Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Bloomfield Club appears; Davis County aggregation believe "in union there is strength" Students from Davis County or those who have attended the Normal and Scientific Institute at Bloomfield are eligible for membership.
2 Ellsworth gives Teachers a surprise; nine veteran prove too strong for Teachers inexperienced line; score 26 to 0; fast game throughout Ellsworth talent was underestimated by I. S. T. C.
3 Final declamatory contest Friday; winners in preliminary will compete for cash prizes; first, second and third award Seven presentations will be given.
4 First lecture course number Thursday; Paul Althouse will give concert Thursday, October 15; nearly twelve hundred seats sold Renowned tenor soloist Paul Althouse will perform on campus.
5 Game with Dubuque College Saturday; varsity will clash with strong eleven under Coach Dorais, All American quarterback Former St. Joseph College will travel to Cedar Falls to compete against I. S. T. C.
6 Home Economics students organize; give breakfast Saturday morning in old gymnasium Home Economics students enjoyed breakfast together; officers elected.
7 Shake-Aristo initiation New members were initiated at McAlvin cottage on October 11th.
8 Women's athletic emblem adopted; will be small reproductions of the regular athletic letter Physical Education women will by given 4 X 4 inch athletics emblems, as opposed to the men's 7 X 7 athletic letters.
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# Article Article Summary
9 Arrangement made for state gym. meet; meeting of State Gymnastic Association is held at Ames; tournament to be staged in March Rules and regulations for tournament were established.
10 Special seniors hold mix; elaborate luncheon is served to the assembly Seniors from departments of public school music, manual training, physical training, commercial training, and drawing enjoyed banquet.
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# Article Article Summary
11 Official Notes
Seerley--Homer Horatio (President of ISNS and ISTC)
News of important Iowa educators.
12 Untitled
Justesen--Axel E. (Classes of 1912 and 1916)
Suggests that fair weather fans are not worthwhile.
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# Article Article Summary
13 Editorial Urges students to patronize College Eye advertisers.
14 Former pastor of St. Patrick's parish addresses N. C. A. The Reverend Luke Donlon spoke to students about his travels in Europe.
15 Homerians jollificate; youthful society is aroused even to poetry Homerian Literary Society held social affair for members.
16 Overheard Brief comments heard on campus.
17 Untitled Tennis courts are in a deplorable condition due to heavy rains.
18 Untitled Green sweaters have been suggested for the freshman class.
19 Untitled Franklin Willey was the victim of unsportsmanlike attacks during football game.
20 Untitled Claims new fence at athletic field can also function as distance posts for track athletes.
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# Article Article Summary
21 Faculty recital Wednes.; splendid program was presented Program from music faculty recital is printed.
22 Poe after the Ellsworth game
Justesen--Axel E. (Classes of 1912 and 1916)
Portrays the attitude of fans on the way home from Ellsworth football game.
23 Training School is prospering; over three hundred and fifty pupils enrolled; many from rural schools Enrollment numbers announced; divided by department and location of students' homes.
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# Article Article Summary
24 Chrestos New members initiated.
25 Miss Lodge gives lecture on women's suffrage; former faculty member is now state secretary of this movement Secretary of Iowa suffrage movement spoke to students about the state of affairs in the movement.
26 Miss S. Riggs addresses N. C. A. Described her visit to Rome and discussed the Roman Catholic religion in comparison to Protestantism.
27 Things we wonder about Brief comments about gossip on campus.
28 Y. W. C. A. Flora Stookey and Professor Condit led last two meetings.
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# Article Article Summary
29 Agnes Sawyer Working in the schools in George, Iowa.
30 Ben Robinson Visited campus; teaching manual training in Guttenberg.
31 Dorothy Waters Teaching in Dallas, South Dakota
32 Grace De Noon Teaching in Cedar Rapids.
33 Ivadel E. Eaton Teaching in Reinbeck; visited Cedar Falls.
34 J. R. Neveln Visited campus in search of a science and English teacher.
35 Jessie Shillinglaw Teaching music at a school in Colorado; received a salary increase in the first month.
36 Mabel J. Parsons Studying at University of Chicago.
37 Martha McIntosh Teaching history and German in Harrison, Arkansas.
38 Mildred Packard Visited her parents in Cedar Falls.
39 Mrs. Ella Danskin Living in Virginia and writes that her aunt and uncle will visit her for a few months.
40 On last Friday Mrs. Clarence Wise held a dinner in honor of Mrs. Chesley of Iowa City.
41 On Oct. 8 Margaret Sherwood married G. W. Hunt.
42 Paul Davis Teaching in the training department in Lequin, Washington.
43 Rev. Earl A. Roadman Spent the summer in Cedar Falls after spending a year in Europe.
44 Supt. Earl B. Hodges Visited Cedar Falls.
45 W. L. Veatch Won photography award.
46 Walter Koester Teaching near Aplington.
47 Wednesday, Oct. 7 Velma Roadman married Carl E. Hollenback.
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# Article Article Summary
48 Charles McKinstry Fractured a bone in his wrist during the Training School versus high school game.
49 Dorothy Francis Married Lewis O. Parsons in August.
50 Florence Sellers Visited friends in Cedar Falls.
51 Lola Glock and Dorothy Holtz Attended a reception in Vinton.
52 Mable Limpus Confined to the hospital due to her illness.
53 Maude Andrews Missed school due to an illness.
54 Miss Emma Lambert Cousins, Mr. and Miss Reynolds, visited.
55 Miss Grace Hooper Returned from a business trip to Chicago.
56 Miss Hughes Attended the Conference of the 3rd District of Federated clubs with Bertha Patt, Florence Ward and Mrs. Walker.
57 Miss Lodge Currently the secretary for the State Equal Suffrage Association.
58 Mr. Harry Kibe Recently moved to Waterloo with his wife.
59 Mrs. Cable Visiting a cousin in St. Louis with her son Emmett.
60 Mrs. W. W. Gist and Miss Edith Buck Hosted the Daughters of the American Revolution.
61 Mrs. Walker Attended the State Federation meeting in Cedar Rapids.
62 On last Tuesday The Reading Circle met with Professor G. W. Newton. Professor M. F. Arey and Professor L. Begeman participated in the discussion of the European War.
63 President Seerley Delivered an address to the Iowa Club.
64 President Seerley Visited Mr. Pleasant, Burlington, Fairfield, and Ottumwa, doing institute work.
65 Prof. C. W. Stone Rented a house on Tremont Street.
66 Prof. R. F. Seymour Attended the Iowa State Gymnastic Association in Ames.
67 Ruth Dubbert Visited Shell Rock.
68 Supt. G. W. Hunt G. W. Hunt interviewed primary teachers on campus.
69 The game on the college gridiron The West Waterloo High School football team defeated the Cedar Falls team, 7 to 6.
70 The Philathea circle A picnic was held in the dining room of the M. E. church for Miss Emma Lambert and one hundred girls.
71 The Training School team The Training School football team defeated the Cedar Falls High School team.
72 The unmarried women Unwed women faculty members entertained new members of the faculty.
73 Vera Short Marion Shillinglaw hosted a miscellaneous party for Vera Short.