Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 "Alpha-Philo" "Have Grand Mix" Philos entertained Alphas at their meeting; played games afterward.
2 "Old Gold" contract signed; Class of 1916 to publish classy book Contracts for printing and engraving have been signed.
3 Clio-Orio have masquerade party Party-attendees worked together to solve mysteries.
4 I. S. T. C. 193--Opponents 77 Football team for 1915-1916 school year.
5 Notice Lenore Shanewise will read Monsieur Beaucaire by Booth Tarkington.
6 Shake-Aristos entertain team Held an informal supper for football team.
7 Teachers win last game; last year's champions lose, 24 to 0. Detailed description of game.
8 Untitled John Frampton will give a recital for the dedication of the new Baptist Church in Vinton.
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# Article Article Summary
9 Iowa Club Meeting had a Thanksgiving theme.
10 The Messiah History of "The Messiah".
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# Article Article Summary
11 Girls T. C. pep club Has more than one hundred members.
12 Junior Party Held a Thanksgiving party at Erma VanderVeer's house.
13 News of Bartlett Hall Held informal gatherings over the break.
14 Untitled Professor Fullerton gives Victrola recital.
15 Untitled Harry Anderson spends Thanksgiving with friends on campus.
16 Whitford captain; photo Earl Whitford was named football captain.
17 Y. M. C. A. F. N. Seerley spoke.
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# Article Article Summary
18 Betting Condemns gambling.
19 Editorial Expresses views on postponement of College Eye publication, attendance at sporting events, news gathering methods, other state college publications, unnecessary conservatism, Thanksgiving and with it visits from alumni, and good manners.
20 Our athletic system Gives advice to the football team.
21 The practical joke Discourages practical jokes.
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# Article Article Summary
22 Mr. Frampton's recital John Ross Frampton gives recital at organ vesper service.
23 Neo program Recap of events at meeting.
24 Thanksgiving party Mrs. Walker and the Y. W. C. A. hold festivities.
25 Untitled Explanation of new plan of admission to games without gate fees.
26 Y. W. C. A. Recap of events at meeting.
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# Article Article Summary
27 Miss Roxie Weeks Roxie Weeks visits friends on campus.
28 Official Observations on the National Conference on Rural Teacher Training.
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# Article Article Summary
29 Miss Bessie Sweigard Visited with her sister Lulu.
30 Miss Dorothy Stoll Spent Thanksgiving with her sister Pauline.
31 Miss Elsie Hardy Visited the college over Thanksgiving.
32 Miss Harriet Howell Spent time in Columbus Junction.
33 Miss Helen Wylie Spent Thanksgiving in Cedar Falls.
34 Miss Hester Stone Enjoyed a visit with friends in Moline, Illinois.
35 Miss Ida Bartholf Came home to Cedar Falls for Thanksgiving.
36 Miss Marie Brown Visited with friends in Cedar Falls.
37 Miss Mary Baskerville and Master Ariza Baskerville Visited with friends and relatives in Cedar Falls.
38 Miss Nita Shomler Visited with friends in the college.
39 Miss Olive Young Enjoyed a brief visit from her grandfather.
40 Miss Ruth Kennedy Left to visit her mother in Sioux City.
41 Misses Hazel Bartholf and Elizabeth McDonald Spent Thanksgiving in Cedar Falls.
42 Misses Inez Eastman and Sarah Achiltrie Spent time at their homes.
43 Misses Mildred and Meda Warner Spent time at their home in Parkersburg.
44 Misses Vera and Selma Barnes Spent Thanksgiving at the home of Hazel Fairbanks in Waterloo.
45 Mr. Brian Condit Spent Thanksgiving at his parents' home in Cedar Falls.
46 Mr. Don Deal Spent Thanksgiving in Cedar Falls.
47 Mr. Gilbert Fox Visited with his sister Irene.
48 N. C. A. Recap of events at meeting.
49 Nev Weems of Iowa City Visited with friends on College Hill.
50 Study Center Study Centers now active in 94 of the 99 Iowa counties.
51 The women's gymnasium The college is expanding locker space in the women's portion of the Gymnasium.
52 The Zayin Chapter of Achoth Initiations were held at the Masonic Temple in Waterloo.
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# Article Article Summary
53 A number of old students Many former students spent Thanksgiving in Cedar Falls.
54 Annie Longerbeam Entertained her mother from West Branch.
55 College calendar Meetings and events planned.
56 Glen Bakkum and E. Herman Erickson Went to Ames to attend the Gospel team Conferences.
57 Miss Brown Spent Thanksgiving at the home of Lou Sheperd.
58 Miss Dorothy Barnhouse Spent Thanksgiving at her home in Oskaloosa.
59 Miss Dorothy Nelson Visited with friends on the Hill.
60 Miss Dorothy Stoll Spent Thanksgiving with her sister Pauline at Bartlett Hall.
61 Miss Esther Daniel Visited friends over the Thanksgiving break.
62 Miss Gladys Wells Spent time with friends in Iowa Falls.
63 Miss Hazel Shillinglaw Spent Thanksgiving at her home in Cedar Falls.
64 Miss Helen Clagg Spent Thanksgiving with friends on the Hill.
65 Miss Helene Howell Visited with her sister, Mae Howell.
66 Miss Ida Rohlf Visited friends in Cedar Falls.
67 Miss Lenore Shanewise Spent time in Chicago visiting her sister.
68 Miss Marion Becker Was a guest at the home of Laura Conaway in Mason City.
69 Miss Maude Wilson Spent Thanksgiving at her home in Livermore.
70 Miss McCague Entertained the women of the Y. W. C. A.
71 Miss Merle Brown Spent Thanksgiving with relatives in Des Moines.
72 Miss Mildred Walls Spent Thanksgiving with her sister from Ames.
73 Miss Nellie Galloway Spent Thanksgiving with a cousin in Cedar Rapids.
74 Miss Pauline Anderson Spent Thanksgiving at her home on College Hill.
75 Miss Ruth Porter Visited with friends on the hill.
76 Miss Vina Younker Spent Thanksgiving at her home.
77 Miss Vivian Mullin Traveled to Dubuque to visit friends.
78 Miss Zeda Cook Visited with friends on the Hill.
79 Misses Florence and Anna Belle Martin Enjoyed a visit from their sister.
80 Mr. Brocksmit Spent Thanksgiving with his sister, Helen Brocksmit.
81 Mr. Frank Springman Visited friends on the Hill.
82 Mr. H. Ostergaard Spent Thanksgiving with friends on College Hill.
83 Mr. Jack Hansen Spent Thanksgiving in Cedar Falls.
84 Mr. Loyd Sheldon Visited with Mary Frederickson.
85 Mr. Rufus Stoltenberg Spent time with his sister Erna.
86 Mr. Russel Meyer Spent Thanksgiving with his sister, Vera Belle.
87 Mrs. Curry from Elk Point Spent time with her daughter Grace.
88 Mrs. Duncan Visited her daughter Vera at Bartlett Hall.
89 Prof. and Mrs. C. A. Fullerton Visited relatives in Rockford, Iowa.
90 Professor and Mrs. J. B. Knoepfler Spent time in Nebraska visiting their son.
91 The Sioux Club Met with Misses Cherry and Kennedy at Bartlett Hall.
92 Tom McDonald Spent time visiting friends on the Hill.
93 Tracy Hodsdon Spent Thanksgiving at his home in Clarksville.