Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Christian pageant Christian pageant to be presented in the College Auditorium.
2 Football team given banquet; men of school and faculty entertain football men Faculty members speak on football and life.
3 Lafe Young elected captain; has played two years with Teachers Lafe Young elected captain of 1917 football squad; photo.
4 Mr. Harry Anderson Harry Anderson is producing a minstrel show at Vinton High School.
5 Senior pictures a necessity; Old Gold staff must fill panels before the holidays Old Gold staff requests senior portraits in order to complete section of Old Gold that is otherwise ready.
6 Teachers defeat Ellsworth; team puts up good fight Teachers College defeats Ellsworth in football, 13-0; photo.
7 Zoellner Quartette coming; personnel consists of father, daughter, and two sons Zoellner Quartette to perform as part of Lecture and Entertainment Course.
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# Article Article Summary
8 Achoth initiation New members initiated.
9 Mr. Burton Thatcher Burton Thatcher secured as baritone soloist for the "Messiah".
10 Sideline notes of the game Notes on Pep Club, the College Band, and alumni all attending the Ellsworth game.
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# Article Article Summary
11 Editorial Editor's remarks on Christmas, freshmen, women, 'bluffers' in class, and obnoxious people.
12 Football consolation Comments on the losing football season; congratulates the team for winning their final game.
13 George W. Hursey News of the death of George W. Hursey.
14 Midwinter play is selected; cast has commenced practice "A Pair of Sixes" to be performed under the direction of Bertha Martin.
15 Our treatment of the new student Urges students to be kind to first year men to make them feel at home and part of the college.
16 The light of Christmas Thoughts on the meaning of Christmas.
17 Why? Wonders why women are not as active as men at the college, even during a women's equality movement.
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# Article Article Summary
18 Miss Hazel Linderman Hazel Linderman will teach in Des Moines; Lenora Pendleton visited friends in Ames.
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19 Alumni notes Louise Methfessel is teaching in California.
20 Bartlett Hall song Residents of Bartlett Hall sing hall song for the first time.
21 Chrestomathians elect Chrestomathians elect officers.
22 Citizenship Builders of America New organization seeks to build character among community members.
23 Sophomores elect Sophomore class elects officers for the coming term.
24 Y. M. C. A. Y. M. C. A. holds first meeting of winter term.
25 Y. W. C. A. Asks for donations to hold Christmas party for local children.
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# Article Article Summary
26 A recent number J. Percival Huget has article published.
27 At the Older Boy's Conference Former students head delegations.
28 Cinema-opera Ramona at Cotton Theatre Dec. 14, 15, and 16 "Ramona" to play under the auspices of the Commercial Club.
29 Death of their mother Baldwin family mourns loss.
30 H. E. '17 Second year home economics students receive their pins and elect officers for the coming term.
31 Hawley Whitacre Is superintendent at Sutherland; spent Thanksgiving on the Hill with his sister.
32 Jessie Cunning Has returned to work in Williston, North Dakota.
33 Miss Marguerite Reilsbach Is recovering from an illness.
34 Miss Marie Howe Is visiting her parents in Emmetsburg.
35 Miss Sarah Ochiltree Is teaching in Sac City and spent Thanksgiving here.
36 Mr. Harry Jewell Is a salesman in Cedar Falls.
37 Mr. Kennedy Visited campus last Sunday.
38 Prof. Lowell Welles Will be spending Christmas vacation on the West coast.
39 Space conditions Due to space limitations, some articles that could not be published will be in the next issue.
40 The Irvings' Thanksgiving program Recap of Irving Society Thanksgiving program.
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# Article Article Summary
41 "Andy" Meyer Is studying law at the University of Iowa.
42 Chas. H. Meyerholz Attended a conference in Iowa City.
43 College calendar Meetings and events planned.
44 J. Harley Boatman Is superintendent in Hudson and spent some time at ISTC.
45 Lulu Ewing Visited with friends on the Hill.
46 Miss Aura Clough Spent last weekend on the Hill.
47 Miss Corrinne Boovermeyer Will be studying here for at least six weeks.
48 Miss Elda Platt Will be going to Florida for the winter with her parents.
49 Miss Ethel Howard Is back in school.
50 Miss Olive Sessions Missed some school due to illness.
51 Miss Ophelia Shannon Has quit school and returned home.
52 Mr. Harry Young Visited friends at Milford.
53 Mr. Jerome Adams Visited Ruth Foskette.
54 Roy Davis Is at Ames.
55 The following is a clipping Ethel Porter married B. E. Harris.
56 The Misses Lydia and Sarah Hansen Spent Thanksgiving in Cedar Falls.
57 The showing of educational films Has been resumed at the Training School.
58 Vivian Johnson and Tom Brown Spent Thanksgiving at their homes in Cedar Falls.
59 W. McGrew Had an eye injury.
60 Wayne Martin and Kenneth Cotton Are studying dentistry.