Issue Contents

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1 Editorial Devised a plan for men's literary society involvement.
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2 English Club meeting Discussed Wordsworth.
3 Midwinter play will be given Friday night Students encouraged to attend performance "All of a Sudden Peggy";roster of cast members.
4 The organ recital
Merrill--Barzille Winfred (Music Faculty)
Critical analysis of performance by Professor Frampton.
5 Washington's birthday commemorated Professor Cummins led devotional meeting.
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6 Corn judging contest creates interest One hundred students participated.
7 The True Blue Club Professor Hearst spoke on woman suffrage.
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8 The orchestral department
Merrill--Barzille Winfred (Music Faculty)
Concert was enjoyable; department is expanding; photo.
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9 Christian Associations Officers elected for next term; N. C. A. discussed evolution.
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10 Athletics Won Hawkeye Conference championship by defeating Dubuque, 27-13; men's and women's physical training exhibitions to be held.
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11 Among our representatives Bert McDonald and Zola Hostetter are both finding success at Fairfield, Iowa.
12 Anna Kirketeg Spent time in Mason City with her friend June Frick.
13 C. R Houstman Was in Cedar Falls on business.
14 Dr. John C. Parish Visiting friends in Cedar Falls.
15 Miss Bertha Martin Enjoyed a visit from her brother, George H. Martin, of Wichita, Kansas.
16 Miss Blanche Larson Entertained a group of friends from Parkersburg.
17 Miss Ethel McElhinney Spent time with friends in Ackley, Iowa.
18 Miss Eva Waters Elected primary teacher at Elgin, Iowa.
19 Miss Faith Downs Enjoyed a visit from her cousin.
20 Miss Zada Dickerman Entertained her friend Alene Taylor of Mason City.
21 Misses Jeanette Ferguson and Gladys Roberts Returned to their school work after being absent for several weeks.
22 Misses Nellie and Flora Stookey Spent time at their home in Palo, Iowa.
23 Mr. E. J. Wells and Ernest Bloom Spent time in Cedar Falls.
24 Mr. Harold Frisby Returned to his farm in Canada.
25 Mrs. A. M. Porter Went to visit her sister, who is very ill in the Des Moines hospital.
26 Mrs. C. P. Colegrove and daughter Left to visit family in Osceola, Wisconsin.
27 Mrs. Edna Meader Teaching Latin at Alexandria, South Dakota.
28 The Mothers' Council Held a meeting in the Training School Auditorium.
29 The Schillerverein Held regular meeting.
30 The Tuesday Club Met with Mrs. S. F. Hersey.
31 Willard Patty Regained his health and will continue with his schooling.
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32 Miss Agnes Sawyer Entertained a number of friends at a dinner party.
33 Miss Maude Popejoy Entertained a group of college friends at a Washington party.
34 Miss Olive Young Delivered a lecture at the farmers' institute in Greene.
35 Miss Vina Younker Gave a Washington party to a group of friends.
36 One of the most pleasant social event of the season Banquet was given by the D. A. R. at the Merchant home on College Hill.
37 Pres. H. H. Seerley Delivered an address to the Y. M. C. A.
38 Prof. R. V. Coffey Spent time in St. Louis on business.