Issue Contents

# Article Article Summary
1 Faculty, graduates, former students in the U.S.A., U.S.N., National Army and other service Assignments and addresses of alumni, faculty, and former students who are in the military service.
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# Article Article Summary
2 Army and Navy Supplement to issue 2 lists former ISTC students in military.
3 Brief Reports 1 Thomas B. Stewart leaving position of superintendent at Sac City to take position in Jefferson, Iowa.
4 Brief Reports 10 Eleanor Gray appointed Assistant Preceptress in women's dorm at Bellingham, Washington, State Normal School.
5 Brief Reports 11 William L. Hearst honored for service by professional men of Cedar Falls.
6 Brief Reports 12 Lilly Robinson promoted to Principal of Canton, South Dakota, High School.
7 Brief Reports 13 O. H. L. Mason cabled to returned to U. S. to serve as chief speaker for Third Liberty Loan.
8 Brief Reports 14 Karl J. Knoepfler and Corinne B. Record-Knoepfler have a new son.
9 Brief Reports 15 Mabel Dayton-Karr's husband, William Robert Karr, called to Army Y. M. C. A work.
10 Brief Reports 16 Mary E. Martin accepted as student at New York State Library School.
11 Brief Reports 17 Ray D. Nelson is faculty member at North Texas State Normal School and is chairman of the Advisory Committee of Y.M.C.A.
12 Brief Reports 18 Calvin J. Schmitt accepted superintendency of Washington, Iowa, Schools.
13 Brief Reports 19 Hawley J. Whitacre published report on motion pictures in "The Midland Schools".
14 Brief Reports 2 Melvin R. Fayram designated State Inspector of the Normal Training High School.
15 Brief Reports 20 Ivah Blank-Clayton published a literary paper in the P. E. O. Record.
16 Brief Reports 21 Don Deal transferred to Fort Dodge High School as head of commercial department.
17 Brief Reports 22 Fern E. Sharp enlisted in army.
18 Brief Reports 23 John E. Partington reported for duty.
19 Brief Reports 3 Erma L. Krout is editor of "The Highlander," and selected as Editor-in-Chief of "The Piper" college annual.
20 Brief Reports 4 Arthur S. Gist has studies published in "School and Society".
21 Brief Reports 5 Nelson Fay Cooledge in charge of manual training at Conway, Arkansas, State Normal School.
22 Brief Reports 6 G. L. Gunnerson graduated from Agricultural Course at Iowa State, was instructor of Agriculture at Ottumwa, and is superintendent at Sioux Center.
23 Brief Reports 7 Nell J. Gunn is in Nebraska City, Nebraska.
24 Brief Reports 8 Iris Livingston accepted position as Home Demonstration Agent for U. S. government.
25 Brief Reports 9 LeRoy A. Westcott appointed Regimental Surgeon at Palo Alto, California.
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# Article Article Summary
26 Brief Reports 24 Alvin Tostlebe reported for U. S. Naval Reserve Force.
27 Brief Reports 25 Milton Tostlebe is recovering from pneumonia.
28 Brief Reports 26 Frank Jewell returned home to report as soldier.
29 Brief Reports 27 J. Percival Huget installed as pastor of the Tompleins Avenue Congregational Church in Brooklyn, New York.
30 Brief Reports 28 C. Ray Aurner instructing in education at Cornell College.
31 Brief Reports 29 George Galloway is member of Iowa Reading Circle Board and Director of Fourth District.
32 Brief Reports 30 W. H. Hoyman arranged for students to get credit for Red Cross work.
33 Brief Reports 31 H. E. Blackmar issued course of study useful for his teachers.
34 Brief Reports 32 W. A. Ottlie accepted superintendency of Winthrop, Iowa.
35 Brief Reports 33 Fred D. Cram is Educational Director in Y. M. C. A. work at Camp Dodge.
36 Brief Reports 34 Charles H. Meyerholz gave course of lectures at Camp Dodge on governments.
37 Brief Reports 35 Mabel Louise Anderson published book "A Study of Virgil's Descriptions of Nature".
38 Brief Reports 36 Joseph B. Clay elected to Cedar Falls school board.
39 Brief Reports 37 Harry H. Huffman elected superintendent of schools of Clear Lake, Iowa.
40 Brief Reports 38 Mrs. A. H. Hoffman elected county superintendent of Polk County.
41 Brief Reports 39 George H. Hilliard appointed supervisor in University Elementary School at Iowa City.
42 Brief Reports 40 W. S. Yeager is Army Y.M.C.A. worker in France.
43 Brief Reports 41 S. A. Potts re-elected as superintendent of schools at Colfax, Iowa, with a pay increase.
44 Brief Reports 42 H. E. Blackmar named by Democratic Party leaders as candidate for superintendent of Public Instruction.
