Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Compulsory military training; Major F. N. Mead in charge Class will include field work, class work, and physical training; photo.
2 Draft affects enrollment Enrollment for the current school year is approximately four hundred students lower than during the 1916-17 school year.
3 Getchell heads advisory board Short profiles for members of the College Eye faculty advisory board; photo.
4 Men's mix Monday night Y. M. C. A.-sponsored event gives students and faculty a chance to become better acquainted.
5 New Vocational Building opens; a monument to vocational education Vocational Building is home to the Natural Science, Manual Training, Domestic Science, and Art Departments.
6 Oratorical declamatory contest Participants should choose a selection from recent speeches given by prominent speakers in the country.
7 Prof. E. J. Cable Professor E. J. Cable received his Doctor of Philosophy degree from the University of Iowa.
8 State conference high school teacher training departments Schedule of conference; many ISTC faculty will participate.
9 Wireless School opens soon; students register Wireless school is run by the U. S. Signal Service; open to men who want to take the course and are willing to enlist in military service.
10 Y. M. C. A. Bible study Bible studies are run by members of the college faculty.
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# Article Article Summary
11 Alumnae Faculty News News notes about former T. C. faculty members.
12 College Eye office Office will be temporarily located in Professor Fullerton's old office.
13 New department in piano Students enrolled in the Children's Music Department must be at least six years old.
14 President Seerley College Eye will publish the names of class officers.
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# Article Article Summary
15 Extension Service Roster of faculty members who conducted study centers.
16 Lewis H. Jones Lewis H. Jones, president of the State Normal School at Ypsilanti, Michigan, died recently.
17 Military instruction Major F. N. Mead had been temporarily placed in charge of military instruction.
18 Official Changes in faculty and staff for the 1917-1918 school year.
19 The enrollment Enrollment for the summer term: 2175 at Cedar Falls, 182 at Atlantic, and 162 at Sheldon..
20 The Extension Council Extension Council will organize the extension services provided by the three state schools.
21 The fall term The war is creating a need for teachers throughout the country.
22 The National Education Association The National Education Association has moved its headquarters to Washington, D. C., and elected J. W. Crabtree as the new Secretary.
23 The Rural Education Department Professors F. E. Fuller and A. C. Fuller join the faculty.
24 The Telegraph School The Commercial Club has been instrumental in organizing a school for teaching students how to be telegraphers.
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# Article Article Summary
25 College Eye Day Students and faculty are asked to subscribe to the College Eye.
26 Football? College needs to decide soon whether or not to revive the football team.
27 Men of the second draft Students should not feel guilty or be condemned for not serving in the U. S. Army.
28 The prodigal nation
Charles--John Wesley (Education Faculty)
Compares World War I to the parable of the prodigal son.
29 To our freshmen Encourages freshmen to take advantage of the opportunity to make friends and participate in social activities while at college.
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# Article Article Summary
30 Baccalaureate address
Seerley--Homer Horatio (President of ISNS and ISTC)
Part one of President Seerley's address titled, "The Power of the Endless Life."
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# Article Article Summary
31 Alpha Officers were chosen.
32 Chresto Officers were elected.
33 Classes Roster of class officers and sponsors.
34 Cliosophic program Program of performers and their work.
35 Homerian Society Homerians set up volunteer program.
36 Neotrophian Attended the movies together.
37 P. E.'s have party Students spent time dancing and eating at an indoor picnic.
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# Article Article Summary
38 Athletic Board Roster of board members.
39 Aubrey Grubb Ruth Monett married Aubrey Grubb.
40 C. S. A. A. News from the Catholic Student Association.
41 College Cafeteria opens Cafeteria is able to serve approximately 120 people at one time; new dining room will open in Bartlett Hall addition soon.
42 Faith Kiddoo Will teach home economics in Gunnison, Colorado.
43 Frank Johnson Will be teaching in Marcus.
44 Herbert Hottman Visited his sister.
45 Jack Herbster Had an honorable discharge from Ft. Snelling and is now teaching.
46 Jack Sly Has returned from Puerto Rico.
47 Leora Clemons Is teaching physical training in Council Bluffs.
48 Miss Lila Niel Went to Webster for the wedding of her sister.
49 Movies Movies will be shown every Saturday night.
50 Mr. Ray Was here for the convention.
51 Old Gold Old Gold publication has improved over the years.
52 The enrollment during summer term Numbers and locations printed.
53 William Boyer Is training in the ambulance corps in Texas.
54 Y. M. and Y. W. News from the Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A.
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# Article Article Summary
55 Adelphia Mitchell Attended a conference for Normal Training Teachers.
56 Amanda Rummels Was home to attend the wedding of her brother.
57 An interesting article Kenneth Colegrove published an article in the Syracuse Cosmopolitan.
58 Andy Meyer Is studying in Chicago.
59 Augusta Westfall Retired.
60 B. Robinson Visited his family before leaving with the draft.
61 C. E. Cavett Talks about consolidation in North Dakota.
62 E. E. Franklin Is teaching in Nevada, Iowa.
63 E. F. Grossman Is in radio service for the war.
64 Florence Butler Is teaching in Ogden, Utah.
65 Freda Franz Spent the weekend at home.
66 Freda Thoene Is teaching in Mannington, West Virginia.
67 Girls from Bartlett Hall Will be spending the weekend at their homes.
68 Harry Shedd Spent the weekend at home.
69 Hazel Chambers Is studying at Ames.
70 Helen Davis Entertained friends.
71 J. C. McGlade Took part in institute work in Guthrie Center.
72 J. J. Daly Is living in Decorah.
73 James Bennett Visited here last Monday.
74 Joy Mahacheck Spent the weekend in Nashua with Ruth Bellamy.
75 L. Jepson Will be attending school at Columbia University.
76 Lois Holyrod Went home after her father had an accident; she has since returned to school.
77 Manilla Pederson Spent the weekend in Nashua.
78 Mary McAdams's father Is visiting en route to Chicago.
79 May Varney Is teaching in Waterloo.
80 Miss Anne Kramer Is visiting friends in Bartlett Hall.
81 Miss Beulah Taylor Spent the weekend at home in Nashua.
82 Miss Charlotte Lorenz Studied at Johns Hopkins University.
83 Miss Hearst Is vacationing during the fall term.
84 Miss Oliver Is visiting her sister in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
85 Miss Spielman Visited her sister Cecil.
86 Mrs. E. M. West Is teaching in California and was recently married.
87 O. H. Maron Is going to France.
88 Prof. Mount Spent the summer on his farm.
89 Shakes and Aristos Had a watermelon feed.
90 Victor Peterson Spent the weekend in Cedar Falls.
91 W. H. Ray Is superintendent in Waverly.