Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Miller Christiansen Miller Christiansen is in the hospital corps.
2 Piercy writes from France; with American Expeditionary Forces
Piercy--Frank G. (Class of 1920)
Talks about voyage to France.
3 Purple basketball squad picked; first game Friday; lineup uncertain Schedule for the season; will play Camp Dodge here first.
4 Radio school to open soon; Prof. Perrine in charge Will train men enrolled in military service.
5 Resigns pastorate to aid Armenians; the Rev. B. K. Apelian will devote all his time to soliciting funds; Turks killed his family; could not resist the Former student wants to focus on helping orphans instead of being pastor to a church.
6 Shillinglaw Y. M. sec'y in France; he writes to Pres. Seerley on camp work Needs equipment and supplies; camps range in size from one hundred to twenty thousand.
7 Summer school for public school Arguments given for and against year-round schooling.
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# Article Article Summary
8 Camp Dodge 1917
Faber--Albert (Class of 1917)
Albert Faber appreciates gifts from home.
9 Camp Dodge notes Selection for training has begun; Y. M. C. A. is bringing former President Taft to speak; a new and faster train service to Des Moines is being installed; a basketball tournament is being planned.
10 Corpus Christi, Texas
Berwick--Elmo R. (Student--1917)
Elmo Berwick is preparing to go overseas; appreciates gifts sent over the holidays.
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# Article Article Summary
11 Notes from the armory Drill schedule has changed; about thirty new men have enrolled.
12 Prof. Wright reappointed on Bible Study Committee This is his second year of service in this position with the Iowa State Teachers Association.
13 The Elementary School Journal Professor Dougherty published an article on handwriting; journal is available for students to read in the library.
14 To Ensign Bill; Prof. Van Oot gives farewell to Prof. Lockhart
Van Oot--Benjamin H. (Manual Arts Faculty)
Text of speech Professor Van Oot gave at Professor Lockhart's dinner party.
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# Article Article Summary
15 Longer school year? Believes a longer school year would benefit students in the long run.
16 Military suits Wants cadets to wear their suits only while on campus or training for the military so as not to show off their uniforms or to offend regular soldiers.
17 Military training Believes that military training should start in high school.
18 Miss Clara Sutter Clara Sutter visited; working as Demonstration Agent for Black Hawk County.
19 Our advertisers Encourages students to be patrons of advertisers.
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# Article Article Summary
20 Co-ed yell leaders Encourages women to be yell leaders.
21 How about those sweaters Thinks the school should raise money for sweaters for the football team.
22 Married Meg May Hawk married Avis L. Revell; Elizabeth Pierce married Herbert Sawyer.
23 Official Florence Zerwekh-Gilbert died last month; administrators from other colleges visited to inspect T. C. facilities; Wilbur Bender will be the new Inspector of Agricultural Education for Iowa; D. D. Johnson has left the teaching profession to pursue business
24 Rev. Joseph O. Johnson Joseph O. Johnson died last month.
25 T. C. H. S. administers drubbing to Reinbeck; score 26-22
T. C. H. S. won; next game against Manchester.
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# Article Article Summary
26 Ary-Eckstem Eva Eckstem married Lester Ary.
27 Hawley Whitacre Hawley Whitacre was home during the holidays.
28 Miss Henrietta Whitacre Henrietta Whitacre had an appendix operation.
29 More about the Red Cross Wants all students to join the Red Cross Club to display their patriotism.
30 Mr. A. O. Setzepfandt Alvin Setzepfandt spent the weekend at the college.
31 Shake-Aristo joint program Shakes presented Aristos with a service flag.
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# Article Article Summary
32 Fayner Anderson Is teaching in Hammond, Indiana.
33 Harry McDonald Was in Cedar Falls and will work in Illinois until he is called by the Navy.
34 Help! Help! Encourages students to submit their news.
35 Merland Haselman Is teaching in Waterloo.
36 Miss Anna Copley Stopped here on her way to Sioux Center where she now teaches.
37 Mr. Alvin Tostlebe Is teaching in Alta until he is called to the Navy.
38 Mrs. Gilchrist Has been here visiting her sick mother.
39 Rev. and Mrs. L. A. Johnson Welcome their newborn son, Louis Halvor.
40 Stanford-Shedd Harry Shedd married Clara Stanford.
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# Article Article Summary
41 Bird-Cross Gladys Bird married J. B. Cross.
42 Brian and Margaret Condit Spent Christmas at home.
43 Clarence Imlay Spent the holiday in Cedar Falls with family.
44 Edith Pickering Spent the weekend in Traer.
45 Edna Keefe Is teaching in Sioux City; spent her vacation on the Hill.
46 Everett Spafford Visited during the holiday vacation.
47 Fred Gerken Is taking classes at the State University.
48 Harold Palmer Spent his vacation in Cedar Falls.
49 Irma Van Der Veer and Henrietta Radell Are both teaching and recently visited here.
50 John Briden Is teaching at Sibley; visited friends here.
51 Julia Anderson Is attending school in Kentucky and spent some time here for the holidays.
52 Lieut. David Schmitt Spent the holiday in Cedar Falls with his mother.
53 Manford Kint, Lawrence Boyle, and Franklin Green Have entered the radio corps.
54 Margaret Bayes Is teaching near Malvord.
55 Miss Belle Hanna Visited Helen Klingaman.
56 Miss Edith C. Buck Spent her vacation visiting family.
57 Miss Eva C. Gregg Spent the holiday with family in Chicago.
58 Miss Hazel Morris Has been visiting here.
59 Miss Jessie Barnes Spent her vacation in Cedar Falls.
60 Mr. R. E. Follette Enlisted in the Navy and visited here as he went through town.
61 Nelson Hersey Will be working at the Sioux Center High School.
62 Peter Jorgenson Is teaching in Dagmar, Montana.
63 Private Merrill Bailey Spent his recent furlough in Cedar Falls.
64 R. Follette Enlisted in the Navy and was able to visit Cedar Falls.
65 The gospel team Performed in Dunkerton.
66 Those who have not paid Readers need to pay their College Eye subscriptions.
67 Word has reached John Mastain is in France with the American Expeditionary Force.