Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 College section dinner Julian Gist of Coe College spoke about the Honor System and Louis Begeman spoke about practical uses of physics and chemistry.
2 Josef Stransky Director of New York Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra performance; photo.
3 Miss Hughes dies Sunday morning; much loved teacher suddenly passes away Was not feeling well on Wednesday and her health progressively declined until Sunday, April 2, 1916; short biography.
4 Mme. Leginska enjoyed in Boston; New York Orchestra has many famous instruments Praised for her piano ability in Boston.
5 Northeastern Iowa Teachers Ass'n; many practical problems well discussed Annual convention held.
6 Noted instruments in Philharmonic; young pianist pleases critical metropolitan audience Describes value of instruments played in orchestra concert last week; photo.
7 Philos banquet Alpha Society Annual Philo-Alpha banquet was held at the Oxford Hotel; six toasts were given.
8 The Girls' Club Y. W. C. A. held club meeting and served tea.
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# Article Article Summary
9 The influence of literature upon character
Justesen--Axel E. (Classes of 1912 and 1916)
The theory of how to teach various forms of literature to students.
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# Article Article Summary
10 An answer Students place blame on everyone but themselves.
11 Notice Last week's article "The Purpose of a College" was written by John Briden.
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# Article Article Summary
12 "What Would Lincoln Say?" We should respect former presidents, but not to the point of making every decision based on their principles.
13 "Yellow" Believes that everyone is afraid of something.
14 Knockers! Boosters! Encourages people to be less pessimistic.
15 Rats in the attic Chastises students for trying to one-up the Grinnell Glee Club and making unwelcome remarks.
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# Article Article Summary
16 Miss Isa Clough Isa Clough and Georgia Ruff are visiting Aura Clough.
17 Official
Seerley--Homer Horatio (President of ISNS and ISTC)
News of other Normal Schools; news of faculty and alumni.
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# Article Article Summary
18 Baseball prospects Team eventually will be limited to twenty-seven players.
19 Mr. Cooledge chooses his cabinet Reduced cabinet to six members as first act as president of Y. M. C. A.
20 Preparedness Marion McFarland Walker spoke about being prepared to go into the world; President Seerley gave an animated address to the men.
21 Track prospects Fifty-eight men have signed up for track try-outs.
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# Article Article Summary
22 A member of the College Eye Reminder to pay subscription.
23 As school was dismissed Many students visited their homes.
24 Miss Bernice Speers Visited her home in Iowa City.
25 Miss Bertha Koester Attended a convention and visited her brother.
26 Miss Broeksmit Visited Chicago.
27 Miss Constance Buswell Spent Saturday in Grundy Center.
28 Miss Elizabeth Bingham Visited friends on the Hill.
29 Miss Faith Downs Spent the weekend in Cedar Falls.
30 Miss Gladys Turner Visited friends at Bartlett Hall.
31 Miss Isabel Wolfe Is teaching in a rural demonstration school.
32 Miss June Winter Visited her sister Lucy.
33 Miss Leora Clemens Visited her home in Marshalltown.
34 Miss Lillian Lambert Sold her house and will be building a new one.
35 Miss Lorena Meek Visited her home in Bonaparte.
36 Miss Louise Thoene Spent weekend at home in Postville.
37 Miss Margaret Barnes Visited her home in Cherokee.
38 Miss Margretta Gunderson Spent some time in Dows.
39 Miss May Frederickson Visited her home in Humboldt.
40 Miss Metta Leftwich Metta Leftwich was in Carlisle on Sunday.
41 Miss Platner Visited Chicago.
42 Miss Susie Tenant Visited Mertle Riggs.
43 Miss Zelle Pattee Visited her sister in Story City.
44 Misses Althea Hindman and Beulah Dodd Spent Sunday in Colfax.
45 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vorhies Visited during the weekend.
46 Mr. Geo. Hollis May construct a new building.
47 Mr. Gus Regurs Is going to build a candy kitchen.
48 Mr. Ray Corbin Has been hospitalized with inflammatory rheumatism.
49 Mrs. Sily Visited her granddaughter.
50 N. C. A. Mae Flynn spoke about "The Work of the Church".
51 Thursday afternoon Physical Education Department gave a demonstration.
52 With other evidences of Spring The Manual Arts building is being completed; V. A. Barrigar has completed the excavation for a new building down the Hill.
53 Y. W. C. A. Helen Brocksmit led a devotional about self-mastery.
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# Article Article Summary
54 Last week Alene Thurtle visited her parents in Valley Junction.
55 M. N. Rockwell Visited his daughter.
56 Marie Purdy Visited Helen Fullerton.
57 Miss Agnes Dew Visited her sister last weekend.
58 Miss Bess Black Visited with friends in Cedar Rapids.
59 Miss Corrine Brown Spent the weekend in Chicago.
60 Miss Dorothy Houts Spent the weekend in Vinton.
61 Miss Drina Thompson Spent the weekend with friends in Marshalltown.
62 Miss Duncan and Miss Charleton Spent time in Chicago.
63 Miss Elizabeth Colt Was a guest of the Reverend Vannoy.
64 Miss Ella Norris Spent the weekend in Marshalltown.
65 Miss Ella Van Dellen Visited her sister.
66 Miss Florence Falkler Visited her aunt, Laura Falkler.
67 Miss Florence Wylem Visited with her sister Alice.
68 Miss Floy Porteous Spent weekend with friends in Cedar Rapids.
69 Miss Grace Hitchcock Visited the Hill.
70 Miss Hazel Shillinglaw Spent her vacation at her home in Cedar Falls.
71 Miss Helen Packard Is home for spring vacation.
72 Miss Ione McGee Visited friends in Mason City.
73 Miss Irene Berg Spent time in Mason City with Laura Conaway.
74 Miss Lillian Sherrard Is enjoying her vacation in Cedar Falls.
75 Miss Margaret Montillon Visited friends on the Hill.
76 Miss Margaret Munsey Visited friends on the Hill.
77 Miss Olive Nating Is in Finchford to teach at a demonstration school.
78 Miss Ruth Porter Visited with college friends.
79 Miss Taggart and Miss Robert Traveled to Chicago.
80 Misses Clarine Mueller and Bethene Smith Spent the week with friends in Webster City.
81 Misses Mary Sheridan and Vivian Muller Spent their vacations in Dubuque.
82 Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Hammersly Visited here on Sunday.
83 Mr. Chas. Lynch Entertained his brother from Green Mountain.
84 Mrs. Aldrich Visited her daughter Hazel.
85 Prof. S. A. Lynch Judged a debate in Galena, Illinois.