Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 "Yellow Jacket" proves novelty; silent propertyman "takes the cake" Review of the Coburn Players' performance of "The Yellow Jacket".
2 Bishop Hughes will lecture; noted churchman will address public Bishop Edwin H. Hughes will speak.
3 Cedar Falls Band will give concert; McCreary's famous band will give free entertainment Outline of program.
4 Movies Mr. J. H. Francis showed seven reels about schools in Los Angeles.
5 N. C. A. will hold bazaar Will hold special program with music.
6 National secretary to address women; Miss Geary of the Y. W. C. A. will be here Monday Blanche Geary will make stop at T. C.
7 Students read our ad's Students urged to read advertisements in the College Eye.
8 Teachers lose three straight; Teachers fail to do usual grade of work; first game with Dubuque College Lost to Dubuque College, 29-19; second loss to Platteville, 30-15; third loss to "Germans", 25-24.
9 Unique pageant to be staged; Y. W. C. A. will represent the Evolution of a College Inter-society dramatic production presents founding and history of T. C.
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# Article Article Summary
10 Girls' T. C. pep club Hold meetings every two weeks in Professor Lambert's room.
11 Student volunteers Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. joint meeting last Sunday was run by student volunteers.
12 Untitled Encourages students to vote in the College Eye elections.
13 Untitled Bartlett Hall women took bob-sled rides last Saturday.
14 Untitled Professors Martin, Shanewise, Ward, and Bockenthien traveled to Des Moines to see Forbes Robertson perform Hamlet.
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# Article Article Summary
15 Alphas leap Held "conversation ball" with Philos.
16 C. C. Severin sells inn G. T. Downing bought the College Inn to make improvements.
17 Orio triangular tryout Debated "Resolved that the city manager plan of municipal government should be adopted by all cities in the United States"; opponents were evenly matched; teams chosen.
18 Y. M. C. A. Next meeting to be held by R. E. Dickinson, secretary of local Y. M. C. A.
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# Article Article Summary
19 Dabbling Wants men to develop character and ability without neglecting their studies.
20 Food for thought Eleven questions a Christian from Laos or Siam might ask.
21 Our advertisers Wants readers to mention the College Eye when they purchase goods from their advertisers.
22 Our teachers Wants faculty to stand firm in their demands.
23 Untitled Believes putting graffiti on posters has no place on a college bulletin board because it is unprofessional.
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# Article Article Summary
24 Recent school legislation in Iowa
Hart--Irving Harlow (Extension Faculty and Archivist)
Explains recent consolidated school legislation.
25 T. C. High clean Waterloo T. C. H. S. won against East Waterloo, 52-15.
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# Article Article Summary
26 Official
Seerley--Homer Horatio (President of ISNS and ISTC)
Faculty news; news from other normal schools; State Board of Education will meet in February.
27 Untitled Ruth Imlay read "Oh Captain, My Captain" during chapel in honor of Lincoln's birthday.
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# Article Article Summary
28 A proposition
Meyerholz--Charles Henry(Social Science Faculty)
Wants one student to represent the college in receiving debating awards rather than the whole team.
30 Clio Encourages single women to seek out Clio members; program of meeting outlined; elected new officers.
32 Kewpie Doyle Studied public speaking in the library.
33 Miss Ethel Howard Spent Sunday at home in New Hampton.
34 Miss Lambert entertains drama students at Shakespearean tea Students in the History of English Drama class met for tea at Miss Lambert's house.
35 Miss Olive Teachout Has returned home after visiting Clara Fallers.
37 Monday, Feb. 7 Roster of former students now teaching in the Fairfield school system.
38 Mr. Gilbert Gunnerson Gilbert Gunnerson played the lead role in the mid-winter play in Ames.
40 Professor Salter Talks about his typewriter.
# Article Article Summary
29 Cedar Falls people A number of ISTC students have been teaching in Iowa Falls.
31 Friends of Miss Gertrude Riefe She is teaching in Goldfield.
36 Miss Virginia Dewey Has been teaching in Iowa Falls, but is sick with the measles.
39 On Tuesday, Feb. 8 Hortense Rodamar married Homer Lichty.
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# Article Article Summary
41 A very interesting basketball game Training School team took on college class team.
42 Are you going to vote Those who wish to vote for College Eye staff must have paid subscription.
43 College calendar Meeting and events planned.
44 Dr. C. H. Meyerholz and Mr. S. C. Jacobsen Judged a declamatory contest.
45 Julia Horrigan Is ill and has returned home to Chelsea.
46 Last Friday Leora Clemons returned home after the death of her uncle.
47 Miss Adelphia Mitchell Visited parents in Manly.
48 Miss Broeksmit Went to Chicago to visit friends.
49 Miss Eliza Townsend Spent weekend at home in Garwin.
50 Miss Gladys Kepple Visited friends in Charles City.
51 Miss Harriet Ranney Came from La Porte to see 'The Yellow Jacket".
52 Miss Jacoba Van Dellen Visited her sister in Charles City.
53 Miss Leona Myer Has returned to school after an illness.
54 Miss Mabel Eberhart Spent time at home.
55 Miss Marie Merriman Has been visiting at McLaughlin.
56 Miss Millie Child Enjoyed a visit from her two brothers.
57 Misses Grace Hillier and Nancy Stuart Visited Charles City.
58 Misses Stella Pleahn, Clara Atwood Attended basketball game against Reinbeck.
59 Mrs. White Visited her daughter Bernice.
60 Second year Junior College Entertained first year class.
61 The Junior H. E. class Entertained the seniors.