Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Annual concert by Cedar Falls Band Program for event provided.
2 Baseball candidates at work; prospect fair Preview of the baseball team for the upcoming season.
3 Bishop Breyfogel gives address; finished orator Recap of speech given at assembly.
4 Church membership runs high amongst students A recent count reveals that 1192 of 1418 students belong to local churches.
5 Do you live in the country or in a small town? Y. W. C. A. to offer lectures on community leadership for women.
6 Four B. A. classes join in reception; biggest social event of year All four B. A. classes come together for reception.
7 Leonard St. John Leonard St. John appointed to a government chemist position at the University of Illinois.
8 Maylen Johnson Maylen Johnson visits campus.
9 Miss Marie Howe Marie Howe visits campus.
10 Miss Patt speaks on "Costume and Design" Hosted by the Ellen Richards Club.
11 Philos banquet Alphas; tables beautifully decorated Philos and Alphas hold banquet; Fred Lyon serves as toastmaster.
12 Track prospects promising; abundance of new material out Preview of track team for upcoming season.
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# Article Article Summary
13 Fern Sharp Fern Sharp visits campus.
14 Physical Training demonstration at Dubuque Students involved in demonstration listed.
15 Since the recent epidemic Because of impurities in the city water supply, the Pink Poodle has begun serving from other sources.
16 The Kaiser Poem that places the blame for the Great War on the German Kaiser.
17 What about the minstrel show? Inquires as to whether or not there will be a minstrel show.
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# Article Article Summary
18 Did you ever notice Takes notice of trend of students "bawling out" other students.
19 Have you paid Reminder for all delinquent College Eye subscriptions to be paid.
20 Local educators take big part in convention Teachers College faculty involved at the Dubuque conference; schedule of speakers with their presentation topics.
21 Mr. Salter Humorous anecdote involving Professor Salter and John Winn.
22 Mr. Zimmerman George Zimmerman spends his spring vacation at Cedar Falls.
23 To the literary societies The Interstate League of State Normal Schools asked to consider replacing memorized oratorical contests with extemporaneous addresses; the T. C. Forensic League forwards the question to the various literary societies.
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# Article Article Summary
24 Alarm clocks
Marion Rownd describes her disdain for alarm clocks.
25 Love making--a fine art
Ward--Hallie (Class of 1917; Extension Faculty)
Discourse on romance and relationships.
26 Military training in the colleges Advocates preparing students for military conflict, should America find itself embroiled in conflict.
27 Some of the small town newspapers Notices criticism of President Wilson in small town newspapers.
28 Strangers on our campus
Cruise--Pearl Giddings (Class of 1917; Extension Faculty)
Commentary on visitors to campus and their activities.
29 We are constantly reminded Criticizes those saying that T. C. has a lack of school spirit; believes it is shown in more sophisticated ways than yelling at athletic events.
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# Article Article Summary
30 C. S. S. A. Recap of events at last two Catholic Student Association meetings.
31 College Orchestra to appear again Program of events for performance provided.
32 Physical Training seniors give demonstration before N. E. I. T. A. Demonstration given in Y. M. C. A. gym before Northeastern Iowa Teachers Association; program of events provided.
33 What am I? A riddle criticizes those who come to college for no particular purpose other than to have a good time.
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# Article Article Summary
34 Changes in the Teaching Department Several new faculty added to staff.
35 Easter vesper services Musical service to be held in Auditorium on Easter Sunday afternoon.
36 Mrs. Casper Schenk Beulah Schenk conducts home economics lectures in Des Moines.
37 Mrs. Emma Ridley Colegrove, president The Northeast Iowa Teachers Association elects Emma Colegrove to its presidency.
38 New demonstration rural schools New rural demonstration schools add teachers.
39 North Central Association C. S. Cory to attend twenty-second annual meeting in St. Louis, Missouri.
40 Northeast and Southwest Iowa Teachers Association President Seerley gives addresses at regional meetings.
41 President of school board Des Moines School Board elects Hattie McCall Roberts, now Hoffman, president of the board for the 1917-1918 year.
42 Press convention at Colfax well attended First annual convention of the Iowa College Press held at Colfax; impressions of the event from Teachers College delegates.
43 Secretary of the National Suffrage Association Alice B. Curtis named secretary of the National Woman's Suffrage Association.
44 The Social Science Club Social Science Club to meet; the Reverend Metcalf will speak on conditions in England.
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# Article Article Summary
45 Akbar Bryson Is traveling to Canada to farm.
46 County superintendent of Butler County E. B. Hodges will be Butler County Superintendent.
47 Found!--what we're all looking for Zetalethean Society meetings professed to inspire students to work.
48 Harry McDonald Visited friends on the Hill.
49 Miss Ann Hoover Spent the weekend at home in Geneseo, Illinois.
50 Miss Catherine Morphew Visited friends on the Hill.
51 Miss Elizabeth Bingham Visited friends here.
52 Miss Ethel Beatty Is teaching in Storm Lake; visited the Hill.
53 Miss Francis Dearborn Is teaching in Iowa City; visited friends on the Hill.
54 Miss Hazel Nelson Is teaching in Fredericksburg; visited friends here.
55 Miss Leonora Arent Is teaching at the State University.
56 Miss Rowena McWhorter Alumni receive pay raises at their respective teaching positions at various locations.
57 Our advertisers Roster of businesses advertising in the College Eye.
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# Article Article Summary
58 A. C. Grubb Will take a position at Purdue University.
59 Amber Mockie Is working in Traer schools.
60 College calendar Meetings and events planned.
61 Grace Schwartz Returned last week.
62 Harry Anderson Visited over the weekend.
63 Henrietta Whittacre entertains a few friends Entertained in honor of Frances Hersey.
64 Miss Bess Howell Received word of illness of her mother.
65 Miss Broeksmit Spent some time in Chicago.
66 Miss Emma Lambert Entertained friends last week.
67 Miss Floe Correll Entertained friends.
68 Miss Florence Johnson Visited a friend in Janesville.
69 Miss Gretchen Krause Went home to be with her ill father.
70 Miss Hazel Goltey Visited her mother in Fort Dodge.
71 Miss Iva Patterson's mother Visited last week.
72 Miss Kate Sullivan Visited Professor McGovern.
74 Miss Mabel Richardson Has recovered from her illness and returned to school.
75 Miss Murrel Miller Spent the weekend at Washington.
76 Miss Ruth Foskett Had an operation for appendicitis.
77 Mrs. Fagan and little daughter Returned from a visit to Indiana.
78 Mrs. Morris Visited her daughter.
79 The following superintendents Have called, looking for teachers.
80 The Misses Bernice Eastman and Mabelle Desnig Visited their brothers in Ames.
81 W. C. T. U. Will hold a conference on Friday.
# Article Article Summary
73 Miss Lunette Cristy Spent the weekend at West Liberty.