Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 "Merchant of Venice" at I. S. T. C.; audience pleased immensely; touches of mirth add much to play Review of the play.
2 Clarke E. Wilson Clarke E. Wilson is visiting Cedar Falls.
3 Dormitory has open night; girls stay at home to entertain men Men stage fake battle.
4 Dr. Heicher talks at chapel; new Presbyterian pastor gives stirring words to students Explains how anyone can be a hero or heroine, even if he or she does not go off to war.
5 Next issue women's number Roster of staff for special women's issue of the College Eye.
6 Old Gold staff ask cooperation Job of putting out the yearbook will be handled by four people instead of just two.
7 Oratorical contest Thursday night Winner will represent Teachers College in the annual Interstate Oratorical Contest of Normal Schools.
8 Paul James becomes president of Y. M. Paul James will replace Nelson Hersey when he leaves to accept a teaching position in the Sioux Center school system.
9 Teachers lose to Cornell; Purple put up great fight against Cornell; Cornell wins, 32-22 Summary of the basketball game.
10 Training School defeats Manchester--score 24--13 Summary of the basketball game.
11 Training School in relief work Domestic Science department of the Training School is sending relief packages for children in Europe.
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# Article Article Summary
12 Proposed Student Council constitution Text of proposed constitution.
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13 From a private at Camp Dodge
Spafford--Everett N. (Student--1916)
Everett Spafford describes life at camp.
14 Leo Hughes Leo Hughes, an advertiser in the College Eye, is undergoing an operation for appendicitis.
15 Mrs. Walker Mrs. Walker returned from Chicago.
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# Article Article Summary
16 Fern Sharp Fern Sharp visited Cedar Falls.
17 Salaries or pensions Teachers should expect to be paid salaries instead of pensions.
18 Student Council constitution Constitution must be approved by both the students and the faculty.
19 The Cedar Falls War Savings Committee Joseph Cowan is in charge of publicizing War Savings Bonds in Cedar Falls.
20 The next issue Next issue of the College Eye will be published by an all-women team.
21 This is a request of our government Encourages students to buy war bonds.
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# Article Article Summary
22 Official Alumni news; Y. M. C. A. Friendship Fund has $8000 in pledges.
23 Old Gold
Shoemaker--Harold (Class of 1918)
Requests student pictures as soon as possible.
24 What other schools are doing News of conference schools.
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25 At the armory . . . News of students in military service; Military Band needs a drummer and two bugle players.
26 Bartlett Hall Open house was held; Arthur Snyder played the lead role in a skit.
27 C. S. A. A. Regular meetings have been cancelled until the buildings open again; will meet in La Salle Hall next week.
28 Dear friends at T. C.
Fortsch--Lynne E. (Class of 1919)
Lynne Fortsch expresses thanks for the Christmas package.
29 Y. M. and Y. W. News from the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A; faculty changes; meeting notes.
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# Article Article Summary
30 Gymnasium and Auditorium building closed indefinitely after five o'clock Conservation plan includes closing all buildings except for the library at five o'clock; society meetings need to be held at different times.
31 I. S. T. C. student interned Friend plays practical joke.
32 Joseph F. Wright receives recognition thru outing magazine; former athletic star and son of Prof. Wright. Joseph Wright is the Athletic Director at Camp Logan in Houston, Texas.
33 Men's Bible Study will be conducted in down-town churches Buildings on campus have been closed to save fuel so the studies have to meet elsewhere.
34 Miss Pearl McLain Pearl McLain is student teaching in Finchford.
35 No college movies any more; suspension necessary on account of fuel shortage The Lecture Committee did not extend the contract due to fuel shortages.
36 Office report of Student Friendship Fund Students have paid $2877.98 of their dues and faculty members have paid $2762.95 of their dues; expects total donations to be over $8000 by the end of the year.
37 Orios Elected officers.
38 Prof. McCreary and Paul Wartman give fine cornet duet Students enjoyed performance.
39 Prof. Perrine goes into Chicago to see about radio work
Perrine--James Owen (Science Faculty)
Radio School enrollment is not limited to drafted men; the program at T. C. is more comprehensive than at other schools.
40 Social Science Club Topics will center around the war.
41 The basketball team Basketball team will play East Waterloo Independents in a practice game; students invited to attend.
42 The following teachers Roster of students who have secured teaching positions through the Bureau of Recommendations.
43 The Purple and Gold Second string basketball team will play Charles City Y. M. C. A.
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# Article Article Summary
44 Citizen's Lyceum Course presents Dr. Whitefield Dr. Whitefield will speak about his travels in South America.
45 Dorothy Lamb Is teaching in Epworth; visited Bartlett Hall recently.
46 Eva Church Spent the weekend with her cousin.
47 Grace Wilson Spent time in Cedar Falls before leaving to teach in Marble Rock.
48 Mable Gauger and Wilma Raymond Were guests in Waterloo over the weekend.
49 Messrs. Berkstresser, Melsier and Hoffman Were doing some delayed Christmas shopping.
50 Miss Anna Cordts Visited the Hill on her way to a study center session.
51 Miss Anna Larson Has returned from Marshalltown.
52 Miss Edith Long Is trying to regain her strength living in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
53 Miss Elizabeth Hughes estate presents library to Columbus Junction H. S. A board member who graduated with Elizabeth Hughes bought bookcases to house the books.
54 Miss Eunice Lee Is teaching in Webster City.
55 Miss Evelyn Somers Entertained Paul Fingerson.
56 Miss Harriet Howell Welcomes her newborn son, Frank Burdette.
57 Miss Helen Marr Smith Is teaching in Des Moines.
58 Miss Helen Nelson Is engaged in practice teaching in Cedar City.
59 Miss Helen Stine's mother Was visiting.
60 Miss Henrietta Thornton Is visiting Washington, D. C.
61 Miss Hope Nunamaker Is teaching in Boone; was the guest of Ilene Cummer.
62 Miss Lela Linder Sprained her ankle.
63 Miss Marvel Wright Spent the weekend in Ackley.
64 Miss Ruth Goodrich's mother Is visiting.
65 Miss Wiesel Returned from a convention in Massachusetts.
66 Mr. Ahrens Gave a talk for some of the students.
67 Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Nelson Are living in Denton, Texas.
68 Mr. Jesse Shaw Has enlisted.
69 Mr. Zechiel Is in radio service in Chicago.
70 Prof. Knoepfler Was sick last week.
71 Prof. Perrine Visited the radio department at the Great Lakes Radio School.
72 Raph Mitchell Joined the Navy.
73 Ruth Foskette Is teaching in Garner with Anna Hoover.
74 The freshmen campfire girls Will entertain at the home of Helen McAlvin.
75 The Homerians Had a surprise party for Verna Zarr.
76 The Social Science Club Will meet January 22.