Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 "The Real Thing" at Camp Dodge; presented in Y. M. C. A. building
Justesen--Axel E. (Classes of 1912 and 1916)
Review of the play "The Real Thing".
2 Bostonia Sextette Thursday night; popular concert will be given String sextette will perform the next lecture number.
3 College Eye staff for 1918-1919; staff elected Thursday for ensuing year Editors chosen for next year's College Eye; Nelson Hersey will be editor in chief, Ernest Glenn will be business manager, and Lois Morris will be local and alumni editor; photo.
4 Pres. Seerley President Seerley went to a National Educational Convention in New Jersey.
5 Teachers win conference championship; Teachers 21 Upper Iowa 13; Dickinson and Thompson star. Ruf game. Many fouls.
6 Warren Proctor will sing here; famous tenor of Chicago will be at the Cotton Theatre March 19th Has agreed to a record deal with Columbia; will perform live in Cedar Falls; photo.
7 What Americans are saying about college students College students need to stand together to improve the future of our country.
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# Article Article Summary
8 Are I. S. T. C. students slackers? Answer your country's call Encourages students to enlist in military service.
9 Dakin-Christensen Mamie Christensen married Harold Dakin.
10 From the Committee on Public Information Division on Women's War Work Libraries in Red Cross hospitals will be employing women to run them.
11 Prof. Palmer talks to the country truck growers association Twenty-five members were present; discussed methods of growing onions.
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# Article Article Summary
12 Abram James Abram James will referee several local games.
13 Faculty men are delegates to Congress of National Service in Chicago Will discuss the greater repercussions of the war.
14 Iowa Club Professor Campbell spoke on patriotism.
15 Military Column Military band played for Soldiers Banquet; college faculty encourages purchasing War Service Stamps; D. A. R. celebrated Washington's birthday.
16 Miss Burney entertains Cecilians at the home of Mrs. J. O. Perrine Saturday night Will perform "The Japanese Girl".
17 S. S. party Played games and held contests.
18 Society Professor Getchell spoke to the Ossoli society about the importance of literary societies; Alphas and Philos held joint meeting.
19 T. C. High defeated in local game Lost to Cedar Falls High in basketball, 28-13.
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# Article Article Summary
20 Pan Germany Encourages support for liberating the countries that Germany currently rules.
21 Spirit! Encourages continued school spirit despite the loss of the previous basketball game.
22 Teachers' salaries Encouraged to read the previous article about increasing teachers' salaries.
23 Teachers' salaries must advance Gives multiple reasons for increasing teachers' salaries.
24 What other schools are doing News of other college campuses.
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# Article Article Summary
25 Official
Seerley--Homer Horatio (President of ISNS and ISTC)
Encourages continued support of colleges because their students support the military by joining the armed forces.
26 Red Cross Encourages people to donate $10 or more; has no use for canceled postage stamps.
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# Article Article Summary
27 What other American colleges are doing News of how other colleges are contributing to the war effort.
28 Women's war work Women must be emotionally and mentally prepared for the time when their husbands return from war.
29 Y. M. and Y. W. At Y. M. C. A. meeting, Perry Bond spoke on the "Laboratory Test of Christianity"; Harry Eells will speak about "Christian Standards of Action" next week.
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# Article Article Summary
30 Coe-Teachers game tonight Basketball game will begin at 7:30 p. m.
31 Director of the Training School, becomes Director of Vocational Education and Special Supervisor of Vocational Agriculture of Iowa W. H. Bender will return to Iowa for new position.
32 Endorsements of the student movement Prominent members of society encourage students' efforts for the war.
33 Macy Campbell will explain plan Black Hawk County has been extremely supportive of promoting and buying War Service Stamps; wants to extend this enthusiasm to the rest of the state.
34 Sunday morning classes in Mr. Fullerton's room Next discussion subject will be "The Fundamental Principles of the New Era"; all male students encouraged to attend.
35 Washington's birthday observed. Rev. Holland speaks Spoke about Washington's life.
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# Article Article Summary
36 "Jimmie" Miller Is taking classes in Iowa City and recently visited here for a weekend.
37 Agnes Sullivan Spent Sunday in Waterloo with friends.
38 Alfred Schluntz Visited Charlotte Prill.
39 Alvin Tostlebe Has left for training in the Navy Reserve.
40 Basketball conference here March 8 and 9 T. C. H. S. will host regional basketball games; winner will go to districts.
41 Charlotte Henry Spent the weekend in Des Moines.
42 Clara Henrickson Visited Miss Lewis in Iowa City
43 Ellen Goodlander Visited George North in Alta Vista.
44 Elsie Schmidt Was called home to Butte Creek.
45 Ethel Schilling Visited her uncle in Des Moines.
46 Florence March Visited Yeteve Taake in Iowa City.
47 Frank Jewell Has been called to military duty at Camp Dodge.
48 Garnet Maulsby Spent the weekend with H. C. Moeller
49 Georgiana Ruff Spent the weekend in Dumont.
50 Girls from Bartlett Hall Women who went home for the weekend.
51 Gladys Birum Visited Lois Addington in Cedar Rapids.
52 Glen Bailey Is a lieutenant in the Cavalry in Arizona.
53 Harry E. Shannon Spent the weekend on College Hill.
54 John Partington Was superintendent in Swea City but was called to duty at Camp Dodge.
55 Lela W. Salyers Spent the weekend with Agnes Howie in Hampton.
56 Lucile Knudson Visited Myrtle Fay in Aurora.
57 Maude Sinkey Spent the weekend in Aurora with Mr. A. Miller.
58 Maurine Mulnix Was called home.
59 Mayne Wood Spent the weekend in Marshalltown.
60 Milton Tostlebe Is at Fort Sheridan and has pneumonia.
61 Miss Edythe Pickering Was called home because of a family illness.
62 Miss Ella Christiansen Entertained a friend from Camp Dodge.
63 Miss Elsie Lorenz Went to Reinbeck to attend a wedding.
64 Miss Pearl Ward Visited her brother in St. Anthony.
65 Mrs. John Lewis Will be teaching in Mason City.
66 Myra Stores Visited a friend in Mason City.
67 N. E. Weems Is a student at the University of Iowa; visited friends in Cedar Falls.
68 Professors McKitrick, Meyerholz, and Knoepfler attend meeting of National Security League Feb. 21 and 22 Meetings revolved around how people can take more responsibility for the war effort.
69 Ray Cooley Visited friend here during a recent long weekend.
70 Rilla Bell Was in Marshalltown on Sunday.
71 Sergeant Clarence Brown and Sergeant Ralph Brown Spent their furloughs here.
72 Sly-Campbell John Sly married Blanche Campbell.
73 The following girls Were out of town for the weekend.
74 The second year Upperclassmen were entertained by first year students.
75 The sophomores Had a party.
76 Winifred E. Montz Spent the weekend with Hazel Williams in Shreyville.