Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 "War will not end soon" Joseph Forte Newton, minister of City Temple in London, describes the war.
2 Capt. Seymour may go to France soon R. F. Seymour is a former professor at T. C.
3 Florence Hinkle noted soprano Profile of singer Florence Hinkle; photo.
4 Football presents strong prospects Schedule of games.
5 Iowa Day a success Students talk about Iowa landmarks that are located close to their homes.
6 Military drill progresses; past week sees improvement in drill Roster of men enrolled in Company B; College Band played; cost of uniform and equipment.
7 My daddy--the captain of the Army Poem dedicated to Captain R. F. Seymour.
8 Professor R. L. Dickinson R. L. Dickinson married Kathleen Miller.
9 Students! Vote! Instructions for students who want to vote while away from home.
10 Why should I support the Y. M. and Y. W. Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. benefit not only T. C. students and faculty, but also residents of Cedar Falls.
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# Article Article Summary
11 Baccalaureate address
Seerley--Homer Horatio (President of ISNS and ISTC)
Part three of President Seerley's address titled, "The Power of the Endless Life."
12 Members of the faculty of the Extension Service Extension faculty have traveled over 250,000 miles on the railroads in the course of their duties in the last year.
13 Merge colleges Coe and Clark; consolidated instituted at Cedar Rapids Merger was approved by the delegates to the annual conference of United Brethren churches of Iowa.
14 Training School presents Iowa Day program Program was done in pantomime.
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# Article Article Summary
15 Alumni representations excepting those listed in the faculty T. C. alumni attending the Iowa State Teachers Association meeting.
16 Billie Burke at the Empress Review of the movie "The Mysterious Terry."
17 Iowa State Teachers Association Roster of faculty representing Teachers College.
18 Recognition service; Y. W. C. A. welcomes members Recognizes new members.
19 What are other colleges doing News from colleges around Iowa and throughout the country.
20 Y. M. and Y. W. News from the Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A.
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# Article Article Summary
21 A college paper College papers should take some time to report on what other colleges are doing.
22 All the faculty and student members Members of the Eastern Star and Masonic lodges got together at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Jackson.
23 An editorial Believes that most of what students learn in college come from things other than books.
24 An important school activity Urges students to support the Christian associations on campus.
25 Student Council Believes that the Student Council needs more power in order to be successful.
26 Treason? It is important for Americans to support their country.
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# Article Article Summary
27 Military comments Believes that all men on campus should participate in physical and military training.
28 Success Description of success.
29 To the editor of the College Eye
Jepson--Lawrence M. (Class of 1917)
Lawrence Jepson describes the view upon entering New York City.
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# Article Article Summary
30 Alpha notes Alphas hold picnic and tea.
31 Camp Dodge, Iowa
Albert Dippel describes life at Camp Dodge.
32 Can you make a sixty percent grade? Common sense questions to which many people may not know the answers.
33 Clio formal Description of the formal.
34 Neotrophian Had dinner at Bartlett Hall Cafeteria.
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# Article Article Summary
35 "Dutch" Arends and George Bleeker Spent the weekend in Ackley.
