Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
10 Official Notes
Seerley--Homer Horatio (President of ISNS and ISTC)
Announces important happenings in education.
11 Y. M. C. A. chooses advisory committee for the year 1915-16 Professors Condit, McKitrick, Mount, Bailey, and Eells will serve on committee to give aid and direction to the Y. M. C. A.
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# Article Article Summary
12 Editorial Final College Eye staff election will be on February 18.
13 N. C. A. notes Program from previous meeting.
14 Prof. Buffum spoke at joint meeting Sunday night Hugh Buffum spoke on "The More Abundant Life."
15 Y. M. C. A. will be led on Wednesday by Jap Wilbur
16 Y. W. C. A. Officials were elected; devotional meeting held.
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# Article Article Summary
17 The Minister's Fee: A Story From Life
Lambert--Lillian Vitalique (English Faculty)
Short story by Professor Lillian Lambert has also been featured in prominent magazines.
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# Article Article Summary
18 Herbert E. Wheeler Is superintendent in Austin, Minnesota.
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# Article Article Summary
19 A junior band Has been started by Professor McCreary.
20 Bess Carter Has left school due to illness.
21 Don't give all your small change Y. W. C. A. is having a carnival.
22 May McKibben Has mumps.
23 Mr. Peterson Broke his wrist in the Gymnasium.
24 Prof. C. P. Colegrove Was in Rochester, Minnesota.
25 Prof. G. H. Mount Gave a speech at Y. M. C. A.
26 The Kindergarten girls Had a party in honor of Florence Ward.
27 Three contests Oratory is going well.
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# Article Article Summary
28 A. B. Alderman Is county supervisor for Linn County.
29 A. M. Gray Is principal in Crow Agency, Montana.
30 After the play was over Poem from dramatic production.
31 Charles Henry Is department head at Normal school in Cheney, Washington.
32 Helena Johnson Has the measles.
33 Ida A. Davis Is superintendent of Emmett County.
34 J. W. Dickman Is superintendent in Olin.
35 Miriam Robertson and Pearl Allen Are teaching at Sioux Center school.
36 Miss Chloe Siner Entertained friends on Tuesday.
37 Myrtle Clark Is teaching in Vinton.
38 Prof. and Mrs. J. B. Knoepfler Entertained twenty-five friends.
39 Prof. and Mrs. J. O. Perrine Entertained in honor of a friend.
40 The Junior Home Economics girls Entertained the seniors.
41 The Neos Went on a bobsled ride.
42 Thomas E. McCarty Is a post office clerk in Des Moines.