Issue Contents

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1 Editorial Upcoming campus events; asks a series of questions relating to education.
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2 Dr. Sage presents picture to Teachers College as a incentive for better forensic work Believes debates should be more like the Roman Forums, a center of forensic life.
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3 Cecilian Glee Club concert will be given Friday night Have performed same program in Iowa Falls and Waverly.
4 Senior class memorial gateways Gateways of the Classes of 1912 and 1913; photo.
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5 Freshman class elects officers Roster of officers.
6 Mrs. Madeline Gaston Snowden delights large audience Performed "The Taming of the Shrew".
7 Regulations governing the men's' literary societies in the Iowa State Teachers College Faculty committee report on literary societies; students must participate in literary society work for their first six terms; must put on two productions per term; societies will be under the administration of the Department of English.
8 True Blue Club notes Professor Hart will address group.
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9 Official Notes
Seerley--Homer Horatio (President of ISNS and ISTC)
Education news from around the country; many Iowa teachers do not renew their certification.
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10 Christian Associations Joint Easter meeting will be held for Y. W. and Y. M. C. A. members.
11 Selected Biography of prominent Y. M. C. A. figure John R. Mott.
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12 E. W. Neveln Re-elected as superintendent of Lamoni, Iowa.
13 Herbert Bley Home from Ann Arbor, Michigan, to spend time with his parents.
14 Miss Christine Thoene A party was given in honor of her return from the West.
15 Miss Henrietta Budde and Miss Edith Yates Spent time visiting friends on College Hill.
16 Miss Irma Bangs Reelected as principal of the Tipton High School.
17 Miss Josephine Dodge Confined to the hospital with serious complications resulting from a vaccination.
18 Miss Lillian Nelson Working as a high school commercial teacher in Omaha.
19 Miss Louetta Sprague Visiting friends in the city over her vacation.
20 Miss Lurana Warner Working as a primary teacher at Decorah, Iowa.
21 Miss Nell Lucas and Hazel Ramsey Visited Cedar Falls; Nell Lucas had a party in her honor.
22 Miss Ruth McCormick Enjoyed a visit from Edward Rehn of Miles City, Montana.
23 Miss Wilma Garnett Entertained a group of women in honor of Doris Merner.
24 Mr. Jasper Wilbur Teaching in the Clear Lake Schools.
25 Mr. Karl Nolte Enjoying his vacation at his home in Cedar Falls.
26 Mrs. Robertson from Cherokee Enjoying a visit with her daughters, Miriam and Rachael.
27 Prof. R. F. Seymour Gave a banquet in honor of the gymnastics team.
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28 Dr. J. Anna Norris Visited the college to inspect the physical training equipment.
29 Many friends will be pleased Mrs. G. W. Samson, Sr., has been recovering from an extended illness.
30 Miss Eva Luse Visited friends at Iowa City.
31 Miss Florence Ward Gave a lecture to the Southwestern Iowa Teachers Association and Woman's Club at Council Bluffs.
32 Miss Lilla Davidson At the hospital suffering from an attack of appendicitis.
33 Miss Mattie Fargo Left to make her home in Texas.
34 Mr. and Mrs. Seerley Left for New York City to attend the annual convention of the National Simplified Spelling Board.
35 Mr. Harm Ludeman Recovering from an operation for appendicitis at the College hospital.
36 Prof. C. P. Colegrove, Prof. I. H. Hart, Miss Anna Iverson and Miss Stena Hansen Were all speakers at the Cedar Rapids Convention.
37 Prof. Seymour Gave an address before the Northwestern Iowa Teachers Association convention in Sioux City.
38 Prof. W. M. Wemmet Visited the College.
39 The Advancers Entertained at the home of Frieda Thoene, assisted by Emma Rait and Constance Buswell.