Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Editorial Deadlines for news items; students should think more seriously about purpose of college; believes students do not treat holidays with respect.
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2 English Club holds interesting meeting Mary Hearst spoke on her trip to Europe.
3 Erickson chosen as oratorical representative Carl Erickson will represent ISTC at state contest; new officers elected.
4 Mr. Wagner addresses Social Science Club Adam Wagner spoke about the tariff law.
5 Old Gold staff elected Must have student cooperation to make Old Gold a success.
6 Schillerverein holds meeting German society held meeting.
7 Students celebrate football victory Held celebratory party with bonfire on College Hill after game.
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8 Interesting relic uncovered Orphans Home well discovered in excavation for new power plant building; well is 132 feet deep and contains 36 feet of water; sides lined with sandstone.
9 Maggie Teyte gives vocal recital
Frampton--John Ross (Music Faculty)
Performance review.
10 Mathematics Club holds meeting Discussed the trisection of an angle.
11 Official Notes
Seerley--Homer Horatio (President of ISNS and ISTC)
National education news notes.
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12 The renewal of state certificates in the state of Iowa State Teachers College graduates are more likely to stay in the profession than those from other colleges.
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13 Christian Associations Professor Rice discusses pageant.
14 Lecture Course Ben Greet Players will present "She Stoops to Conquer".
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15 Athletics Football team won against Grinnell, 12-7; next game will be against Leander Clark.
16 Societies Halloween programs announced.
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17 Albert M. Cleveland Principal at Germania.
18 Miss Bernice Thompson Along with her sister Effie, went to Cedar Rapids.
19 Miss Flora J. Cook Spent time with Mrs. Will Hearst of Cedar Falls.
20 Miss Grace Dennis Enjoyed a visit from her mother.
21 Miss Grace Dennis Enjoyed a visit from her mother
22 Miss Ina Salyers Enjoyed a visit from her mother
23 Miss Janet D. Watson Teaching kindergarten in South Omaha, Nebraska.
24 Miss June Chase Entertained a group of young women at her home, in honor of Mrs. Lloyd Jeffries.
25 Miss Laura Seals Teaching mathematics in Puerto Rico.
26 Miss Mabel Parish Finishing a college course in Boulder, Colorado.
27 Miss Merle E. Robinson Currently teaching in the public schools of Greene, Iowa; spent time at her home in Cedar Falls.
28 Miss Nina Baskerville Confined to College Hospital.
29 Miss Ruth Wright Had to give up her teaching duties in South Dakota due to a major operation, but is hoping to return to work.
30 Miss Zoe Harmon Spent time with her parents on College Hill.
31 Mr. Gilbert Gunnerson Visited friends on College Hill.
32 Mr. Lee Shillinglaw Spent time at his home in Cedar Falls.
33 Mrs. F. C. Barr Visited the college.
34 Mrs. H. J. Wilson Made a visit to the home of Mrs. J. W. Robinson on College Hill.
35 Prof. Macy Campbell Spoke at a dedicatory exercise for a new consolidated school in the Rowan area.
36 The many friends of Miss Margaret Wallingford Married Rollin Catlett.
37 The many friends of Mrs. Ella Danskin Shaw Her husband is currently suffering from a very bad illness.
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38 Chapter R., P. E. O. Had a meeting discussing the music of Wagner.
39 Miss Florence Ward Entertained the kindergarten department with a play of Cinderella.
40 Miss Leona Short Enjoyed a visit from her aunt, Mrs. F. C. Foster.
41 Miss Margaret Chamberlain of Webster City Visited Genevieve Brown of Cedar Falls.
42 Miss Minnie Sage Enjoyed a visit from her mother.
43 Miss Myra Call Entertained a group of relatives.
44 Misses Falkler and Childs Attended the state convention of the D. A. R.
45 Mrs. Darling of Glencoe, Illinois Visited at the home of Marion McFarland Walker.
46 President H. H. Seerley Addressed two teachers meetings at Allerton.
47 Prof. B. W. Merrill Enjoyed a visit from his brother.
48 The Science and Mathematics Seminar. Met to discuss many of the laws of science and mathematics.
49 The Y. W. C. A. gave a reception Reception was held in honor of the new women who have joined the organization.