45 Brief Reports 43 H. C. Moeller re-elected as Black Hawk County Superintendent with a pay increase.
46 Brief Reports 44 John R. Slacks appointed Black Hawk County Club leader.
47 Deaths 1 Izola M. Sweeney died after brief illness January 24, 1918.
48 Marriages 1 Inez Brown married Harry McDonald February 28, 1918.
49 Marriages 10 Mildred Walls married Howard J. Robinson April 15, 1918.
50 Marriages 2 J. F. Sly married Blanch Campbell February 16, 1918.
51 Marriages 3 Frank Richards married Margaret E. Montillon December 1917.
52 Marriages 4 Margaret Dick married R. Angus Steadman.
53 Marriages 5 Zetta Ruth Higgins married Charles E. Kirk March 8, 1918.
54 Marriages 6 Mabel Anderson married C. B. McDonald November 29, 1917.
55 Marriages 7 Ruth Margaret Cobb married R. S. Grossman February 1918.
56 Marriages 8 Lillian Stensrud married Irving A. Nelson February 3, 1918.
57 Marriages 9 Roxana A. Wellman married Grant N. Spinden November 29, 1917.
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# Article Article Summary
58 "The United States" Pageant "The United States", arranged by Elizabeth Hughes, was printed in "The Midland Schools".
59 Alumni Notes Graduates who had part in section programs of Iowa State Teachers Association.
60 Deaths 2 Helen Ruth Corning died of tuberculosis March 3, 1918.
61 Deaths 3 J. L. Packer died at Washington, Iowa, January 19, 1918.
62 Deaths 4 Alice Pierce died in Forest City, Iowa, January 1918.
63 Faculty 1 Belle C. Scofield spoke at Sioux City Teachers Association.
64 Faculty 2 Hope Graham spoke at Des Moines and Cedar Rapids State Teachers Associations.
65 Faculty 3 Cliff W. Stone spoke at Cedar Rapids Association.
66 Faculty 4 Grace Tear spoke at Cedar Rapids Association.
67 Faculty 5 Macy Campbell spoke at Cedar Rapids Association.
68 Faculty 6 Lilliam Lambert conducted session at Cedar Rapids Association.
69 Faculty 7 Corinne Brown spoke at Cedar Rapids Association.
70 Henry Sabin Henry Sabin died in California March 22, 1918.
71 Homer H. Seerley Homer Seerley chosen to represent Normal Schools of the Nation in National Emergency Council of Education.
72 James S. Fields James S. Fields became wheat expert, had wheat purchased by Canadian government, and won first prize at Dry Farming Contest.
73 Macy Campbell Macy Campbell developed way of selling War Savings and Thrift Stamps, adopted by Iowa. Macy Campbell now county chairman of Third Liberty Loan Campaign.
74 Professor D. S. Wright D. S. Wright vacationed in New York City to attend Religious Education Association of the United States and visit daughter.
75 Registered and recognized ISTC Bachelor of Arts degree received accreditation from Board of Regents of New York.
76 Registrar C. S. Cory and Mrs. Cory C. S. and Mrs. Cory vacationed at Hot Springs, Arkansas.
77 Summer Extension Schools Summer schools to be conducted at Spencer, Denison, and Red Oak.
78 The Consolidated School Conference The conference occurred March 7 and 8 with addresses given by Homer Seerley, A. M. Deyoe, J. A. Woodruff, and W. B. Sandford. Macy Campbell was executive chairperson.
79 The winter term graduates List of graduates for winter term.
80 Winifred Merrill Winifred Merrill will receive diploma from Institute of Musical Art in New York.
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# Article Article Summary
81 "Widow by Proxy" Mid-winter play "Widow by Proxy" was given by Dramatic Club with music by College Orchestra.
82 Basketball Men are in military training instead of physical training system at College; J. O. Perrine, former director, replaced by Russell Glasener.
83 County superintendents List of graduates elected as county superintendents.
84 Faculty in the Service 1 L. H. Van Houten is member of Medical Sanitary Corps as First Lieutenant.
85 Faculty in the Service 2 John Barnes to serve as Educational Director in the Army Young Men's Christian Association.
86 Faculty in the Service 3 Henry John Peterson to serve as Educational Director on request of Y. M. C. A.
87 Faculty in the Service 4 Harry L. Eells to serve as Educational Director through Y. M. C. A.
88 Faculty play Faculty members gave play, "The Real Thing", for Army Y.M.C.A. at Camp Dodge.
89 Forensic data Men debated Morningside College; women debated Coe College; Mr. Perrott to be representative at Interstate Oratorical Contest.
90 Resigned Edna Sanford resigns from post as Secretary of the extension office.
91 Student Friendship Fund Students and faculty contribute $8038.23 to Y.M.C.A.
92 The Old Gold Three new assistant editors with Old Gold; military section added.
93 The Radio School Telegraph school changed to Radio School with Professor J. O. Perrine in charge.