Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Former T. C. student soon to dedicate new school building Paul James to dedicate new school building in Worth County, Iowa.
2 Home oratorical contest soon; prepare your orations now Winner of college contest to represent Teachers College at the interstate oratorical contest.
3 Iowa Club has political rally; platform of both parties discussed Speeches given supporting each candidate for U. S. President and Governor of Iowa at Iowa Club meeting.
4 Miss Esther Brusie Esther Brusie attends State Teachers Convention in Des Moines.
5 Schoolmasters have banquet; President Seerley gives splendid talk First meeting of the Schoolmasters Club held.
6 Shakes and Aristos have informal; join in a feed after initiation, meeting to be made an annual affair Recap of events at literary society induction.
7 T. C. Schoolmasters at Des Moines; meeting to be made an annual affair Schoolmasters Club meets in Des Moines at the State Teachers Convention.
8 Teachers lose to Germans; team fights by starts Teachers College loses to Dubuque in football, 30-2.
9 The Melting Pot coming; a sketch of the personnel of the company which will appear in this production at the college auditorium next Monday evening Cast for "The Melting Pot" profiled; list of cast members.
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# Article Article Summary
10 The Parish Players The Parish Players to perform at the Cotton Theatre.
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# Article Article Summary
11 "Melting Pot" please great audience; a great production Review of a previous production from Colorado of the performance to be staged at the college auditorium.
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# Article Article Summary
12 Fair play Expressed displeasure at allegations of Buena Vista College recruiting ineligible men to play on their football team; other thoughts and comments on campus happenings.
13 Grow up Urges students to stop vandalizing posters and announcements on the bulletin board.
14 The spirit of winning Students from Teachers College believed to be endowed with the spirit of winning so that they strive to succeed and be leaders in whatever pursuit they may follow.
15 Unthankfulness Expresses distaste at local boarder's elitist attitude.
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16 '19 has mask party Class of 1919 holds masquerade party at the home of Helen Knapp.
17 Seconds Sophomores conduct Y. W. C. A. service; recap of events.
18 T. C. to have student council President Seerley makes arrangements to organize a student council in order to govern the student body.
19 The annual H. E. alumnae luncheon Annual H. E. alumnae luncheon of the Iowa State Teachers College held at the Chamberlain Hotel in Des Moines.
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# Article Article Summary
20 Alumni notes Alumni news.
21 Alumni notes Alumni news.
22 In politics News on alumni involved in politics.
23 National Secretary of China to visit I. S. T. C. Ruth Paxson to speak on her experiences in China.
24 Romeo and Juliet at The Empress; magnificent screen production coming to Cedar Falls on Friday, November 17 Review of movie playing at Empress Theatre.
25 We would like to have several students Students asked to respond to questions involving school spirit, absences, and why they came to I. S. T. C.
26 Y. M. and Y. W. Y. W. C. A. organizes Reading Circles in several boarding houses.
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# Article Article Summary
27 Another former student Mrs. Flemming was elected President of State Teachers Association.
28 Harry Lindsey Visited campus.
29 Herbert Matt Visited friends at ISTC.
30 I. S. T.C. alumni elected officers of State Teachers Association P. A. Long and Forest Ensign elected.
31 Jas. P. Degnan Graduate student at the State University.
32 Miss Anna Kenyon Visited friends on the Hill.
33 Miss Ida Rolfe Visited Mertle Riggs.
34 Miss Inga Tenold Visited here sister, Stella.
35 Miss Jennie Harris Is teaching in Hampton.
37 Mr. Bloom Is teaching in Rolfe.
38 Mr. John Cogswell Visited his sister, Myra.
41 Mrs. D. I. Travis Died in Los Angeles.
43 Study Centers, Nov. 11 List of people at study center meetings.
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# Article Article Summary
36 Miss Pauline Rose Spent a weekend at Cornell.
39 Mr. S. F. Hersey Spent Sunday at Grinnell.
40 Mrs. and Mrs. Cherry Visited their daughter.
42 Rev. and Mrs. J. Jorgensen Called on their son, Peter.
44 Study Centers, Nov. 11 Faculty assigned to centers listed.
45 The Band Master Wants lyrics for a football cheer.
46 The College Band Is rehearsing music.
47 The Misses Opal Robinson, '15 and Nell Cooper Are teaching in Nevada, Iowa.
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# Article Article Summary
48 College calendar Meetings and events listed.
49 Death of one of our number Mildred Eules died.
50 Hazel Chambers Is teaching in Woodbine.
51 Miss Belva Thompson's mother Visited her daughter Belva.
52 Miss Dagmar Sperati Has returned home due to family illness.
53 Miss Edna Hale Had blood poisoning.
54 Miss Elizabeth Dew Spent the weekend in Ames.
55 Miss Emma Findlay Visited her cousin Sara Rice.
56 Miss Ethel Keith Visited her sister, Bess.
57 Miss Florence Cardin Visited Waterloo and Cedar Falls.
58 Miss Gail Gardner Visited her sister in Kelsey.
59 Miss Hattie Debbe Visited her sister at ISTC.
60 Miss Louise Gibbs Visited Reinbeck.
61 Miss Mabel Dankwordt Is recovering from an operation for appendicitis.
62 Miss Marie Purdy Is teaching.
63 Miss Marshall Huntoon Visited friends in Ames.
64 Miss Olive Statse Spent the weekend with Marion Asher in Clarksville.
65 Miss Victoria Mercheva Is ill and may require and operation.
66 Miss Viola Auten Is visiting her sister and friends.
67 Mr. and Mrs. Briar Spent time with Avis and Bess.
68 Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Rugg Visited friends in Kensett.
69 Mr. and Mrs. Sessions Visited their daughter.
70 Mr. Arnold Albert and Mr. Don McKee Visited friends in Cedar Falls.
71 Mr. D. W. Sedgerwood Visited Opal King.
72 Mr. E. Altroch Visited Beatrice Johns.
73 Mrs. A. C. Haworth Visited her daughter, Benlad.
74 Mrs. Fields Visited Nate Fields.
75 The Misses Florence Kitchen and Delilah Walsh Spent the weekend in Clarksville.
76 The Misses Minnie Nicola and Laura Ravencroft Spent the weekend in Iowa City.