Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Cedar Falls honors memory of Dr. J. E. Snowden; his intimacy and association with college students not soon to be forgotten Obituary of the Reverend J. E. Snowden.
2 Denominationalism and Bible study
Wright--David Sands (Mathematics Faculty)
Y. M. C. A. is interdenominational.
3 Resolutions drawn up by N. E. A.; war spurs educational endeavors Most pressing item at hand is rural schooling.
4 Sgt. Tostlebe lectures to chemistry classes Spoke about medical and aviation work relating to the war.
5 Zimbalist Thursday night Efrem Zimbalist will present program; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
6 "Paddle" party a success Y. M. C. A. held a mixer in the gym; played games.
7 Student Employment Bureau Y. W. C. A. will operate bureau; both permanent and temporary positions are available.
8 Y. W. C. A. Miss Tinding spoke about her work in the Women's Christian Temperance Union.
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# Article Article Summary
9 College faculty hard hit by war; eighth faculty member at Teachers College enters army Y. M. C. A. service Irving Hart will do Y. M. C. A. work at Camp Dodge.
10 Spirit of West shown in war service Stories of patriotism.
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# Article Article Summary
11 "The Southern Beauty"
Justesen--Axel E. (Classes of 1912 and 1916)
Poem written by Axel Justesen.
12 Education at fault Buy Liberty Bonds and War Savings Stamps.
13 Equal service, equal pay Believes women should earn as much as men.
14 First things, first Encourages students to put war efforts ahead of other things.
15 Is this heresy? Believes that students should have to take more classes in their specialized area; all students are proving stronger in math, English, and history.
16 Sponsors decide to have Patriotic Day Instead of May Day, Patriotic Day will be held this year.
17 Teachers' salaries Believes demand for higher wages is warranted.
18 The L. L. and W. S. S. Explains Liberty Loans and War Savings Stamps.
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# Article Article Summary
19 War facts Information about what citizens in the United States are doing to help the war effort.
20 Women's war work Challenges rural schools to set themselves up as a place to discuss war topics and the responsibilities of citizenship.
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# Article Article Summary
21 Military column Encourages all citizens to sacrifice for their country.
22 Red Cross A summary of outreach campaigns by the Red Cross across the world.
23 Society Philos and Alphas held a joint meeting; Shakes held their regular meeting; poem describing why the owl is the Shakespearean mascot.
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# Article Article Summary
24 A public recital Will be given tomorrow in North Hall.
25 A regular soldier Professor H. L. Eells will do YMCA work at Camp Dodge; served in Spanish-American War.
26 Al Faber in Liberty Loan campaign Albert Faber is accompanying the regimental band of Camp Dodge.
27 Alma Hansen Was ill but has now returned to her school work.
28 Arthur Snyder Is engaged in farm work.
29 Bernice Eastman Spent the weekend with Eva Shoeman.
30 Cadet corps makes real trenches; trenches similar to those at Camp Dodge T. C. cadet corps dug trenches at Great Western gravel pit; will be used for drill.
31 Christa Jackson Spent the weekend in Washington, Iowa.
32 Corporal E. N. Spafford Is based at Camp Dodge; spent Sunday in Cedar Falls.
33 Drive for Liberty Loan progresses Wants to secure support for the government; everyone who buys a bond is encouraged to hold it before cashing it.
34 Ethel Carter Returned home to be with her father, who is ill.
35 Franklin Green Came home from Camp Perry on a furlough.
36 Genevieve Wilson Spent the weekend in Mason City.
37 Harry Shannon Visited Amanda Rummells.
38 Helen G. Brown Spent the weekend in Quasqueton.
39 Joy Mahachek and Florence Munger Spent the weekend with Ruth Bellamy.
40 Lucille Hofferd Visited her brother over the weekend.
41 Margaret Fluent Visited a friend in Charles City.
42 Mary McClure Returned home because of illness.
43 Maude Knoop and Frances Severance Spent the weekend in Ames.
44 Miss Hazel Morris Spent the weekend at home in Cedar Falls.
45 Miss Leon Short Entertained a crowd in Hudson.
46 Miss Olive Cooledge Spent the weekend here.
47 Mr. Corley Visited friends here over the weekend.
48 Mrs. McChane Had an operation for appendicitis.
49 Nelle Hubbard Spent the weekend at home in Monticello.
50 Positions accepted Roster of students who have found jobs.
51 Prof. Heartle Visited campus.
52 Professor Meyerholz Gave a lecture in Iowa Falls.
53 The following superintendents Were here to interview teachers.
54 The old and new Y. W. C. A. cabinets will have a conference.
55 Walls-Robinson Mildred Walls married Howard Robinson.