Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 American colleges "over the top" in drive for Y. M. C. A. Y. M. C. A. is helping to keep the country in good spirits during the war.
2 Battalion parade causes interest; three companies from battalion parade and pass in review Men have begun wearing military uniforms around campus.
3 Lorado Taft, famous sculptor, in his studio Profile of Lorado Taft; photo.
4 Memorial exercises held for Arends; Sunday at 3 o'clock in Auditorium Description of the service for Arnold Arends.
5 P. E. demonstration main feature at Des Moines; class in gymnastics makes big hit Demonstration included gymnastics performance and a Patriotic Dance by Madeline Nesbit.
6 Parcel post rates are raised Rate raised 4%.
7 Patriotic program tonight; under auspices of Y. M. C. A., C. S. A., and Y. W. C. A. Performance program.
8 Y. W. C. A. conducts week of prayer Schedule of prayer meetings.
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# Article Article Summary
9 Robeson-Carter wedding invitations issued Myrtle May Robeson will marry Arthur Carter.
10 The Short-Hansen Company Leona Short and Ann Hanson performed at the Clarkesville Opera House.
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# Article Article Summary
11 Classes Class activities.
12 Lecture by McClurg on Yellowstone and Mt. Rainier National Parks Gilbert McClurg spoke.
13 Study Centers Schedule of faculty at study centers and institutes.
14 The approach of the Golden Age
Methfessel--Milton F. (Class of 1921)
Considers the good things to come out of World War I.
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# Article Article Summary
15 A military ball? Believes the military ball should be a party rather than a dance.
16 Bible study Will be studying "The Challenge of the Present Crisis."
17 Prof. Luteyn's chapel address
Luteyn--Peter (Mathematics Faculty)
Text of the address.
18 Student's essay contest Only one essay per week will be published in the College Eye.
19 The military ball Believes that dances should be allowed if they are properly supervised.
20 The weight of lives vs. two days Students should not try to change the faculty policy that prohibits dancing.
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# Article Article Summary
21 Dr. Charles I. Lambert Charles I. Lambert has been invited to give lectures at Columbia University.
22 Y. M. and Y. W. News from the Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A.
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# Article Article Summary
23 Books in the Library on World War Booklist of material on the war.
24 C. S. A. A. News from the Catholic Student Association.
25 Clarence E. Steele Clarence E. Steele is Recording Secretary for the Y. M. C. A. campaign being held in Maryland.
26 Florence M. Curtis Florence M. Curtis is the Physical Director at East High School in Des Moines.
27 John Gibbons John Gibbons is in the Aviation Corps in France.
28 Mary Caroline Mitchell Mary Mitchell married E. C. Meggers.
29 Mrs. J. R. Haywood Mrs. J. R. Haywood, the former Mabel Grace Wright, moved to Missoula, Montana.
30 Need for German study grows, says U. S. Bureau Bureau of Education says German should be taught in schools.
31 Ruth Hallingby Ruth Hallingby married Dr. H. P. Frost.
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# Article Article Summary
32 Alice Fletcher Spent the weekend visiting friends in Reinbeck.
33 Alta Mae Floyd and Leah Thompson Spent the weekend in Vinton.
34 Bartlett Hall girls gone for weekend Roster of those who were away.
35 Chas. E Stinson Recently moved to Williston, North Dakota.
36 Ethelda Swartwood Is visiting friends in Earlville.
37 Gladys Berg Returned home due to family illness.
38 Grace Wilson Is teaching in Marble Rock and spent the weekend with Gladys Braley.
39 Helen Tidrick Has quit school because of illness.
40 Ida Allen Returned home to Oelwein because of sickness.
41 Ina Salyers Is leaving school for the rest of the term.
42 Isabel Montgomery and Doris Brown Spent the weekend with Vera Sprague.
43 It was Jack Sly's first day He was mistaken for a student, though he was the new principal.
44 Leona Tatum Is visiting her sister.
45 Mary F. Wilson Returned home after the death of her sister.
46 Miss Broeksmit Attended homecoming at Coe College.
47 Miss Broeksmit and Miss Weisel Entertained friends for lunch.
48 Miss Elizabeth Burney Went to Iowa City for study center work.
49 Miss Helen Brown Spent the weekend with Dorothy Munson in Manchester.
50 Miss Platner's brother Is in the Navy and is here on leave of absence.
51 Miss Ruth Sweezy Has been absent because of tonsillitis and ear problems.
52 Mrs. Putney Has been sick for two weeks.
53 Mrs. R. C. Jongewaard Is spending the week with her daughters.
54 Prof. Campbell Resumed work on Monday.
55 Prof. Frampton Gave a recital to his pupils.
56 Prof. Luteyn Will give a speech at the Dubuque German College.
57 Prof. Mount Gave an address at Coe College.
58 The English Club Had a meeting.
59 The faculty are now very close Funds are being raised for the Y. M. C. A. Friendship Fund.
60 The first year primaries Had a party in the Gym.
61 The Kappas Had a tea.
62 The Y. W. C. A. cabinet Had a party at Willard Hall.