36 Benjamin Robinson Visited his parents over the weekend.
37 C. S. A. A. News from the Catholic Student Association.
38 Cedar Falls 66, Reinbeck 7 Game was played on the College Field.
39 College Eye office hours News and student opinion articles can be left in the College Eye box.
40 Elmer Erickson and Al Faber Were at Camp Dodge.
41 Fern Clark Sprained her ankle.
42 Fern Forrest Is spending the weekend in Ames.
43 Girls from Bartlett Hall gone for the weekend Roster of women who will be away.
44 Hope Foote Spent the weekend in Cedar Heights.
45 Ida Salyers Is spending the weekend in Ackley.
46 Lecture Committee makes important announcement Schedule of lectures for 1917-1918.
47 Marie Brown Is teaching in Floyd; visited Cedar Falls.
48 Miss Bernice Ravlin Was home for the weekend.
49 Miss Grace Wilson Is teaching in Marble Rock; spent the weekend with an old roommate.
50 Mr. Clayton Herry Spent the weekend in Cedar Falls and is preparing to enter military service.
51 Mrs. Esther Kramer Is staying with her mother; her husband has been called to service.
52 Mrs. V. Tostlebe Has been teaching for Professor Rice while she is away.
53 Olive Stake Is teaching in Holstein.
54 Paul Shoemaker Is taking classes in Ames.
55 R. D. Barr Was living in South Dakota, but will now work in Allison.
56 Ruby Whitham Spent the weekend in Webster City.
57 Study Centers Roster of faculty and the study centers and institutes where they will work.
58 The following alumni Were home for the weekend.
59 Vilma Orris Is teaching in Ackley and stopped by for a visit.
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# Article Article Summary
60 "Shorty" Rhinehart Has been visiting friends.
61 Abram James Refereed a game between Cedar Falls and Reinbeck.
62 Adrian Garnett Is in the coast artillery in Vermont.
63 Agnes Howie and Lela Salyers Spent the weekend in Hampton.
64 Audrey Spafford Has been ill for a week.
65 Bessie and Emma Aderman Spent the weekend at their home.
66 Carrie Grote and Mae Ricke Sent the weekend in Van Horne.
67 Dr. Stone Has been asked to help improve school work in Council Bluffs.
68 Edith McDonald, Mayme Penning, Hilda Stauffother, Elizabeth Meinzer, and Lyla Mapes Spent the weekend in Ackley.
69 Esther Gallup and Ethel Elliott Spent the weekend in Fairbank.
70 Everett Spafford Visited friends on the Hill.
71 Fern Scott Missed school because of illness.
72 Grace Hillier Spent the weekend in Charles City.
73 Hilda Faris, Marion Rash, and Miriana Andrews Spent the weekend in New Providence.
74 J. H. Lindberg Was hit by a car.
75 Kenneth Hill Spent the weekend with friends in Cedar Falls.
76 Lafe Young Was visiting Cedar Falls last weekend.
77 Larry Edwards Was visiting friends on the Hill.
78 Last Thursday evening Professor and Mrs. Lynch entertained the English Department.
79 Mahlon Johnson Visited friends here.
80 Maryeda Boyd's mother Is visiting from Algona.
81 Miss Delight Bump and Dorothy Cummings Spent the weekend in Iowa Falls.
82 Miss Ellen Loderstrom Visited here last week.
83 Miss Harriet Maltas Spent the weekend in Parkersburg with Ethel Warner.
84 Miss Luse Took part in institute work.
85 Miss Mabel Kennedy Was ill.
86 Miss Marjorie Molleston and Miss Margaret De Bovy Spent the weekend in Charles City with Grace Townsend.
87 Miss Mary Ormsby Is home in Cedar Rapids due to illness.
88 Miss Maude Linkey Spent the weekend in Walker.
89 Miss Maude McVey Spent the weekend in Traer with Iris Wilson.
90 Miss Shofield Attended institute.
91 Miss Tier Is sitting in on an English course today.
92 Mrs. R. E. Graves Visited her niece.
93 Mrs. Snowden Visited her daughter, Blanche.
94 Mrs. Walker Gave an address in Green.
95 Pierce Van De Brake and Merrill Harrison Came from Des Moines to visit Bertha Van De Brake before entering the service.
96 Prof. Luteyn Gave an address in Sibley.
97 Prof. Perrine Refereed a football game.
98 Prof. W. H. Bender Visited here after institute work.
99 Roderick Fullerton Visited his parents.
100 Roger Kingsbury Is home on a furlough.
101 The editor-in-chief Has heard from men in the service.
102 The student assistants Roster of assistants in chemistry.
103 There are 10 students Former students teach in East Waterloo.