Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Editorial Enrollment for winter term is about 1500; Training School Building ready for use; ISTC will assist rural schools.
2 Gospel team does successful work College outreach team went to La Porte City over winter vacation.
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3 Choral Society gives Messiah Review of the performance; auditorium packed.
4 Great Northern Railway representative gives interesting lecture Lecture by L. D. Kitchell on Glacier National Park was enhanced by slides.
5 New Training School Building opened Opened January 6, 1914; cost $150,000 to build; will serve as model building; dedication will come in February.
6 Rev. Holland gives interesting lecture The Reverend J. W. Holland spoke to the Social Science Club on the Panama Canal.
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7 The student volunteer convention Over five thousand students and professors attended meeting in Kansas City.
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8 Official Notes
Seerley--Homer Horatio (President of ISNS and ISTC)
News about the faculty and curriculum; Professors Hart and Eells to assist in rural education work; Training School Building ready for students.
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9 Athletics Ended football season with deficit of $40; basketball season schedule announced; gymnastics meet to be held.
10 Christian Associations Meeting times announced; regular meetings held; will study mission work.
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11 Lecture Course Biography of Carl Flesch, violinist.
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12 Societies Christmas party held; debate held.
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13 A Christmas wedding Elsie Fabrick married Eugene Smith of Fargo, North Dakota.
14 B. L. Troup and family of George, Iowa Visited friends in Cedar Falls.
15 C. C. Seerley and family Visited President Seerley.
16 John Barnes Spent time with his parents in Cedar Falls.
17 Miss Anna Shanewise Visited with college friends on her way home to Waterloo.
18 Miss Cora Dilly Visited with college friends.
19 Miss Donna Belle Bozarth Married George Board of Hudson.
20 Miss Edna Battin Teaching at a rural school near Jordan, Montana.
21 Miss Fern Lalan Resumed her work in the schools of Rhodes, Iowa.
22 Miss Julia Hurd Accepted a position as critic teacher in home economics in the training department.
23 Miss Mary Dick Held a New Year party for her friends.
24 Miss Olive Kearns Accepted the position of primary teacher at Eldora, Iowa.
25 Miss Ruth Shoemaker Enjoyed the holiday season at her home in Cedar Falls.
26 Miss Vera Wood Enjoyed the holidays with her parents.
27 Mr. Cory and Miss Lambert Report on the work of some alumni.
28 Mr. Herbert Bley Spent Christmas with his parents on College Hill.
29 Mr. John Partington Entertained a company of young men with a Christmas breakfast.
30 Prof. and Mrs. D. S. Wright Entertained their son and his wife over the holidays.
31 Prof. W. Abram Visited at the home of S. R. Dryden.
32 U. Earl Wild Spent his vacation at home in Cedar Falls.
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33 Lee Shillinglaw Suffering from an attack of typhoid fever.
34 Lloyd Barnes Recently won a cross country race in Springfield, Massachusetts.
35 M. W. Sheffield Recently elected to the position of physical training director of the Crawfordsville, Indiana, Y. M. C. A.
36 Miss Genevieve Burling Granted a three months' leave of absence to spend the winter with her parents in California.
37 Miss Laura Shoemaker Spent time over the holidays at her home in Cedar Falls.
39 Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Seerley Called to Cedar Rapids to attend the funeral of their daughter's father-in-law.
40 Mr. Hawley Whitacre Entertained a group of thirty young people at his home.
41 Prof. and Mrs. J. Ross Frampton Spent the holidays in Pittsfield, Illinois.
42 Prof. S. A. Lynch Went to Nashua to act as judge of a declamatory contest.
43 Roy Crouse Visited at the college just before term ended.
44 The many friends of Prof. G. H. Mount Many saddened over the death of his sister.
# Article Article Summary
38 Miss Ruth Wright Entertained a group of friends at her home; will return to teaching in South Dakota soon.