof. M. F. Arey Attended a celebration in Iowa City in honor of C. Stefanson and R. M. Anderson.
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# Article Article Summary
34 Cards have been received Esther L. Houk married Dwight Allen.
35 Friends have received notice Robert D. Rogers married Hanna E. Landsberg.
36 Hazel Mouser Accepted teaching position in Toledo.
37 Miss Florence Ward Spent vacation traveling and giving lectures in Arkansas and Oklahoma.
38 Rev. George H. Vollmer George Vollmer visited College Hill.
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# Article Article Summary
39 Missionary study classes Seeking women interested in mission work.
40 Young Women's Christian Association notes Series of special programs and meetings.