Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 "Nathan Hale" Commencement play is "Nathan Hale."
2 1890 class hold reunion Eight members of the class attend.
3 Alumni banquet Alumni tell old stories and enjoy the reunion.
4 Hon. Roger Leavitt Roger Leavitt retires from his position on the school governing board; photo.
5 The faculty reception Faculty receives alumni and graduates.
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# Article Article Summary
6 Senior home economics luncheon Juniors entertain graduates.
7 Senior kindergarten breakfast Enjoyed picnic.
8 The society parade Held indoors due to bad weather.
9 Untitled President Seerley's Baccalaureate address will be published in September.
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# Article Article Summary
10 Alumni prayer meeting Professors Fullerton and Wright led the meeting.
11 Debate and oratory Lester Ary took first place in oratory.
12 Oratorical declamatory Procedures for competition.
13 The Palladium Professor Walter urges Christian living.
14 The women's debate Results of competition.
15 Token for women debaters Women debaters receive pendant for their work.
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# Article Article Summary
16 Editorial Comments on graduation and the future.
17 Senior lamentations
18 The Campanile New group of alumni should keep contributions in mind; Class of 1915 has pledged over $1000.
19 The College Eye Rex Haight will not serve as editor next year; Axel Justesen appointed in his place.
20 The College Eye policy Sets out rules and aims for 1915-1916.
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# Article Article Summary
21 Class play to be repeated Will present "Nathan Hale" again; photo.
22 Teams chosen for Highland Park debate Will debate continued possession of the Philippine Islands by the US.
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# Article Article Summary
23 Agriculture Agriculture division organized in September 1912; purposes of the course of study.
24 C. C. C. outing Enjoyed picnic.
25 Correction Class play will be presented June 3.
26 Eight new men admitted to membership in Delta Sigma Rho Enjoyed dinner and ceremonies at Black Hawk Hotel.
27 Mathematics Club Enjoyed active program this year.
28 Miss Brown of Columbia University elected to this position Corinne Brown will teach kindergarten work.
29 Miss Case's pupils give song recital Review of the performances.
30 Untitled Mother of Jennie Johnson attended Commencement.
31 Untitled Sister of Florence Chenoweth is visiting.
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32 B. A. dinner Humorous account of dinner.
33 Caprices of Cupid Delpha Allen married Walter Ernst; Gladys Rippetoe will marry Waldo Mitchell.
34 Hawkeye Conference meet Results of the track meet, won by Dubuque College.
35 Materials on track for Vocational Building Have been unloading brick and stone for the new building; cost will be about $100,000; should be useful and handsome structure; Bartlett Hall nearing completion; to be open in fall 1915; all rooms are booked.
36 Nelson Hersey gets second in high hurdles at state meet Looking forward to having him on the ISTC team next year.
37 The Study Centers of the Iowa State Teacher's College for 1914-1915 Summary of the work for 1914-1915; about five thousand attended the centers.
38 Women's tennis tournament won by Miss Barnes
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# Article Article Summary
39 C. C. Lewis Building a new shop on College Hill.
40 Dr. Stone Will be one of two speakers in the school of superintendence held by the Teachers College of the University of Nebraska.
41 Dr. Sylvester of Iowa City Attended the meeting of the Alumni Association.
42 Miss Bernice Bravinder Entertained her sister and mother during commencement week.
43 Miss Bernice Phelps Enjoying a visit from her mother.
44 Miss Carolyn Lawrence Will complete the special primary course during the summer term.
45 Miss Dora Baldwin and Miss Ethel Baldwin Will both do graduate work in Columbia this summer.
46 Miss Fannie Axtell Confined to the hospital where she underwent an operation for appendicitis.
47 Miss Florence Weidenhammer Has been entertaining her sister.
48 Miss Genung, Miss Crampton and Miss Heinz Resigned from the college faculty.
49 Miss Grace Wilson Departed for her home in Greeley, Colorado.
50 Miss Hazel Strayer Attended the class play.
51 Miss Heinz Will spend her summer in California attending Berkeley University.
52 Miss Helen Hinkson Will be the guest of Elda Platt in Waterloo.
53 Miss Jenifer Sherrard Gives the title of her favorite poem.
54 Miss Lenna Landis Will attend summer school in Iowa City.
55 Miss Lillian Lambert Sold her lot on Tremont Street and purchased one on Iowa Street where she will build a home.
56 Miss Louise Smith Attended the class play.
57 Miss Luella Hoyt Has been the guest of her sister Esther.
58 Miss Mary Berry of Clarinda Visiting friends in Cedar Falls.
59 Miss Mary Dick Will be doing summer work at Columbia in the home economics department.
60 Miss Rice Professor Rice delivered the commencement address at Crawfordsville.
61 Miss Scofield Will teach art in the State Normal school at Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
62 Miss Vesta Mechem Has been visiting with her cousin, Constance Buswell.
63 Misses Dorothy and Emma Opfer of Waukon Entertained their sister during commencement.
64 Mr. and Mrs. Anderson of Laurens Visited their daughters Ada and Helen, and attended the graduation exercises.
65 Mr. and Mrs. Eckholm of Swea City Are visiting the city to attend the graduation of their daughter, Effie.
66 Mr. and Mrs. Simpson of Washington, Iowa. Attended the graduation of their daughter, Irene.
67 Mr. Harold Shoemaker Capsized his canoe in the Cedar River.
68 Mr. J. Foy Cross' new home New home is almost completed.
69 Mr. Mihran Mardigan Having trouble receiving mail because of the war, the editors of the College Eye urge the student body to send cards.
70 Mr. Russel George of Grinnell Visited with Mr. Baskerville and other friends in Cedar Falls.
71 Mr. W. C. Schluter Will attend Columbia University next year.
72 Mrs. Ewing of Spencer Attended the recital given by her daughter Lulu.
73 Mrs. Howell and her son Attended the graduation of Helene Howell who completed the kindergarten course.
74 Mrs. Mohanke and daughter Will spend time visiting Doris Mohanke.
75 Mrs. Purdy of Rockwell City Attended the graduation of her daughter Marie.
76 Mrs. T. H. Lister of Colfax Has been visiting her daughter, Maime.
77 Since Bill Schluter Many students speculating about William Schluter's new haircut.
78 Some of the students and faculty members Students and faculty members are fortunate to have survived a railroad wreck.
79 Teachers--Upper Iowa game Upper Iowa University defeated ISTC in baseball game, 5-0.
80 The College Choir and the Waterloo Chorus The two groups were a prominent feature at the Iowa State Music Teachers Convention.
81 The College Hill boarding and rooming houses Making preparations for the summer visitors.
82 The new College Eye "head" New banner designed by H. E. Hendrickson.
83 This week Many faculty members will be giving commencement addresses across the state.
84 Two of Mr. Merrill's violin pupils Maude Knoop and Winifred Merrill played at the Iowa State Music Teachers Convention held in Waterloo.
85 When Mr. Ostergaard saw his school building Hjalmar Ostergaard helped to secure a new school building for the town of Mystic.