Issue Contents

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1 Editorial Lecture Course will show movie; Guy V. Aldrich will speak to YMCA; still trouble at University of Iowa; winner of oratorical contest from Iowa Wesleyan found guilty of plagiarism.
2 Representative of student volunteer movement spends two days here D. F. McClelland spoke to Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. about volunteer work.
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3 Professor Wilson of Iowa City visits State Teachers College Schillerverein gave reception for him..
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4 Official Notes
Seerley--Homer Horatio (President of ISNS and ISTC)
Plans completed for the twelve week summer session; Chinese educators will visit ISTC; Professor Hart is at work.
5 State Philo forensic association holds meeting Officers rotate each year; each office is held by a student of a different college.
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6 Athletics Baseball and track practices have started.
7 Contributed; religious teaching vs. teaching religion in public schools
Condit--Ira S. (Mathematics Faculty)
Professor Condit encourages students to take a stance on the issue.
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8 Christian Associations President Seerley will address N. C. A. at the next meeting.
9 Societies Irvings elected officers; Homerians contributed to newspaper.
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10 B. J. Boardman of Greene Will succeed Irving J. Hart as county superintendent of Butler County.
11 E. C. Roberts Along with C. L. Lewis, was at the College to secure teachers for the coming year.
12 Friends in this city John C. Parish is the proud father of a baby boy.
13 Friends in this city have recently received announcements Marriage of Paul Davis and Pearl Lonsbury took place.
14 Friends of Len Toomey Toomey's debate team at Sigourney won the championship.
15 Miss Christine Thoene Spent the winter in California; expected home soon.
16 Miss Elsie and Marguerite Bennett Enjoying vacation at their home in Waterloo.
17 Miss Gertrude Eaton Visited Cedar Falls several times.
18 Miss Grace M. Dunkelberg Spent time at her home in Waterloo.
19 Miss Isabel Pittenger Teaching in Oklahoma City.
20 Miss Martha Batty Teaching physical training in Oklahoma City
21 Miss Matilda Wild Spent the winter months with her parents.
22 Miss Merle E. Robinson Visited her parents' home on Franklin Street.
23 Miss Zoe Harmon Teaching in the State Normal School at Norman, Oklahoma.
24 Miss Zoe Harmon Directing a play at the Parkersburg High School.
25 Supt. H. E. Wheeler Re-elected to a position in Austin, Minnesota.
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26 A Study Center of practical worth Professor Dick spoke on the teaching of arithmetic in the grades, Professor Fullerton spoke on rural school music, and Elizabeth Hughes taught geography.
27 At the regular meeting of the Mothers' Council Lucy Noble gave a lecture.
28 Frieda Thoene
29 Frieda Thoene Spent time with her sister Sophie.
30 Miss Case, Miss Hart, and Mr. Conrad Gave a recital at Vinton, Iowa.
31 Miss Cora Hecklinger Married Albert Behrens of Cedar Falls.
32 Miss Dorothy Watters Elected teacher at Dallas, South Dakota.
33 Miss Elizabeth Farnsworth Recently married John Murphy.
34 Miss Helen Judy Did not return to school this term.
35 Miss Henrietta Whitacre Confined to her home due to a serious illness
36 Miss Margaret Oliver Entertained at the Scotch musical at Pinkerton Hall in Waterloo.
37 Miss Violet Guthrie Returned to work after breaking her ankle.
38 Mr. Fullerton and Mr. Dick In Chicago making arrangements for the May Music Festival.
39 Mr. W. H. Bender Spent time at his home in Cedar Falls.
40 Mrs. Marion McFarland Walker Enjoyed a visit from her aunt and cousin.
41 Prof. Seerley Returned from the annual convention of the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools.
42 The ladies of the D. A. R. Met with Mrs. C. P. Colegrove and Mrs. W. W. Gist.